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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 



4@brief Retrieve python files and run them. 


6import os 

7import sys 

8import hashlib 

9import time 

10import pandas 

11from pyquickhelper.loghelper import noLOG, run_cmd 

12from pyquickhelper.filehelper import explore_folder_iterfile 

13from pyquickhelper.filehelper.download_helper import get_url_content_timeout 

14from ..td_1a.edit_distance import edit_distance 



17def _get_code(mail): 

18 m = hashlib.md5() 

19 m.update(mail) 

20 b = m.digest() 

21 return int(b[0]) 



24def execute_python_scripts(root, df, col_names=None, url=None, eol="/", fLOG=noLOG, gen_mail=None): 

25 """ 

26 Retrieves all :epkg:`python` scripts and run them. 


28 @param root main folder 

29 @param df dataframe 

30 @param col_names dictionary for columns: 

31 folder, mail, program, out, err, url, cmp, url_content, key, time 

32 @param eol if not None, replaces end of lines by *eof* 

33 @param gen_mail generator of mails 

34 @param fLOG logging function 

35 @return dataframe 

36 """ 

37 if gen_mail is None: 

38 def iter_mail(mail): 

39 yield mail 

40 yield mail.lower() 

41 gen_mail = iter_mail 


43 def post_process(out, eol): 

44 out = out.strip("\r\t\n").rstrip().replace( 

45 "\r", "").replace("\t", " ") 

46 if eol: 

47 out = out.replace("\n", eol) 

48 return out 



51 res = [] 

52 for name, mail in zip(df[col_names.get("folder", "folder")], df[col_names.get("mail", "mail")]): 

53 row = {col_names.get("folder", "folder"): name} 

54 fLOG(f"[execute_python_script], look into '{name}'") 

55 subf = os.path.join(root, name) 

56 col_find = col_names.get("exists", "exists") 

57 if not os.path.exists(subf): 

58 subf = os.path.join(root, name.replace("-", ".")) 

59 if not os.path.exists(subf): 

60 row[col_find] = False 

61 res.append(row) 

62 else: 

63 row[col_find] = True 

64 store = [] 

65 for py in explore_folder_iterfile(subf, ".*[.]py$"): 

66 store.append(py) 

67 fLOG(" -", len(store), "programs found") 


69 col_out = col_names.get("out", "out") 

70 col_err = col_names.get("err", "err") 

71 col_prog = col_names.get("program", "program") 

72 col_time = col_names.get("time", "time") 

73 col_key = col_names.get("key", "key") 

74 col_size = col_names.get("size", "size") 

75 col_url = col_names.get("url", "url") 

76 col_ind = col_names.get("pattern_id", "pattern_id") 


78 if len(store) == 0: 

79 for mm in sorted(gen_mail(mail.strip())): 

80 mailid = _get_code(mm.encode("utf-8")) 

81 r = row.copy() 

82 loc = url.format(mailid) 

83 ind = {col_key: mm, col_ind: mailid, col_url: loc} 

84 r.update(ind) 

85 res.append(r) 

86 continue 


88 # test all programs 

89 outs = [] 

90 for py in sorted(store): 

91 cmd = f'"{sys.executable}" "{py}"' 

92 t1 = time.perf_counter() 

93 try: 

94 out, err = run_cmd(cmd, wait=True) 

95 except Exception as e: 

96 out = None 

97 err = str(e) 

98 out = post_process(out, eol) 

99 t2 = time.perf_counter() 

100 outs.append({col_out: out, col_err: post_process(err, eol), 

101 col_prog: os.path.split(py)[-1], col_time: t2 - t1, 

102 col_size: os.stat(py).st_size}) 


104 if url is None: 

105 for o in outs: 

106 r = row.copy() 

107 r.update(o) 

108 res.append(r) 

109 elif url is not None: 

110 col_cmp = col_names.get("cmp", "cmp") 

111 col_in = col_names.get( 

112 "sortie_dans_motif", "sortie_dans_motif") 

113 col_in2 = col_names.get( 

114 "motif_dans_sortie", "motif_dans_sortie") 

115 col_dist = col_names.get("dist", "dist") 

116 col_content = col_names.get("content", "content") 


118 if out is None: 

119 for _, mm in gen_mail(mail.strip()): 

120 mailid = _get_code(mm.encode("utf-8")) 

121 ind = {col_ind: mailid} 

122 for o in outs: 

123 r = row.copy() 

124 r.update(o) 

125 r.update(ind) 

126 res.append(r) 

127 else: 

128 for mm in sorted(gen_mail(mail.strip())): 

129 mailid = _get_code(mm.encode("utf-8")) 

130 loc = url.format(mailid) 

131 ind = {col_key: mm, col_ind: mailid, col_url: loc} 


133 if loc not in downloads: 

134 downloads[loc] = get_url_content_timeout( 

135 loc).strip("\n\r\t ") 

136 content = post_process(downloads[loc], eol) 

137 ind[col_content] = content 


139 for o in outs: 

140 r = row.copy() 

141 r.update(o) 

142 r.update(ind) 

143 out = r[col_out] 

144 r[col_cmp] = out == content or out.strip( 

145 ) == content.strip() 

146 r[col_in] = out in content 

147 r[col_in2] = content in out 

148 r[col_dist] = (edit_distance(out, content)[0]) if ( 

149 len(content) > len(out) // 2) else abs(len(content) - len(out)) 

150 res.append(r) 

151 return pandas.DataFrame(res)