.. blogpost:: :title: Follow up on PyData in Paris :keywords: pydata :date: 2016-06-18 :categories: conference I added some notes taken from others presentations during the second day of `PyData `_: :ref:`l-pydataparis-notes`. This is my second PyData conferences and even if I missed on day this time (to prepare my slides), I've shared and learned. I particularly enjoyed the talk about the work `scikit-learn `_'s teams is doing to process issues and pull requests (see `The Scikit-Learn Day 2016: for enthousiasts, contributors and startup founders! `_). A couple of people insisted on the difficulty to hire people good in computer science, in computer and in science at the same time. I was wondering how I could talk about good practices in the software industry in my teachings in my teachings. Maybe I'll start by reading and commenting of couple of issues and pull requests from *scikit-learn* during a lecture. It turned out it was not so easy to find a page with the list of core developpers for *scikit-learn*. The best page is probably this one: `contributors `_. While looking for it, I discovered another library for RandomForest: `Boruta `_, implemented in Python by `Daniel Homola `_. Some others links discovered during this search: * `Accelerating RandomForest in Scikit-Learn `_ * `Six reasons why I recommend scikit-learn `_