.. _l-ensae2a2017: ENSAE 14/11/2017 ================ .. sharenet:: :facebook: 1 :linkedin: 2 :twitter: 3 :head: False Source: `Blog Kaggle `_. Présentation ++++++++++++ * :ref:`kagglereview2017rst` Librairies ++++++++++ * `py-R-FCN `_ : R-FCN: Object Detection via Region-based Fully Convolutional Networks (MXNet) * `Deformable Convolutional Networks `_, `example `_ * `ffm `_ * `rusboost.py `_ * `ND DIAL: Imbalanced Algorithms `_ Idées / algorithmes +++++++++++++++++++ * `R-FCN: Object Detection via Region-based Fully Convolutional Network `_ * `Linear Mixed Effects Models `_ * `u-net `_ * `Tiramisu `_ * `Incorporating Nesterov Momentum into Adam `_ * `SSD `_ * `RUSBoost: A Hybrid Approach to Alleviating Class Imbalance `_ Liens +++++ * 12/2017 - `Cdiscount's Image Classification Challenge `_ * 04/2017 - `The Nature Conservancy Fisheries Monitoring `_ * `The Nature Conservancy Fisheries Monitoring Competition, 1st Place Winner's Interview: Team 'Towards Robust-Optimal Learning of Learning' `_ * 04/2017 - `Data Science Bowl 2017: Can you improve lung cancer detection? `_ * `2017 Data Science Bowl, Predicting Lung Cancer: 2nd Place Solution Write-up, Daniel Hammack and Julian de Wit `_ * `Lung Nodule Andalysis 2016 `_ * `code 1 `_ * `code 2 `_ * `Predicting lung cancer `_ (9th) * 2017 - `March Machine Learning Mania 2017: Predict the 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament `_ * `March Machine Learning Mania, 5th Place Winner's Interview: David Scott `_ * `Building an NCAA mens basketball predictive model and quantifying its success `_ * 2017 - `Dstl Satellite Imagery Feature Detection `_ * `Dstl Satellite Imagery Competition, 3rd Place Winners' Interview: Vladimir & Sergey `_ * 2017 - `Two Sigma Financial Modeling Challenge `_ * `Two Sigma Financial Modeling Code Competition, 5th Place Winners' Interview: Team Best Fitting | Bestfitting, Zero, & CircleCircle `_