.. _l-onnx-doc-RandomNormal: ============ RandomNormal ============ .. contents:: :local: .. _l-onnx-op-randomnormal-1: RandomNormal - 1 ================ **Version** * **name**: `RandomNormal (GitHub) `_ * **domain**: **main** * **since_version**: **1** * **function**: False * **support_level**: SupportType.COMMON * **shape inference**: True This version of the operator has been available **since version 1**. **Summary** Generate a tensor with random values drawn from a normal distribution. The shape of the tensor is specified by the `shape` argument and the parameter of the normal distribution specified by `mean` and `scale`. The data type is specified by the 'dtype' argument. The 'dtype' argument must be one of the data types specified in the 'DataType' enum field in the TensorProto message. **Attributes** * **dtype**: The data type for the elements of the output tensor. Default is TensorProto::FLOAT. Default value is ``1``. * **mean**: The mean of the normal distribution. Default value is ``0.0``. * **scale**: The standard deviation of the normal distribution. Default value is ``1.0``. * **seed**: (Optional) Seed to the random generator, if not specified we will auto generate one. * **shape** (required): The shape of the output tensor. **Outputs** * **output** (heterogeneous) - **T**: Output tensor of random values drawn from normal distribution **Type Constraints** * **T** in ( tensor(double), tensor(float), tensor(float16) ): Constrain output types to float tensors. **Examples**