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3@brief Implements a piecewise linear regression. 


5import numpy 

6import numpy.random 

7import pandas 

8from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin, ClassifierMixin, clone 

9from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor, DecisionTreeClassifier 

10from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, LogisticRegression 

11from sklearn.preprocessing import KBinsDiscretizer 

12from sklearn.utils._joblib import Parallel, delayed 


14 from tqdm import tqdm 

15except ImportError: # pragma: no cover 

16 pass 



19def _fit_piecewise_estimator(i, model, X, y, sample_weight, association, nb_classes, random_state): 

20 ind = association == i 

21 if not numpy.any(ind): 

22 # No training example for this bucket. 

23 return model # pragma: no cover 

24 Xi = X[ind, :] 

25 yi = y[ind] 

26 sw = sample_weight[ind] if sample_weight is not None else None 


28 if nb_classes is not None and len(set(yi)) != nb_classes: 

29 # Issues a classifiers requires to have at least one example 

30 # of each class. 

31 if random_state is None: 

32 random_state = numpy.random.RandomState() # pylint: disable=E1101 

33 addition = numpy.arange(len(ind)) 

34 random_state.shuffle(addition) 

35 found = set(yi) 

36 allcl = set(y) 

37 res = [] 

38 while len(found) < len(allcl): 

39 for ki in addition: 

40 if y[ki] not in found: 

41 res.append(ki) 

42 found.add(y[ki]) 

43 ind = ind.copy() 

44 for ki in res: 

45 ind[ki] = True 


47 Xi = X[ind, :] 

48 yi = y[ind] 

49 sw = sample_weight[ind] if sample_weight is not None else None 


51 return, yi, sample_weight=sw) 



54def _predict_piecewise_estimator(i, est, X, association): 

55 ind = association == i 

56 if not numpy.any(ind): 

57 return None, None 

58 return ind, est.predict(X[ind, :]) 



61def _predict_proba_piecewise_estimator(i, est, X, association): 

62 ind = association == i 

63 if not numpy.any(ind): 

64 return None, None 

65 return ind, est.predict_proba(X[ind, :]) 



68def _decision_function_piecewise_estimator(i, est, X, association): 

69 ind = association == i 

70 if not numpy.any(ind): 

71 return None, None 

72 return ind, est.decision_function(X[ind, :]) 



75class PiecewiseEstimator(BaseEstimator): 

76 """ 

77 Uses a :epkg:`decision tree` to split the space of features 

78 into buckets and trains a linear regression on each of them. 

79 The second estimator can be a :epkg:`sklearn:linear_model:LinearRegression` 

80 for a regression or :epkg:`sklearn:linear_model:LogisticRegression` 

81 for a classifier. It can also be :epkg:`sklearn:dummy:DummyRegressor` 

82 :epkg:`sklearn:dummy:DummyClassifier` to just get the average on each bucket. 

83 When the buckets are defined by a decision tree and the 

84 estimator is linear, @see cl PiecewiseTreeRegressor optimizes 

85 the buckets based on the results of a linear regression. 

86 The accuracy is usually better. 

87 """ 


89 def __init__(self, binner=None, estimator=None, n_jobs=None, verbose=False): 

90 """ 

91 @param binner transformer or predictor which creates the buckets 

92 @param estimator predictor trained on every bucket 

93 @param n_jobs number of parallel jobs (for training and predicting) 

94 @param verbose boolean or use ``'tqdm'`` to use :epkg:`tqdm` 

95 to fit the estimators 


97 *binner* must be filled or must be: 


99 - ``'bins'``: the model :epkg:`sklearn:preprocessing:KBinsDiscretizer` 

100 - any instanciated model 


102 *estimator* allows the following values: 


104 - ``None``: the model is :epkg:`sklearn:linear_model:LinearRegression` 

105 - any instanciated model 

106 """ 

107 BaseEstimator.__init__(self) 

108 if estimator is None: 

109 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

110 "estimator cannot be null.") 

111 if binner is None: 

112 raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover 

113 f"Unsupported options for binner=='tree' and model {type(estimator)}.") 

114 elif binner == "bins": 

115 binner = KBinsDiscretizer() 

116 self.binner = binner 

117 self.estimator = estimator 

118 self.n_jobs = n_jobs 

119 self.verbose = verbose 


121 @property 

122 def n_estimators_(self): 

123 """ 

124 Returns the number of estimators = the number of buckets 

125 the data was split in. 

126 """ 

127 return len(self.estimators_) 


129 def _mapping_train(self, X, binner): 

130 if hasattr(binner, "tree_"): 

131 tree = binner.tree_ 

132 leaves = [i for i in range(len(tree.children_left)) 

133 if tree.children_left[i] <= i and tree.children_right[i] <= i] 

134 dec_path = self.binner_.decision_path(X) 

135 association = numpy.zeros((X.shape[0],)) 

136 association[:] = -1 

137 mapping = {} 

138 ntree = 0 

139 for j in leaves: 

140 ind = dec_path[:, j] == 1 

141 ind = numpy.asarray(ind.todense()).flatten() 

142 if not numpy.any(ind): 

143 # No training example for this bucket. 

144 continue # pragma: no cover 

145 mapping[j] = ntree 

146 association[ind] = ntree 

147 ntree += 1 


149 elif hasattr(binner, "transform"): 

150 tr = binner.transform(X) 

151 unique = set() 

152 for x in tr: 

153 d = tuple(numpy.asarray( 

154 x.todense()).ravel().astype(numpy.int32)) 

155 unique.add(d) 

156 leaves = list(sorted(unique)) 

157 association = numpy.zeros((X.shape[0],)) 

158 association[:] = -1 

159 ntree = 0 

160 mapping = {} 

161 for i, le in enumerate(leaves): 

162 mapping[le] = i 

163 for i, x in enumerate(tr): 

164 d = tuple(numpy.asarray( 

165 x.todense()).ravel().astype(numpy.int32)) 

166 association[i] = mapping.get(d, -1) 

167 else: 

168 raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover 

169 "binner is not a decision tree or a transform") 


171 return association, mapping, leaves 


173 def transform_bins(self, X): 

174 """ 

175 Maps every row to a tree in *self.estimators_*. 

176 """ 

177 binner = self.binner_ 

178 if hasattr(binner, "tree_"): 

179 dec_path = self.binner_.decision_path(X) 

180 association = numpy.zeros((X.shape[0],)) 

181 association[:] = -1 

182 for j in self.leaves_: 

183 ind = dec_path[:, j] == 1 

184 ind = numpy.asarray(ind.todense()).flatten() 

185 if not numpy.any(ind): 

186 # No training example for this bucket. 

187 continue 

188 association[ind] = self.mapping_.get(j, -1) 


190 elif hasattr(binner, "transform"): 

191 association = numpy.zeros((X.shape[0],)) 

192 association[:] = -1 

193 tr = binner.transform(X) 

194 for i, x in enumerate(tr): 

195 d = tuple(numpy.asarray( 

196 x.todense()).ravel().astype(numpy.int32)) 

197 association[i] = self.mapping_.get(d, -1) 

198 else: 

199 raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover 

200 "binner is not a decision tree or a transform") 

201 return association 


203 def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): 

204 """ 

205 Trains the binner and an estimator on every 

206 bucket. 


208 :param X: features, *X* is converted into an array if *X* is a dataframe 

209 :param y: target 

210 :param sample_weight: sample weights 

211 :return: self: returns an instance of self. 


213 Fitted attributes: 


215 * `binner_`: binner 

216 * `estimators_`: dictionary of estimators, each of them 

217 mapped to a leave to the tree 

218 * `mean_estimator_`: estimator trained on the whole 

219 datasets in case the binner can find a bucket for 

220 a new observation 

221 * `dim_`: dimension of the output 

222 * `mean_`: average targets 

223 """ 

224 if len(y.shape) == 2: 

225 if y.shape[-1] == 1: 

226 y = y.ravel() 

227 else: 

228 raise RuntimeError( 

229 "This regressor only works with single dimension targets.") 

230 if isinstance(X, pandas.DataFrame): 

231 X = X.values 

232 if isinstance(X, list): 

233 raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover 

234 "X cannot be a list.") 

235 binner = clone(self.binner) 

236 if sample_weight is None: 

237 self.binner_ =, y) 

238 else: 

239 self.binner_ =, y, sample_weight=sample_weight) 


241 association, self.mapping_, self.leaves_ = self._mapping_train( 

242 X, self.binner_) 


244 estimators = [clone(self.estimator) for i in self.mapping_] 


246 loop = (tqdm(range(len(estimators))) 

247 if self.verbose == 'tqdm' else range(len(estimators))) 

248 verbose = 1 if self.verbose == 'tqdm' else (1 if self.verbose else 0) 


250 self.mean_estimator_ = clone(self.estimator).fit(X, y, sample_weight) 

251 nb_classes = (None if not hasattr(self.mean_estimator_, 'classes_') 

252 else len(set(self.mean_estimator_.classes_))) 


254 if hasattr(self, 'random_state') and self.random_state is not None: # pylint: disable=E1101 

255 rnd = numpy.random.RandomState( # pylint: disable=E1101 

256 self.random_state) # pylint: disable=E1101 

257 else: 

258 rnd = None 


260 self.estimators_ = \ 

261 Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs, verbose=verbose, prefer='threads')( 

262 delayed(_fit_piecewise_estimator)( 

263 i, estimators[i], X, y, sample_weight, association, nb_classes, rnd) 

264 for i in loop) 


266 self.dim_ = 1 if len(y.shape) == 1 else y.shape[1] 

267 if hasattr(self.estimators_[0], 'classes_'): 

268 self.classes_ = self.estimators_[0].classes_ 

269 return self 


271 def _apply_predict_method(self, X, method, parallelized, dimout): 

272 """ 

273 Generic *predict* method, works for *predict_proba* and 

274 *decision_function* as well. 

275 """ 

276 if len(self.estimators_) == 0: 

277 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

278 "Estimator was apparently fitted but contains no estimator.") 

279 if not hasattr(self.estimators_[0], method): 

280 raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover 

281 f"Estimator {type(self.estimators_[0])} " 

282 f"does not have method {method!r}.") 

283 if isinstance(X, pandas.DataFrame): 

284 X = X.values 


286 association = self.transform_bins(X) 


288 indpred = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs, prefer='threads')( 

289 delayed(parallelized)(i, model, X, association) 

290 for i, model in enumerate(self.estimators_)) 


292 pred = numpy.zeros((X.shape[0], dimout) 

293 if dimout > 1 else (X.shape[0],)) 

294 indall = numpy.empty((X.shape[0],)) 

295 indall[:] = False 

296 for ind, p in indpred: 

297 if ind is None: 

298 continue 

299 pred[ind] = p 

300 indall = numpy.logical_or(indall, ind) # pylint: disable=E1111 


302 # no in a bucket 

303 indall = numpy.logical_not(indall) # pylint: disable=E1111 

304 Xmissed = X[indall] 

305 if Xmissed.shape[0] > 0: 

306 meth = getattr(self.mean_estimator_, method) 

307 missed = meth(Xmissed) 

308 pred[indall] = missed 

309 return pred 



312class PiecewiseRegressor(PiecewiseEstimator, RegressorMixin): 

313 """ 

314 Uses a :epkg:`decision tree` to split the space of features 

315 into buckets and trains a linear regression (default) on each of them. 

316 The second estimator is usually a :epkg:`sklearn:linear_model:LinearRegression`. 

317 It can also be :epkg:`sklearn:dummy:DummyRegressor` to just get 

318 the average on each bucket. 

319 """ 


321 def __init__(self, binner=None, estimator=None, n_jobs=None, verbose=False): 

322 """ 

323 @param binner transformer or predictor which creates the buckets 

324 @param estimator predictor trained on every bucket 

325 @param n_jobs number of parallel jobs (for training and predicting) 

326 @param verbose boolean or use ``'tqdm'`` to use :epkg:`tqdm` 

327 to fit the estimators 


329 *binner* allows the following values: 


331 - ``tree``: the model is :epkg:`sklearn:tree:DecisionTreeRegressor` 

332 - ``'bins'``: the model :epkg:`sklearn:preprocessing:KBinsDiscretizer` 

333 - any instanciated model 


335 *estimator* allows the following values: 


337 - ``None``: the model is :epkg:`sklearn:linear_model:LinearRegression` 

338 - any instanciated model 

339 """ 

340 if estimator is None: 

341 estimator = LinearRegression() 

342 if binner in ('tree', None): 

343 binner = DecisionTreeRegressor(min_samples_leaf=2) 

344 RegressorMixin.__init__(self) 

345 PiecewiseEstimator.__init__(self, binner=binner, estimator=estimator, 

346 n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose) 


348 def predict(self, X): 

349 """ 

350 Computes the predictions. 


352 :param X: features, *X* is converted into an array if *X* is a dataframe 

353 :return: predictions 

354 """ 

355 return self._apply_predict_method( 

356 X, "predict", _predict_piecewise_estimator, self.dim_) 



359class PiecewiseClassifier(PiecewiseEstimator, ClassifierMixin): 

360 """ 

361 Uses a :epkg:`decision tree` to split the space of features 

362 into buckets and trains a logistic regression (default) on each of them. 

363 The second estimator is usually a :epkg:`sklearn:linear_model:LogisticRegression`. 

364 It can also be :epkg:`sklearn:dummy:DummyClassifier` to just get 

365 the average on each bucket. 


367 The main issue with the *PiecewiseClassifier* is that each piece requires 

368 one example of each class in each bucket which may not happen. 

369 To avoid that, the training will pick up random example 

370 from other bucket to ensure this case does not happen. 

371 """ 


373 def __init__(self, binner=None, estimator=None, n_jobs=None, 

374 random_state=None, verbose=False): 

375 """ 

376 @param binner transformer or predictor which creates the buckets 

377 @param estimator predictor trained on every bucket 

378 @param n_jobs number of parallel jobs (for training and predicting) 

379 @param random_state to pick up random examples when buckets do not 

380 contain enough examples of each class 

381 @param verbose boolean or use ``'tqdm'`` to use :epkg:`tqdm` 

382 to fit the estimators 


384 *binner* allows the following values: 


386 - ``tree``: the model is :epkg:`sklearn:tree:DecisionTreeClassifier` 

387 - ``'bins'``: the model :epkg:`sklearn:preprocessing:KBinsDiscretizer` 

388 - any instanciated model 


390 *estimator* allows the following values: 


392 - ``None``: the model is :epkg:`sklearn:linear_model:LogisticRegression` 

393 - any instanciated model 

394 """ 

395 if estimator is None: 

396 estimator = LogisticRegression() 

397 if binner in ('tree', None): 

398 binner = DecisionTreeClassifier(min_samples_leaf=5) 

399 ClassifierMixin.__init__(self) 

400 PiecewiseEstimator.__init__( 

401 self, binner=binner, estimator=estimator, 

402 n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose) 

403 self.random_state = random_state 


405 def predict(self, X): 

406 """ 

407 Computes the predictions. 


409 :param X: features, *X* is converted into an array if *X* is a dataframe 

410 :return: predictions 

411 """ 

412 pred = self._apply_predict_method( 

413 X, "predict", _predict_piecewise_estimator, 1) 

414 return pred.astype(numpy.int32) 


416 def predict_proba(self, X): 

417 """ 

418 Computes the predictions probabilities. 


420 :param X: features, *X* is converted into an array if *X* is a dataframe 

421 :return: predictions probabilities 

422 """ 

423 return self._apply_predict_method( 

424 X, "predict_proba", _predict_proba_piecewise_estimator, 

425 len(self.mean_estimator_.classes_)) 


427 def decision_function(self, X): 

428 """ 

429 Computes the predictions probabilities. 


431 :param X: features, *X* is converted into an array if *X* is a dataframe 

432 :return: predictions probabilities 

433 """ 

434 justone = self.mean_estimator_.decision_function(X[:1]) 

435 return self._apply_predict_method( 

436 X, "decision_function", _decision_function_piecewise_estimator, 

437 1 if len(justone.shape) == 1 else justone.shape[1])