.. _l-extra: .. _l-expose-explication: ========= Découvrir ========= .. contents:: :local: Culture algorithmique ===================== Programmation récréative, algorithmes, bouts de code, chaque exemple est indépendante des autres et propose un problème ou un jeu qu'on peut résoudre grâce à un algorithme et un peu d'imagination. * :ref:`l-algoculture` * :ref:`l-np-complets` Algorithmes illustrés ===================== *Finance* .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 specials/finance_autostrat *Graphes* .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 specials/tsp_kohonen specials/tsp_kruskal notebooks/expose_graphe_et_map_reduce notebooks/expose_rwr_recommandation notebooks/expose_TSP specials/floyd_dice *Images* .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 specials/image_synthese specials/corde *Puzzles* .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 notebooks/expose_vigenere notebooks/expose_einstein_riddle specials/puzzle_girafe specials/puzzle_2 specials/hermionne specials/sudoku *Statistiques* .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 notebooks/hash_distribution *Streaming* .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 notebooks/BJKST .. index:: entretien, entretien d'embauche, algorithme **Algorithmes réutilisables** * :func:`tsp_kruskal_algorithm `: `TSP `_ * :func:`draw_line `: `Bresenham `_ algorithm (line) * :func:`draw_ellipse `: `Bresenham `_ algorithm (ellipse) * :func:`distance_haversine `: distance of `Haversine `_ * :func:`bellman `: shortest paths in a graph with `Bellman-Ford `_ * :func:`connected_components `: computes the `connected components `_ * :func:`graph_degree `: computes the degree of each node in a graph `degree `_ * :func:`resolution_sudoku `: solves a `sudoku `_ Machine learning illustré ========================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 i_visualisation elections notebooks/expose_velib notebooks/ml_table_mortalite notebooks/ml_huge_datasets notebooks/ml_rue_paris_parcours specials/voisinage specials/elections .. todoext:: :title: Quelques idées de notebooks pour le futur :tag: plus * `bootstrap pair `_ * `The Large-Sample Power of Tests Based on Permutations of Observations `_ * `On Some Pitfalls in Automatic Evaluation and Significance Testing for MT `_ * `More accurate tests for the statistical significance of result differences `_ * `Randomized Significance Tests in Machine Translation `_ * `Statistical Hypothesis Tests for NLP `_ * `Unit 4: Inference for numerical variables Lecture 1: Bootstrap, paired, and two sample `_