.. _jspydymassspringdamperrst: ==== pydy ==== .. only:: html **Links:** :download:`notebook `, :downloadlink:`html `, :download:`PDF `, :download:`python `, :downloadlink:`slides `, :githublink:`GitHub|_doc/notebooks/2016/pydata/js_pydy_mass_spring_damper.ipynb|*` `pydy `__ simulates physical systems. Example from `pydy/../mass_spring_damper `__. `documentation `__ `examples `__ `sources `__ Here we will derive the equations of motion for the classic mass-spring-damper system under the influence of gravity. The following figure gives a pictorial description of the problem. .. code:: ipython3 from IPython.display import SVG SVG(filename='pydy.svg') .. image:: js_pydy_mass_spring_damper_2_0.svg Start by loading in the core functionality of both SymPy and Mechanics. .. code:: ipython3 import sympy as sym import sympy.physics.mechanics as me We can make use of the pretty printing of our results by loading SymPy’s printing extension, in particular we will use the vector printing which is nice for mechanics objects. .. code:: ipython3 from sympy.physics.vector import init_vprinting init_vprinting(use_latex='mathjax') We’ll start by defining the variables we will need for this problem: - :math:`x(t)`: distance of the particle from the ceiling - :math:`v(t)`: speed of the particle - :math:`m`: mass of the particle - :math:`c`: damping coefficient of the damper - :math:`k`: stiffness of the spring - :math:`g`: acceleration due to gravity - :math:`t`: time .. code:: ipython3 x, v = me.dynamicsymbols('x v') .. code:: ipython3 m, c, k, g, t = sym.symbols('m c k g t') Now, we define a Newtonian reference frame that represents the ceiling which the particle is attached to, :math:`C`. .. code:: ipython3 ceiling = me.ReferenceFrame('C') We will need two points, one to represent the original position of the particle which stays fixed in the ceiling frame, :math:`O`, and the second one, :math:`P` which is aligned with the particle as it moves. .. code:: ipython3 O = me.Point('O') P = me.Point('P') The velocity of point :math:`O` in the ceiling is zero. .. code:: ipython3 O.set_vel(ceiling, 0) Point :math:`P` can move downward in the :math:`y` direction and its velocity is specified as :math:`v` in the downward direction. .. code:: ipython3 P.set_pos(O, x * ceiling.x) P.set_vel(ceiling, v * ceiling.x) P.vel(ceiling) .. math:: v\mathbf{\hat{c}_x} There are three forces acting on the particle. Those due to the acceleration of gravity, the damper, and the spring. .. code:: ipython3 damping = -c * P.vel(ceiling) stiffness = -k * P.pos_from(O) gravity = m * g * ceiling.x forces = damping + stiffness + gravity forces .. math:: (- c v + g m - k x)\mathbf{\hat{c}_x} Now we can use Newton’s second law, :math:`0=F-ma`, to form the equation of motion of the system. .. code:: ipython3 zero = me.dot(forces - m * P.acc(ceiling), ceiling.x) zero .. math:: - c v + g m - k x - m \dot{v} We can then form the first order equations of motion by solving for :math:`\frac{dv}{dt}` and introducing the kinematical differential equation, :math:`v=\frac{dx}{dt}`. .. code:: ipython3 dv_by_dt = sym.solve(zero, v.diff(t))[0] dx_by_dt = v dv_by_dt, dx_by_dt .. math:: \left ( \frac{1}{m} \left(- c v + g m - k x\right), \quad v\right ) Forming the equations of motion can also be done with the automated methods available in the Mechanics package: ``LagrangesMethod`` and ``KanesMethod``. Here we will make use of Kane’s method to find the same equations of motion that we found manually above. First, define a particle that represents the mass attached to the damper and spring. .. code:: ipython3 mass = me.Particle('mass', P, m) Now we can construct a ``KanesMethod`` object by passing in the generalized coordinate, :math:`x`, the generalized speed, :math:`v`, and the kinematical differential equation which relates the two, :math:`0=v-\frac{dx}{dt}`. .. code:: ipython3 kane = me.KanesMethod(ceiling, q_ind=[x], u_ind=[v], kd_eqs=[v - x.diff(t)]) Now Kane’s equations can be computed, and we can obtain :math:`F_r` and :math:`F_r^*`. .. code:: ipython3 fr, frstar = kane.kanes_equations([(P, forces)], [mass]) fr, frstar .. math:: \left ( \left[\begin{matrix}- c v + g m - k x\end{matrix}\right], \quad \left[\begin{matrix}- m \dot{v}\end{matrix}\right]\right ) The equations are also available in the form :math:`M\frac{d}{dt}[q,u]^T=f(q, u)` and we can extract the mass matrix, :math:`M`, and the forcing functions, :math:`f`. .. code:: ipython3 M = kane.mass_matrix_full f = kane.forcing_full M, f .. math:: \left ( \left[\begin{matrix}1 & 0\\0 & m\end{matrix}\right], \quad \left[\begin{matrix}v\\- c v + g m - k x\end{matrix}\right]\right ) Finally, we can form the first order differential equations of motion :math:`\frac{d}{dt}[q,u]^T=M^{-1}f(\dot{u}, u, q)`, which is the same as previously found. .. code:: ipython3 M.inv() * f .. math:: \left[\begin{matrix}v\\\frac{1}{m} \left(- c v + g m - k x\right)\end{matrix}\right] Simulating the system ===================== Now that we have defined the mass-spring-damper system, we are going to simulate it. PyDy’s ``System`` is a wrapper that holds the Kanes object to integrate the equations of motion using numerical values of constants. .. code:: ipython3 from pydy.system import System .. code:: ipython3 sys = System(kane) Now, we specify the numerical values of the constants and the initial values of states in the form of a dict. .. code:: ipython3 sys.constants = {m:10.0, g:9.8, c:5.0, k:10.0} sys.initial_conditions = {x:0.0, v:0.0} We must generate a time vector over which the integration will be carried out. NumPy’s ``linspace`` is often useful for this. .. code:: ipython3 from numpy import linspace sys.times = linspace(0.0, 10.0, 100) The trajectory of the states over time can be found by calling the ``.integrate()`` method. .. code:: ipython3 x_trajectory = sys.integrate() Visualizing the System ====================== PyDy has a native module ``pydy.viz`` which is used to visualize a System in an interactive 3D GUI. .. code:: ipython3 from pydy.viz import * For visualizing the system, we need to create shapes for the objects we wish to visualize, and map each of them to a ``VisualizationFrame``, which holds the position and orientation of the object. First create a sphere to represent the bob and attach it to the point :math:`P` and the ceiling reference frame (the sphere does not rotate with respect to the ceiling). .. code:: ipython3 bob = Sphere(2.0, color="red", material="metal") bob_vframe = VisualizationFrame(ceiling, P, bob) Now create a circular disc that represents the ceiling and fix it to the ceiling reference frame. The circle’s default axis is aligned with its local :math:`y` axis, so we need to attach it to a rotated ceiling reference frame if we want the circle’s axis to align with the :math:`\hat{c}_x` unit vector. .. code:: ipython3 ceiling_circle = Circle(radius=10, color="white", material="metal") from numpy import pi rotated = ceiling.orientnew("C_R", 'Axis', [pi / 2, ceiling.z]) ceiling_vframe = VisualizationFrame(rotated, O, ceiling_circle) Now we initialize a Scene. A Scene contains all the information required to visualize a ``System`` onto a canvas. It takes a ReferenceFrame and Point as arguments. .. code:: ipython3 scene = Scene(ceiling, O, system=sys) We provide the VisualizationFrames, which we want to visualize as a list to scene. .. code:: ipython3 scene.visualization_frames = [bob_vframe, ceiling_vframe] The default camera of Scene has the z axis of the base frame pointing out of the screen, and the y axis pointing up. We want the x axis to point downwards, so we supply a new camera that will achieve this. .. code:: ipython3 camera_frame = ceiling.orientnew('Camera Frame','Axis', [pi / 2, ceiling.z]) camera_point = O.locatenew('Camera Location', 100 * camera_frame.z) primary_camera = PerspectiveCamera(camera_frame, camera_point) scene.cameras = [primary_camera] Now, we call the display method. .. code:: ipython3 scene.display_ipython() .. code:: ipython3 %load_ext version_information .. code:: ipython3 %version_information pydy, numpy, scipy .. raw:: html
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