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3@brief Some automation helpers to grab mails from student about project. 



6from pyquickhelper.loghelper import noLOG 

7from pymmails import MailBoxImap 



10def grab_addresses(mailbox, subfolder, date, no_domain=False, max_dest=5, names=False, fLOG=noLOG): 

11 """ 

12 Looks for some emails in a mail box 

13 from specific emails or sent to specific emails. 


15 @param mailbox MailBoxImap object (we assume you are logged in) 

16 @param date date (grab emails since ..., example ``1-Oct-2014``) 

17 @param subfolder folder of the mailbox to look into 

18 @param no_domain remove domain when searching for emails 

19 @param max_dest number of receivers to have a valid mail 

20 @param names if true, return suggestions for names for each mail 

21 @param fLOG logging function 

22 @return list of emails or tuple(list of emails, dictionary(email: name)) if names is True 


24 .. exref:: 

25 :title: Collect email addresses from mails in an inbox folder) 

26 :tag: Automation 


28 :: 


30 from ensae_teaching_cs.automation_students import grab_addresses 

31 from pymmails import MailBoxImap 


33 user = "xavier.dupre" 

34 pwd = "***" 

35 server = "" 

36 mailfolder = ["ensae/ENSAE_2016", "ensae/ensae_interro_2015"] 

37 date = "1-Dec-2015" 


39 box = MailBoxImap(user, pwd, server, ssl=True, fLOG=fLOG) 

40 box.login() 

41 emails = grab_addresses(box, mailfolder, date, fLOG=fLOG) 

42 box.logout() 

43 """ 

44 emails = mailbox.enumerate_mails_in_folder( 

45 subfolder, date=date, body=False) 

46 res = [] 

47 suggestions = {} 

48 for i, mail in enumerate(emails): 

49 if i % 25 == 0: 

50 if len(suggestions) == 0: 

51 fLOG(f"[grab_addresses] {i} collected {len(res)}") 

52 else: 

53 fLOG("[grab_addresses] {0} collected {1} names {2}".format( 

54 i, len(res), len(suggestions))) 

55 tos = mail.get_to() 

56 cc = mail.get_to(cc=True) 

57 if cc: 

58 tos.extend(cc) 

59 if max_dest > 0 and len(tos) <= max_dest: 

60 tos = [(m[1].split('@')[0] if no_domain else m[1]) 

61 for m in tos if m and m[1]] 

62 res.extend(tos) 

63 frs = [mail.get_from()] 

64 frs = [(m[1].split('@')[0] if no_domain else m[1]) 

65 for m in frs if m and m[1]] 

66 if names: 

67 identity = mail.get_name() 

68 if identity is not None: 

69 for m in frs: 

70 if m not in suggestions: 

71 suggestions[m] = {identity} 

72 elif identity not in suggestions[m]: 

73 suggestions[m].add(identity) 

74 res.extend(frs) 

75 res = list(sorted(set(res))) 

76 return (res, suggestions) if names else res 



79def extract_students_mail_and_name_from_gmail(user=None, pwd=None, server="", 

80 mailfolder=["ensae/actuariat"], 

81 date="1-Jan-2016", fLOG=noLOG): 

82 """ 

83 Extracts mails and names from a mail box. 


85 @param user user of the gmail inbox 

86 @param pwd password of the gmail inbox 

87 @param server gmail server, it should be ``""``, 

88 it works with others mail servers using the *IMAP* protocol 

89 @param mailfolder folder in your inbox to look into, 

90 there can be several 

91 @param date when to start looking (do not change the format, 

92 look at the default value) 

93 @param fLOG logging function 

94 @return list of dictionary ``[{"name": ..., "mail": ...}]`` 

95 """ 

96 box = MailBoxImap(user, pwd, server, ssl=True, fLOG=fLOG) 

97 box.login() 

98 emails, suggestions = grab_addresses( 

99 box, mailfolder, date, names=True, fLOG=fLOG) 

100 box.logout() 


102 rows = [] 

103 for mail in emails: 

104 el = {"mail": mail} 

105 if mail in suggestions: 

106 el["name"] = ";".join(sorted(suggestions[mail])) 

107 rows.append(el) 

108 return rows