.. _fasterpolynomialfeaturesrst: ========================== Faster Polynomial Features ========================== .. only:: html **Links:** :download:`notebook `, :downloadlink:`html `, :download:`PDF `, :download:`python `, :downloadlink:`slides `, :githublink:`GitHub|_doc/notebooks/sklearn/faster_polynomial_features.ipynb|*` .. code:: ipython3 from jyquickhelper import add_notebook_menu add_notebook_menu() .. contents:: :local: .. code:: ipython3 %matplotlib inline Polynomial Features ------------------- The current implementation of `PolynomialFeatures `__ (0.20.2) implements a term by term product for each pair :math:`X_i, X_j` of features where :math:`i \leqslant j` which is not the most efficient way to do it. .. code:: ipython3 import numpy.random X = numpy.random.random((100, 5)) .. code:: ipython3 from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2) Xpoly = poly.fit_transform(X) poly.get_feature_names() .. parsed-literal:: ['1', 'x0', 'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x0^2', 'x0 x1', 'x0 x2', 'x0 x3', 'x0 x4', 'x1^2', 'x1 x2', 'x1 x3', 'x1 x4', 'x2^2', 'x2 x3', 'x2 x4', 'x3^2', 'x3 x4', 'x4^2'] .. code:: ipython3 %timeit poly.transform(X) .. parsed-literal:: 114 µs ± 12.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each) The class `ExtendedFeatures `__ implements a different way to compute the polynomial features as it tries to reduce the number of calls to numpy by using broacasted vector multplications. .. code:: ipython3 from mlinsights.mlmodel import ExtendedFeatures ext = ExtendedFeatures(poly_degree=2) Xpoly = ext.fit_transform(X) ext.get_feature_names() .. parsed-literal:: ['1', 'x0', 'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x0^2', 'x0 x1', 'x0 x2', 'x0 x3', 'x0 x4', 'x1^2', 'x1 x2', 'x1 x3', 'x1 x4', 'x2^2', 'x2 x3', 'x2 x4', 'x3^2', 'x3 x4', 'x4^2'] .. code:: ipython3 %timeit ext.transform(X) .. parsed-literal:: 68.7 µs ± 10.6 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each) Comparison with 5 features -------------------------- .. code:: ipython3 from cpyquickhelper.numbers import measure_time .. code:: ipython3 res = [] for n in [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 200000]: X = numpy.random.random((n, 5)) poly.fit(X) ext.fit(X) r1 = measure_time("poly.transform(X)", context=dict(X=X, poly=poly), repeat=5, number=10, div_by_number=True) r2 = measure_time("ext.transform(X)", context=dict(X=X, ext=ext), repeat=5, number=10, div_by_number=True) r3 = measure_time("poly.fit_transform(X)", context=dict(X=X, poly=poly), repeat=5, number=10, div_by_number=True) r4 = measure_time("ext.fit_transform(X)", context=dict(X=X, ext=ext), repeat=5, number=10, div_by_number=True) r1["name"] = "poly" r2["name"] = "ext" r3["name"] = "poly+fit" r4["name"] = "ext+fit" r1["size"] = n r2["size"] = n r3["size"] = n r4["size"] = n res.append(r1) res.append(r2) res.append(r3) res.append(r4) import pandas df = pandas.DataFrame(res) df.tail() .. raw:: html
average deviation min_exec max_exec repeat number context_size name size
63 0.037830 0.005577 0.031248 0.044832 5 10 240 ext+fit 100000
64 0.072671 0.005360 0.067559 0.082539 5 10 240 poly 200000
65 0.075712 0.018271 0.060476 0.100143 5 10 240 ext 200000
66 0.106755 0.019861 0.079880 0.139184 5 10 240 poly+fit 200000
67 0.074090 0.009142 0.063925 0.085899 5 10 240 ext+fit 200000
.. code:: ipython3 piv = df.pivot("size", "name", "average") piv[:5] .. raw:: html
name ext ext+fit poly poly+fit
1 0.000068 0.000402 0.000238 0.000275
2 0.000066 0.000156 0.000166 0.000213
5 0.000031 0.000427 0.000165 0.000196
10 0.000048 0.000237 0.000134 0.000306
20 0.000070 0.000188 0.000109 0.000153
.. code:: ipython3 ax = piv.plot(logy=True, logx=True) ax.set_title("Polynomial Features for 5 features\ndegree=2") ax.set_ylabel("seconds") ax.set_xlabel("number of observations"); .. image:: faster_polynomial_features_14_0.png The gain is mostly visible for small dimensions. Comparison with 1000 observations --------------------------------- In this experiment, the number of observations is fixed to 1000 but the number of features varies. .. code:: ipython3 poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2) ext = ExtendedFeatures(poly_degree=2) # implementation of PolynomialFeatures in 0.20.2 extslow = ExtendedFeatures(poly_degree=2, kind="poly-slow") res = [] for n in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 40, 50]: X = numpy.random.random((1000, n)) poly.fit(X) ext.fit(X) extslow.fit(X) r1 = measure_time("poly.transform(X)", context=dict(X=X, poly=poly), repeat=5, number=30, div_by_number=True) r2 = measure_time("ext.transform(X)", context=dict(X=X, ext=ext), repeat=5, number=30, div_by_number=True) r3 = measure_time("extslow.transform(X)", context=dict(X=X, extslow=extslow), repeat=5, number=30, div_by_number=True) r1["name"] = "poly" r2["name"] = "ext" r3["name"] = "extslow" r1["nfeat"] = n r2["nfeat"] = n r3["nfeat"] = n x1 = poly.transform(X) x2 = ext.transform(X) x3 = extslow.transform(X) r1["numf"] = x1.shape[1] r2["numf"] = x2.shape[1] r3["numf"] = x3.shape[1] res.append(r1) res.append(r2) res.append(r3) import pandas df = pandas.DataFrame(res) df.tail() .. raw:: html
average deviation min_exec max_exec repeat number context_size name nfeat numf
37 0.009331 0.001603 0.008280 0.012519 5 30 240 ext 40 861
38 0.022619 0.002868 0.018793 0.026324 5 30 240 extslow 40 861
39 0.013188 0.000370 0.012828 0.013888 5 30 240 poly 50 1326
40 0.012817 0.000102 0.012700 0.012951 5 30 240 ext 50 1326
41 0.030384 0.000717 0.029955 0.031813 5 30 240 extslow 50 1326
.. code:: ipython3 piv = df.pivot("nfeat", "name", "average") piv[:5] .. raw:: html
name ext extslow poly
1 0.000026 0.000059 0.000152
2 0.000055 0.000100 0.000113
3 0.000161 0.000381 0.000237
4 0.000148 0.000221 0.000219
5 0.000185 0.000340 0.000236
.. code:: ipython3 ax = piv.plot(logy=True, logx=True) ax.set_title("Polynomial Features for 1000 observations\ndegree=2") ax.set_ylabel("seconds") ax.set_xlabel("number of features"); .. image:: faster_polynomial_features_19_0.png It is twice faster. Comparison for different degrees -------------------------------- In this experiment, the number of observations and features is fixed, the degree increases. .. code:: ipython3 res = [] for n in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]: X = numpy.random.random((1000, 4)) poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=n) ext = ExtendedFeatures(poly_degree=n) poly.fit(X) ext.fit(X) r1 = measure_time("poly.transform(X)", context=dict(X=X, poly=poly), repeat=5, number=30, div_by_number=True) r2 = measure_time("ext.transform(X)", context=dict(X=X, ext=ext), repeat=5, number=30, div_by_number=True) r1["name"] = "poly" r2["name"] = "ext" r1["degree"] = n r2["degree"] = n x1 = poly.transform(X) x2 = ext.transform(X) r1["numf"] = x1.shape[1] r2["numf"] = x2.shape[1] res.append(r1) res.append(r2) import pandas df = pandas.DataFrame(res) df.tail() .. raw:: html
average deviation min_exec max_exec repeat number context_size name degree numf
9 0.001960 0.000067 0.001915 0.002094 5 30 240 ext 6 210
10 0.003131 0.000118 0.003009 0.003327 5 30 240 poly 7 330
11 0.003076 0.000233 0.002845 0.003393 5 30 240 ext 7 330
12 0.004299 0.000046 0.004243 0.004367 5 30 240 poly 8 495
13 0.004157 0.000035 0.004114 0.004217 5 30 240 ext 8 495
.. code:: ipython3 piv = df.pivot("degree", "name", "average") piv[:5] .. raw:: html
name ext poly
2 0.000140 0.000312
3 0.000304 0.000363
4 0.000506 0.000579
5 0.000715 0.000789
6 0.001960 0.002032
.. code:: ipython3 ax = piv.plot(logy=True, logx=True) ax.set_title("Polynomial Features for 1000 observations\nnumber of features is 4") ax.set_ylabel("seconds") ax.set_xlabel("degree"); .. image:: faster_polynomial_features_24_0.png It is worth transposing. Same experiment with interaction_only=True ------------------------------------------ .. code:: ipython3 res = [] for n in [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 200000]: poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2, interaction_only=True) ext = ExtendedFeatures(poly_degree=2, poly_interaction_only=True) X = numpy.random.random((n, 5)) poly.fit(X) ext.fit(X) r1 = measure_time("poly.transform(X)", context=dict(X=X, poly=poly), repeat=2, number=30, div_by_number=True) r2 = measure_time("ext.transform(X)", context=dict(X=X, ext=ext), repeat=2, number=30, div_by_number=True) r1["name"] = "poly" r2["name"] = "ext" r1["size"] = n r2["size"] = n res.append(r1) res.append(r2) import pandas df = pandas.DataFrame(res) df.tail() .. raw:: html
average deviation min_exec max_exec repeat number context_size name size
29 0.010691 0.000073 0.010618 0.010764 2 30 240 ext 50000
30 0.026612 0.000794 0.025817 0.027406 2 30 240 poly 100000
31 0.025052 0.001583 0.023469 0.026635 2 30 240 ext 100000
32 0.058772 0.001345 0.057427 0.060118 2 30 240 poly 200000
33 0.054771 0.004555 0.050216 0.059327 2 30 240 ext 200000
.. code:: ipython3 piv = df.pivot("size", "name", "average") piv[:5] .. raw:: html
name ext poly
1 0.000042 0.000086
2 0.000034 0.000104
5 0.000068 0.000089
10 0.000032 0.000092
20 0.000040 0.000103
.. code:: ipython3 ax = piv.plot(logy=True, logx=True) ax.set_title("Polynomial Features for 5 features\ndegree is 2 + interaction_only=True") ax.set_ylabel("seconds") ax.set_xlabel("N obs"); .. image:: faster_polynomial_features_29_0.png Memory profiler --------------- .. code:: ipython3 from memory_profiler import memory_usage poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2, interaction_only=True) poly.fit(X) memory_usage((poly.transform, (X,)), interval=0.1, max_usage=True) .. parsed-literal:: 258.02734375 .. code:: ipython3 def pick_value(v): try: return v[0] except TypeError: return v res = [] for n in [10000, 50000, 100000, 200000]: X = numpy.random.random((n, 50)) print(n) poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2, interaction_only=True) ext = ExtendedFeatures(poly_degree=2, poly_interaction_only=True) poly.fit(X) ext.fit(X) r1 = memory_usage((poly.transform, (X,)), interval=0.1, max_usage=True) r2 = memory_usage((ext.transform, (X,)), interval=0.1, max_usage=True) r1 = {"memory": pick_value(r1)} r2 = {"memory": pick_value(r2)} r1["name"] = "poly" r2["name"] = "ext" r1["size"] = n r2["size"] = n res.append(r1) res.append(r2) import pandas df = pandas.DataFrame(res) df.tail() .. parsed-literal:: 10000 50000 100000 200000 .. raw:: html
memory name size
3 699.679688 ext 50000
4 1243.664062 poly 100000
5 1205.515625 ext 100000
6 1952.316406 poly 200000
7 2029.765625 ext 200000
.. code:: ipython3 piv = df.pivot("size", "name", "memory") piv[:5] .. raw:: html
name ext poly
10000 392.445312 396.347656
50000 699.679688 718.839844
100000 1205.515625 1243.664062
200000 2029.765625 1952.316406
.. code:: ipython3 ax = piv.plot(logy=True, logx=True) ax.set_title("Polynomial Features for 50 features\ndegree is 2 - memory") ax.set_ylabel("Mb") ax.set_xlabel("N obs"); .. image:: faster_polynomial_features_34_0.png