:orphan: |rss_image| **apprentissage - 1/1** :ref:`Blog ` .. |rss_image| image:: feed-icon-16x16.png :target: ../_downloads/rss.xml :alt: RSS ---- .. index:: apprentissage .. _ap-cat-apprentissage-0: apprentissage - 1/1 +++++++++++++++++++ .. blogpostagg:: :title: Quelques articles :date: 2021-06-14 :keywords: implémentation :categories: apprentissage :rawfile: 2021/2021-06-14_papers.rst * `Deep Learning course: lecture slides and lab notebooks `_ (Charles Ollion, Olivier Grisel), `Master Year 2 Data Science IP-Paris `_ * `LocoProp: Enhancing BackProp via Local Loss Optimization `_ * `Understanding Failures of Deep Networks via Robust Feature Extraction `_ * `Understanding Failures of Deep Networks via Robust Feature Extraction `_ .. blogpostagg:: :title: Quelques articles :date: 2021-06-14 :keywords: implémentation :categories: apprentissage :rawfile: 2021/2021-10-09_papers.rst * `Simulation-based Bayesian inference for multi-fingered robotic grasping `_ ---- |rss_image| **apprentissage - 1/1** :ref:`2020-10 (1) ` :ref:`2021-01 (1) ` :ref:`2021-06 (2) ` :ref:`2021-11 (1) ` :ref:`2022-02 (1) `