Source code for aftercovid.models.covid_sird_mixture

# coding: utf-8
Implementation of a model for epidemics propagation.
import numpy.random
from ._base_sir import BaseSIR
from .covid_sird import CovidSIRD

[docs]class CovidSIRDMixture(BaseSIR): """ The model extends model @see cl CovidSIRD and assumes there are two variants of the same virus. The term `beta1 * beta2 * S * I1 / N * I2 / N` means that for all people being in contact with both virus, the second one wins as it is more contagious. .. runpython:: :showcode: :rst: from aftercovid.models import CovidSIRDMixture model = CovidSIRDMixture() print(model.to_rst()) .. exref:: :title: Mixture of SIRD simulation and plotting .. plot:: from pandas import DataFrame import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from aftercovid.models import CovidSIRDMixture model = CovidSIRDMixture() sims = list(model.iterate(60)) df = DataFrame(sims) print(df.head()) ax = df.plot(y=['S', 'I1', 'I2', 'R', 'D'], kind='line') ax.set_xlabel("jours") ax.set_ylabel("population") r0 = model.R0() ax.set_title("Simulation SIRD\\nR0=%f" % r0) Visual representation: .. gdot:: :script: from aftercovid.models import CovidSIRDMixture model = CovidSIRDMixture() print(model.to_dot()) See :ref:`l-base-model-sir` to get the methods common to SIRx models. """ P0 = [ ('beta1', 0.5, 'taux de transmission dans la population'), ('beta2', 0.7, 'second taux de transmission dans la population'), ('mu', 1 / 14., '1/. : durée moyenne jusque la guérison'), ('nu', 1 / 21., '1/. : durée moyenne jusqu\'au décès'), ] Q0 = [ ('S', 9990., 'personnes non contaminées'), ('I1', 8., 'nombre de personnes malades ou contaminantes ' 'pour le premier variant'), ('I2', 2., 'nombre de personnes malades ou contaminantes ' 'pour le second variant'), ('R', 0., 'personnes guéries (recovered)'), ('D', 0., 'personnes décédées'), ] C0 = [ ('N', 10000., 'population'), ] eq = { 'S': ('- beta1 * S / N * I1 - beta2 * S / N * I2 ' '+ beta1 * beta2 * S * I1 / N * I2 / N'), 'I1': ('beta1 * S / N * I1 - mu * I1 - nu * I1 ' '- beta1 * beta2 * S * I1 / N * I2 / N'), 'I2': 'beta2 * S / N * I2 - mu * I2 - nu * I2', 'R': 'mu * (I1 + I2)', 'D': 'nu * (I1 + I2)' } def __init__(self): BaseSIR.__init__( self, p=CovidSIRDMixture.P0.copy(), q=CovidSIRDMixture.Q0.copy(), c=CovidSIRDMixture.C0.copy(), eq=CovidSIRDMixture.eq.copy())
[docs] def R0(self, t=0): ''' Returns R0 coefficient. :param t: unused ''' return (self['beta1'] + self['beta2']) / (self['nu'] + self['mu'])
[docs] def correctness(self, X=None): """ Unused. """ if X is None: X = self.vect().reshape((1, -1)) return numpy.zeros(X.shape)
[docs] def rnd(self): ''' Draws random parameters. Not perfect. ''' self['beta1'] = numpy.random.randn(1) * 0.1 + 0.5 self['beta2'] = numpy.random.randn(1) * 0.1 + 0.7 self['mu'] = numpy.random.randn(1) * 0.1 + 1. / 14 self['nu'] = numpy.random.randn(1) * 0.1 + 1. / 21
[docs] @staticmethod def add_noise(X, epsilon=1.): """ Tries to add reasonable noise to the quantities stored in *X*. :param epsilon: amplitude :return: new X """ return CovidSIRD.add_noise(X, epsilon=epsilon)