module numbers.cbenchmark_sum_type

Short summary

module cpyquickhelper.numbers.cbenchmark_sum_type

Measures the execution time of functions implemented in C, the measures are also implemented in C. The functions proposes different implements of a sum of all elements in vector.

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Measures the execution time of functions implemented in C, the measures are also implemented in C. The functions proposes different implements of a sum of all elements in vector.

cpyquickhelper.numbers.cbenchmark_sum_type.measure_scenario_Double(values: List[float], repeat: int = 100, number: int = 10, verbose: bool = False) ExecutionStat

Measure C++ implementation. Sum all elements with a double accumulator.

cpyquickhelper.numbers.cbenchmark_sum_type.measure_scenario_Float(values: List[float], repeat: int = 100, number: int = 10, verbose: bool = False) ExecutionStat

Measure C++ implementation. Sum all elements with a float accumulator.

cpyquickhelper.numbers.cbenchmark_sum_type.vector_double_sum(arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32]) float

Computes a sum in C++ with vectors of floats and a double accumulator.

cpyquickhelper.numbers.cbenchmark_sum_type.vector_float_sum(arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32]) float

Computes a sum in C++ with vectors of floats and a float accumulator.