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The main feature is a python runtime for :epkg:`ONNX`. It gives more feedback than :epkg:`onnxruntime` when the execution fails. .. runpython:: :showcode: :warningout: DeprecationWarning import numpy from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference from mlprodict.onnxrt.validate.validate_difference import measure_relative_difference from mlprodict import get_ir_version iris = load_iris() X = iris.data[:, :2] y = iris.target lr = LinearRegression() lr.fit(X, y) # Predictions with scikit-learn. expected = lr.predict(X[:5]) print(expected) # Conversion into ONNX. from mlprodict.onnx_conv import to_onnx model_onnx = to_onnx(lr, X.astype(numpy.float32), black_op={'LinearRegressor'}, target_opset=15) print("ONNX:", str(model_onnx)[:200] + "\n...") # Predictions with onnxruntime model_onnx.ir_version = get_ir_version(15) oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, runtime='onnxruntime1') ypred = oinf.run({'X': X[:5].astype(numpy.float32)}) print("ONNX output:", ypred) # Measuring the maximum difference. print("max abs diff:", measure_relative_difference(expected, ypred['variable'])) # And the python runtime oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx, runtime='python') ypred = oinf.run({'X': X[:5].astype(numpy.float32)}, verbose=1, fLOG=print) print("ONNX output:", ypred) These predictions are obtained with the following :epkg:`ONNX` graph. .. gdot:: :script: DOT-SECTION from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference import numpy iris = load_iris() X = iris.data[:, :2] y = iris.target lr = LinearRegression() lr.fit(X, y) from mlprodict.onnx_conv import to_onnx model_onnx = to_onnx(lr, X.astype(numpy.float32)) oinf = OnnxInference(model_onnx) print("DOT-SECTION", oinf.to_dot()) Notebook :ref:`onnxvisualizationrst` shows how to visualize an :epkg:`ONNX` pipeline. The package also contains a collection of tools to help converting code to ONNX. A short list of them: * **Python runtime for ONNX:** :class:`OnnxInference `, it is mostly used to check that an ONNX graph produces the expected output. If it fails, it fails within a python code and not inside C++ code. This class can also be used to call :epkg:`onnxruntime` by using ``runtime=='onnxruntime1'``. A last runtime ``runtime=='python_compiled'`` compiles a python function equivalent to code calling operator one by one. It makes easier to read the ONNX graph (see :ref:`l-onnx-tutorial`). * **Intermediate results:** the python runtime may display all intermediate results, their shape if `verbosity == 1`, their value if `verbosity > 10`, see :ref:`l-onnx-tutorial`. This cannot be done with ``runtime=='onnxruntime1'`` but it is still possible to get the intermediate results (see :meth:`OnnxInference.run `). The class will build all subgraphs from the inputs to every intermediate results. If the graph has *N* operators, the cost of this will be :math:`O(N^2)`. * **Extract a subpart of an ONNX graph:** hen an ONNX graph does not load, it is possible to modify, to extract some subpart to check a tiny part of it. Function :func:`select_model_inputs_outputs ` may be used to change the inputs and/or the outputs. * **Change the opset**: function :func:`overwrite_opset ` overwrites the opset, it is used to check for which opset (ONNX version) a graph is valid. ... * **Visualization in a notebook**: a magic command to display small ONNX graph in notebooks :ref:`onnxvisualizationrst`. * **Text visualization for ONNX:** a way to visualize ONNX graph only with text :func:`onnx_text_plot `. * **Text visualization of TreeEnsemble:** a way to visualize the graph described by a on operator TreeEnsembleRegressor or TreeEnsembleClassifier, see :func:`onnx_text_plot `. * **Export ONNX graph to numpy:** the numpy code produces the same results as the ONNX graph (see :func:`export2numpy `) * **Export ONNX graph to ONNX API:** this produces a a code based on ONNX API which replicates the ONNX graph (see :func:`export2onnx `) * **Export ONNX graph to** :epkg:`tf2onnx`: still a function which creates an ONNX graph but based on :epkg:`tf2onnx` API (see :func:`export2tf2onnx `) * **Xop API:** (ONNX operators API), see :ref:`l-xop-api`, most of the converting libraries uses :epkg:`onnx` to create ONNX graphs. The API is quite verbose and that is why most of them implement a second API wrapping the first one. They are not necessarily meant to be used by users to create ONNX graphs as they are specialized for the training framework they are developped for. * **Numpy API for ONNX:** many functions doing computation are written with :epkg:`numpy` and converting them to ONNX may take quite some time for users not familiar with ONNX. This API implements many functions from :epkg:`numpy` with ONNX and allows the user to combine them. It is as if numpy function where exectued by an ONNX runtime: :ref:`l-numpy-api-for-onnx`. * **Benchmark scikit-learn models converted into ONNX:** a simple function to benchmark ONNX against *scikit-learn* for a simple model: :ref:`l-example-onnx-benchmark` * **Accelerate scikit-learn prediction:**, what if *transform* or *predict* is replaced by an implementation based on ONNX, or a numpy version of it, would it be faster? :ref:`l-Speedup-pca` * **Profiling onnxruntime:** :epkg:`onnxruntime` can memorize the time spent in each operator. The following notebook shows how to retreive the results and display them :ref:`onnxprofileortrst`. This package supports ONNX opsets to the latest opset stored in `mlprodict.__max_supported_opset__` which is: .. runpython:: :showcode: import mlprodict print(mlprodict.__max_supported_opset__) Any opset beyond that value is not supported and could fail. That's for the main set of ONNX functions or domain. Converters for :epkg:`scikit-learn` requires another domain, `'ai.onnxml'` to implement tree. Latest supported options are defined here: .. runpython:: :showcode: import pprint import mlprodict pprint.pprint(mlprodict.__max_supported_opsets__) +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------------+------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`l-modules` | :ref:`l-functions` | :ref:`l-classes` | :ref:`l-methods` | :ref:`l-staticmethods` | :ref:`l-properties` | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------------+------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`modindex` | :ref:`l-EX2` | :ref:`search` | :ref:`l-license` | :ref:`l-changes` | :ref:`l-README` | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------------+------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | :ref:`genindex` | :ref:`l-FAQ2` | :ref:`l-notebooks` | | :ref:`l-statcode` | `Unit Test Coverage `_ | +----------------------+---------------------+---------------------+--------------------+------------------------+------------------------------------------------+