module timeseries.base#

Inheritance diagram of mlinsights.timeseries.base

Short summary#

module mlinsights.timeseries.base

Base class for timeseries.

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Base for all timeseries preprocessing automatically applied within a predictor.


Base class to build a predictor on timeseries. The class computes one or several predictions at each time, between …


Addition to sklearn.base.RegressorMixin.



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HTML representation of estimator. This is redundant with the logic of _repr_mimebundle_. The latter should …


HTML representation of estimator. This is redundant with the logic of _repr_mimebundle_. The latter should …



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Applies the preprocessing to the series.


Applies the preprocessing to the series.


Trains the preprocessing and returns the modified X, y, sample_weight.


Applies the preprocessing. X, y, sample_weight.


Stores the first values.


Returns the reverse tranform.


Tells if there is one preprocessing.


Scores the prediction using ts_mape()


Transforms both X and y. Returns X and y, returns sample_weight as well if not None. The …


Base class for timeseries.

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class mlinsights.timeseries.base.BaseReciprocalTimeSeriesTransformer(context_length=0)#

Bases: BaseReciprocalTransformer

Base for all timeseries preprocessing automatically applied within a predictor.

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context_length – number of previous observations to build or rebuild the observations

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context_length – number of previous observations to build or rebuild the observations

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fit(X, y, sample_weight=None)#

Stores the first values.

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Returns the reverse tranform.

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transform(X, y, sample_weight=None, context=None)#

Transforms both X and y. Returns X and y, returns sample_weight as well if not None. The context is used when the y series stored in the predictor is not related to the y series given to the transform method.

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class mlinsights.timeseries.base.BaseTimeSeries(past=1, delay1=1, delay2=2, use_all_past=False, preprocessing=None)#

Bases: BaseEstimator

Base class to build a predictor on timeseries. The class computes one or several predictions at each time, between delay1 and delay2. It computes: \hat{Y_{t+d} = f(Y_{t-1}, ..., Y_{t-p})} with d in [delay1, delay2[ and 1 \leqslant p \leqslant past.

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  • past – values to use to predict

  • delay1 – the model computes the first prediction for time=t + delay1

  • delay2 – the model computes the last prediction for time=t + delay2 excluded

  • use_all_past – use all past features, not only the timeseries

  • preprocessing – preprocessing to apply before predicting, only the timeseries itselves, it can be a difference, it must be of type BaseReciprocalTimeSeriesTransformer

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__init__(past=1, delay1=1, delay2=2, use_all_past=False, preprocessing=None)#
  • past – values to use to predict

  • delay1 – the model computes the first prediction for time=t + delay1

  • delay2 – the model computes the last prediction for time=t + delay2 excluded

  • use_all_past – use all past features, not only the timeseries

  • preprocessing – preprocessing to apply before predicting, only the timeseries itselves, it can be a difference, it must be of type BaseReciprocalTimeSeriesTransformer

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_applies_preprocessing(X, y, sample_weight)#

Applies the preprocessing to the series.

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_applies_preprocessing_inv(X, y, sample_weight)#

Applies the preprocessing to the series.

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_base_fit_predict(X, y, sample_weight=None)#

Trains the preprocessing and returns the modified X, y, sample_weight.

  • X – output of X may be empty (None)

  • y – timeseries (one single vector), array [n_obs]

  • sample_weight – weights None or array [n_obs]


X, y, sample_weight

The y series is moved by self.delay1 in the past.

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_fit_preprocessing(X, y, sample_weight=None)#

Applies the preprocessing. X, y, sample_weight.

  • X – output of X may be empty (None)

  • y – timeseries (one single vector), array [n_obs]

  • sample_weight – weights None or array [n_obs]


X, y, sample_weight

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Tells if there is one preprocessing.

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class mlinsights.timeseries.base.TimeSeriesRegressorMixin#

Bases: RegressorMixin

Addition to sklearn.base.RegressorMixin.

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score(X, y, sample_weight=None)#

Scores the prediction using ts_mape

  • X – features

  • y – expected values

  • sample_weight – sample weight


see ts_mape

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