module cli.make_encrypt_pwd

Short summary

module lightmlrestapi.cli.make_encrypt_pwd

Creates and runs an Falcon application.

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truncated documentation


Encrypts passwords to setup a REST API with lightmlrestapi.


Creates and runs an Falcon application.

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lightmlrestapi.cli.make_encrypt_pwd.encrypt_pwd(input='', output='', algo='sha224', fLOG=<built-in function print>)

Encrypts passwords to setup a REST API with lightmlrestapi.

  • input – file containing two columns <login>,<clear password> (comma separated values), no header, encoding is utf-8

  • output – file containing two columns <login>,<encrypted password>, csv, encoding is utf-8

  • algo – algorithm used to hash the passwords

  • fLOG – logging function

Encrypts password

Encrypts passwords for a REST API created by lightmlrestapi.


python -m lightmlrestapi encrypt_pwd --help


usage: encrypt_pwd [-h] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] [-a ALGO]

Encrypts passwords to setup a REST API with *lightmlrestapi*.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        file containing two columns <login>,<clear password>
                        (comma separated values), no header, encoding is
                        *utf-8* (default: )
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        file containing two columns <login>,<encrypted
                        password>, csv, encoding is *utf-8* (default: )
  -a ALGO, --algo ALGO  algorithm used to hash the passwords (default: sha224)

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