Source code for aftercovid.models.covid_sird_cst

# coding: utf-8
Implementation of a model for epidemics propagation.
import numpy.random
from sklearn.linear_model import ElasticNet
from ._base_sir import BaseSIR
from .covid_sird import CovidSIRD

[docs]class CovidSIRDc(BaseSIR): """ Inspiration `Modelling some COVID-19 data <>`_. This model considers that observed data are not the true ones. .. math:: \\begin{array}{rcl} S &=& S_{obs} (1 + a)\\\\ I &=& I_{obs} (1 + b)\\\\ R &=& R_{obs} (1 + c)\\\\ D &=& D_{obs} \\end{array} Where :math:`S`, :math:`I`, :math:`R` are :math:`R_{obs}` are observed. hidden, only :math:`S_{obs}`, :math:`I_{obs}`, The following equality should be verified: :math:`S + I + R + D = N = S_{obs} + I_{obs} + R_{obs} + D_{obs}`. We also get from the previous equations: .. math:: \\begin{array}{rcl} dS &=& dS_{obs} (1 + a) = - \\beta \\frac{IS}{N} = - \\beta \\frac{I_{obs}S_{obs}}{N}(1+a)(1+b) \\\\ \\Longrightarrow dS_{obs} &=& - \\beta \\frac{I_{obs}S_{obs}}{N}(1+b) \\end{array} And also: .. math:: \\begin{array}{rcl} dD &=& dD_{obs} = \\nu I = \\nu I_{obs} (1+b) \\end{array} And as well: .. math:: \\begin{array}{rcl} dR &=& dR_{obs} (1 + c) = \\mu I = \\mu (1 + b) I_{obs} \\\\ \\Longrightarrow dR_{obs} &=& - \\nu I_{obs} \\frac{1+b}{1+c} \\end{array} And finally: .. math:: \\begin{array}{rcl} dI &=& dI_{obs} (1 + b) = -dR - dS - dD = - \\mu \\frac{1 + b}{1+ c} I_{obs} - \\nu (1+b) I_{obs} - - \\beta I_{obs}\\frac{S_{obs}}{N} (1 + a)(1 + b) \\\\ \\Longrightarrow dI_{obs} &=& - \\nu I_{obs} - \\mu I_{obs} - \\beta I_{obs}\\frac{S_{obs}}{N} (1 + a) \\end{array} This model should still verify: .. math:: \\begin{array}{rcl} S_{obs} + I_{obs} + R_{obs} + D_{obs} &=& N = S + I + R + D \\\\ &=& S_{obs}(1+a) + I_{obs}(1+b) + R_{obs}(1+c) + D_{obs} \\end{array} That gives :math:`a S_{obs} + b I_{obs} + c R_{obs} = 0`. .. runpython:: :showcode: :rst: from aftercovid.models import CovidSIRDc model = CovidSIRDc() print(model.to_rst()) .. exref:: :title: SIRDc simulation and plotting .. plot:: from pandas import DataFrame import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from aftercovid.models import CovidSIRDc model = CovidSIRDc() sims = list(model.iterate(60)) df = DataFrame(sims) print(df.head()) ax = df.plot(y=['S', 'I', 'R', 'D'], kind='line') ax.set_xlabel("jours") ax.set_ylabel("population") r0 = model.R0() ax.set_title("Simulation SIRDc\\nR0=%f" % r0) Visual representation: .. gdot:: :script: from aftercovid.models import CovidSIRDc model = CovidSIRDc() print(model.to_dot()) See :ref:`l-base-model-sir` to get the methods common to SIRx models. This model is not really working better than :class:`CovidSIRD <aftercovid.covid_sird.CovidSIRD>`. """ P0 = [ ('beta', 0.5, 'taux de transmission dans la population'), ('mu', 1 / 14., '1/. : durée moyenne jusque la guérison'), ('nu', 1 / 21., '1/. : durée moyenne jusqu\'au décès'), ('a', -1.5025135094805093e-08, 'paramètre gérant les informations cachées (S)'), ('b', 1e-5, 'paramètre gérant les informations cachées (I)'), ('c', 1e-5, 'paramètre gérant les informations cachées (R)'), ] Q0 = [ ('S', 9990., 'personnes non contaminées'), ('I', 10., 'nombre de personnes malades ou contaminantes'), ('R', 0., 'personnes guéries (recovered)'), ('D', 0., 'personnes décédées'), ] C0 = [ ('N', 10000., 'population'), ] # c = b (nu + mu) / (mu - b * nu) # (1 + b) / (1 + c) = 1 - nu * b / mu eq = { 'S': '-beta * (1 + b) * I * S / N', 'I': ('beta * (1 + a) * I * S / N' '- nu * I - mu * I'), 'R': 'mu * (1 + b) * I / (1 + c)', 'D': 'nu * (1 + b) * I'} def __init__(self): BaseSIR.__init__( self, p=CovidSIRDc.P0.copy(), q=CovidSIRDc.Q0.copy(), c=CovidSIRDc.C0.copy(), eq=CovidSIRDc.eq.copy())
[docs] def R0(self, t=0): '''Returns R0 coefficient. See :meth:`CovidSIRD.R0 <aftercovid.models.CovidSIRD.R0>`''' return self['beta'] / (self['nu'] + self['mu'])
[docs] def correctness(self, X=None): ''' Returns :math:`a S_{obs} + b I_{obs} + c R_{obs} = 0`. :param X: None to use inner quantities :return: a number ''' if X is None: X = self.vect().reshape((1, -1)) return (X[:, 0] * self['a'] + X[:, 1] * self['b'] + X[:, 2] * self['c']) / self['N']
[docs] def update_abc(self, X=None, update=True, alpha=1.0, l1_ratio=0.5): ''' Updates coefficients *a*, *b*, *c* so that method :meth:`correctness <aftercovid.models.CovidSIRDc.correctness>` returns 0. It uses `ElasticNet < sklearn.linear_model.ElasticNet.html>`_. :param X: None to use inner quantities :param update: True to update to the coefficients or False to just return the results :param alpha: see ElasticNet :param l1_ratio: see ElasticNet :return: dictionary ''' if X is None: X = self.vect().reshape((1, -1)) X = X / self['N'] cst = - self.correctness(X) model = ElasticNet(alpha=alpha, l1_ratio=l1_ratio, fit_intercept=False), cst) coef = model.coef_ res = dict(a=self['a'] + coef[0], b=self['b'] + coef[1], c=self['c'] + coef[2]) if update: self.update(**res) return res
[docs] def rnd(self): ''' Draws random parameters. Not perfect. ''' self['beta'] = numpy.random.randn(1) * 0.1 + 0.5 self['mu'] = numpy.random.randn(1) * 0.1 + 1. / 14 self['nu'] = numpy.random.randn(1) * 0.1 + 1. / 21 self['a'] = numpy.random.rand() * 1e-5 self['b'] = numpy.random.rand() * 1e-5 self['c'] = numpy.random.rand() * 1e-5
[docs] @staticmethod def add_noise(X, epsilon=1.): """ Tries to add reasonable noise to the quantities stored in *X*. :param epsilon: amplitude :return: new X """ return CovidSIRD.add_noise(X, epsilon=epsilon)