.. blogpost:: :title: Exam, doubts and poetry :keywords: exam, Eratoshène :date: 2016-03-03 :categories: examen This is one question we decided to remove from the final exam but I still do like it because it challenges people. How to make a connection between known algorithms and the following code. To your opinion, the following code is closed to: * `Djiksta's algorithm `_ * `Eratosthenes `_ * `Binary search algorithm `_ :: import math def meslogs_jusque(N): memolog = { 1:0.0 } for i in range(2,N+1): if i in memolog: pass else: l = math.log(i) total = i for j in range(total, N+1, total): memolog[j] = memolog.get(j, 0.0) + l total *= i while total < N+1: for j in range(total, N+1, total): memolog[j] += l total *= i return memolog