Source code for aftercovid.optim.sgd

Implements simple stochastic gradient optimisation.
It is inspired from `
import numpy
from numpy.core._exceptions import UFuncTypeError

[docs]class BaseOptimizer: """ Base stochastic gradient descent optimizer. :param coef: array, initial coefficient :param learning_rate_init: float The initial learning rate used. It controls the step-size in updating the weights. :param min_threshold: coefficients must be higher than *min_thresold* :param max_threshold: coefficients must be below than *max_thresold* The class holds the following attributes: * *learning_rate*: float, the current learning rate """ def __init__(self, coef, learning_rate_init=0.1, min_threshold=None, max_threshold=None): if not isinstance(coef, numpy.ndarray): raise TypeError("coef must be an array.") self.coef = coef self.learning_rate_init = learning_rate_init self.learning_rate = float(learning_rate_init) self.min_threshold = min_threshold self.max_threshold = max_threshold def _get_updates(self, grad): raise NotImplementedError("Must be overwritten.") # pragma no cover
[docs] def update_coef(self, grad): """ Updates coefficients with given gradient. :param grad: array, gradient """ if self.coef.shape != grad.shape: raise ValueError("coef and grad must have the same shape.") update = self._get_updates(grad) self.coef += update if self.min_threshold is not None: try: self.coef = numpy.maximum(self.coef, self.min_threshold) except UFuncTypeError: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError( "Unable to compute an upper bound with coef={} " "max_threshold={}".format(self.coef, self.min_threshold)) if self.max_threshold is not None: try: self.coef = numpy.minimum(self.coef, self.max_threshold) except UFuncTypeError: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError( "Unable to compute a lower bound with coef={} " "max_threshold={}".format(self.coef, self.max_threshold))
[docs] def iteration_ends(self, time_step): """ Performs update to learning rate and potentially other states at the end of an iteration. """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def train(self, X, y, fct_loss, fct_grad, max_iter=100, early_th=None, verbose=False): """ Optimizes the coefficients. :param X: datasets (array) :param y: expected target :param fct_loss: loss function, signature: `f(coef, X, y) -> float` :param fct_grad: gradient function, signature: `g(coef, x, y, i) -> array` :param max_iter: number maximum of iteration :param early_th: stops the training if the error goes below this threshold :param verbose: display information :return: loss """ if not isinstance(X, numpy.ndarray): raise TypeError("X must be an array.") if not isinstance(y, numpy.ndarray): raise TypeError("y must be an array.") if X.shape[0] != y.shape[0]: raise ValueError("X and y must have the same number of rows.") if any(numpy.isnan(X.ravel())): raise ValueError("X contains nan value.") if any(numpy.isnan(y.ravel())): raise ValueError("y contains nan value.") loss = fct_loss(self.coef, X, y) losses = [loss] if verbose: self._display_progress(0, max_iter, loss) n_samples = 0 for it in range(max_iter): irows = numpy.random.choice(X.shape[0], X.shape[0]) for irow in irows: grad = fct_grad(self.coef, X[irow, :], y[irow], irow) if isinstance(verbose, int) and verbose >= 10: self._display_progress( # pragma: no cover 0, max_iter, loss, grad, 'grad') if numpy.isnan(grad).sum() > 0: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover "The gradient has nan values.") self.update_coef(grad) n_samples += 1 self.iteration_ends(n_samples) loss = fct_loss(self.coef, X, y) if verbose: self._display_progress(it + 1, max_iter, loss) self.iter_ = it + 1 losses.append(loss) if self._evaluate_early_stopping( it, max_iter, losses, early_th, verbose=verbose): break return loss
def _evaluate_early_stopping( self, it, max_iter, losses, early_th, verbose=False): if len(losses) < 5 or early_th is None: return False if numpy.isnan(losses[-5]): if numpy.isnan(losses[-1]): # pragma: no cover if verbose: self._display_progress(it + 1, max_iter, losses[-1], losses=losses[-5:]) return True return False # pragma: no cover if numpy.isnan(losses[-1]): if verbose: # pragma: no cover self._display_progress(it + 1, max_iter, losses[-1], losses=losses[-5:]) return True # pragma: no cover if abs(losses[-1] - losses[-5]) <= early_th: if verbose: # pragma: no cover self._display_progress(it + 1, max_iter, losses[-1], losses=losses[-5:]) return True return False def _display_progress(self, it, max_iter, loss, losses=None): 'Displays training progress.' if losses is None: # pragma: no cover print(f'{it}/{max_iter}: loss: {loss:1.4g}') else: print( # pragma: no cover f'{it}/{max_iter}: loss: {loss:1.4g} losses: {losses}')
[docs]class SGDOptimizer(BaseOptimizer): """ Stochastic gradient descent optimizer with momentum. :param coef: array, initial coefficient :param learning_rate_init: float The initial learning rate used. It controls the step-size in updating the weights, :param lr_schedule: `{'constant', 'adaptive', 'invscaling'}`, learning rate schedule for weight updates, `'constant'` for a constant learning rate given by *learning_rate_init*. `'invscaling'` gradually decreases the learning rate *learning_rate_* at each time step *t* using an inverse scaling exponent of *power_t*. `learning_rate_ = learning_rate_init / pow(t, power_t)`, `'adaptive'`, keeps the learning rate constant to *learning_rate_init* as long as the training keeps decreasing. Each time 2 consecutive epochs fail to decrease the training loss by tol, or fail to increase validation score by tol if 'early_stopping' is on, the current learning rate is divided by 5. :param momentum: float Value of momentum used, must be larger than or equal to 0 :param power_t: double The exponent for inverse scaling learning rate. :param early_th: stops if the error goes below that threshold :param min_threshold: lower bound for parameters (can be None) :param max_threshold: upper bound for parameters (can be None) The class holds the following attributes: * *learning_rate*: float, the current learning rate * velocity*: array, velocity that are used to update params .. exref:: :title: Stochastic Gradient Descent applied to linear regression The following example how to optimize a simple linear regression. .. runpython:: :showcode: import numpy from aftercovid.optim import SGDOptimizer def fct_loss(c, X, y): return numpy.linalg.norm(X @ c - y) ** 2 def fct_grad(c, x, y, i=0): return x * (x @ c - y) * 0.1 coef = numpy.array([0.5, 0.6, -0.7]) X = numpy.random.randn(10, 3) y = X @ coef sgd = SGDOptimizer(numpy.random.randn(3)) sgd.train(X, y, fct_loss, fct_grad, max_iter=15, verbose=True) print('optimized coefficients:', sgd.coef) """ def __init__(self, coef, learning_rate_init=0.1, lr_schedule='constant', momentum=0.9, power_t=0.5, early_th=None, min_threshold=None, max_threshold=None): super().__init__(coef, learning_rate_init, min_threshold=min_threshold, max_threshold=max_threshold) self.lr_schedule = lr_schedule self.momentum = momentum self.power_t = power_t self.early_th = early_th self.velocity = numpy.zeros_like(coef)
[docs] def iteration_ends(self, time_step): """ Performs updates to learning rate and potential other states at the end of an iteration. :param time_step: int number of training samples trained on so far, used to update learning rate for 'invscaling' """ if self.lr_schedule == 'invscaling': self.learning_rate = (float(self.learning_rate_init) / (time_step + 1) ** self.power_t)
def _get_updates(self, grad): """ Gets the values used to update params with given gradients. :param grad: array, gradient :return: updates, array, the values to add to params """ update = self.momentum * self.velocity - self.learning_rate * grad self.velocity = update return update def _display_progress(self, it, max_iter, loss, losses=None, msg='loss'): 'Displays training progress.' if losses is None: print(f'{it}/{max_iter}: {msg}: {loss:1.4g} ' f'lr={self.learning_rate:1.3g}') else: print( # pragma: no cover '{}/{}: {}: {:1.4g} lr={:1.3g} {}es: {}'.format( it, max_iter, msg, loss, self.learning_rate, msg, losses))