.. DO NOT EDIT. .. THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY SPHINX-GALLERY. .. TO MAKE CHANGES, EDIT THE SOURCE PYTHON FILE: .. "gyexamples/plot_benchmark_inference.py" .. LINE NUMBERS ARE GIVEN BELOW. .. only:: html .. note:: :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note Click :ref:`here ` to download the full example code .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title .. _sphx_glr_gyexamples_plot_benchmark_inference.py: .. _benchmark-inference: Benchmark inference for a linear regression =========================================== This short code compares the execution of a couple of runtime for inference including :epkg:`onnxruntime`. This benchmark leverages the example `Benchmark Linear Regression `_. This simple model is useful to measure unsignificant cost for large models. .. contents:: :local: Linear Regression +++++++++++++++++ .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 22-40 .. code-block:: default import warnings from time import perf_counter as time from multiprocessing import cpu_count import numpy from numpy.random import rand from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas from onnxruntime import InferenceSession from onnxruntime.capi._pybind_state import ( # pylint: disable=E0611 SessionIOBinding, OrtDevice as C_OrtDevice) from sklearn import config_context from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.utils._testing import ignore_warnings from skl2onnx import to_onnx from skl2onnx.common.data_types import FloatTensorType from mlprodict.onnxrt import OnnxInference .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 41-42 Available optimisation on this machine. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 42-47 .. code-block:: default from mlprodict.testing.experimental_c_impl.experimental_c import code_optimisation print(code_optimisation()) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none AVX-omp=8 .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 48-50 Implementations to benchmark ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 50-96 .. code-block:: default def fcts_model(X, y, n_jobs): "LinearRegression." model = LinearRegression(n_jobs=n_jobs) model.fit(X, y) initial_types = [('X', FloatTensorType([None, X.shape[1]]))] onx = to_onnx(model, initial_types=initial_types, black_op={'LinearRegressor'}) sess = InferenceSession(onx.SerializeToString(), providers=['CPUExecutionProvider']) outputs = [o.name for o in sess.get_outputs()] oinf = OnnxInference(onx, runtime="python") bind = SessionIOBinding(sess._sess) # ort_device = C_OrtDevice.cpu() ort_device = C_OrtDevice( C_OrtDevice.cpu(), C_OrtDevice.default_memory(), 0) def predict_skl_predict(X, model=model): return model.predict(X) def predict_onnxrt_predict(X, sess=sess): return sess.run(outputs[:1], {'X': X})[0] def predict_onnx_inference(X, oinf=oinf): return oinf.run({'X': X})["variable"] def predict_onnxrt_predict_bind(X, sess=sess, bind=bind, ort_device=ort_device): if X.__array_interface__['strides'] is not None: raise RuntimeError("onnxruntime only supports contiguous arrays.") bind.bind_input('X', ort_device, X.dtype, X.shape, X.__array_interface__['data'][0]) bind.bind_output('variable', ort_device) sess._sess.run_with_iobinding(bind, None) ortvalues = bind.get_outputs() return ortvalues[0].numpy() return {'predict': { 'skl': predict_skl_predict, 'ort': predict_onnxrt_predict, 'numpy': predict_onnx_inference, 'ort-bind': predict_onnxrt_predict_bind }} .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 97-99 Benchmarks ++++++++++ .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 99-177 .. code-block:: default def allow_configuration(**kwargs): return True def bench(n_obs, n_features, n_jobss, methods, repeat=10, verbose=False): res = [] for nfeat in n_features: ntrain = 50000 X_train = numpy.empty((ntrain, nfeat)).astype(numpy.float32) X_train[:, :] = rand(ntrain, nfeat)[:, :] eps = rand(ntrain) - 0.5 y_train = X_train.sum(axis=1) + eps for n_jobs in n_jobss: fcts = fcts_model(X_train, y_train, n_jobs) for n in n_obs: for method in methods: if not allow_configuration(n=n, nfeat=nfeat, n_jobs=n_jobs, method=method): continue obs = dict(n_obs=n, nfeat=nfeat, method=method, n_jobs=n_jobs) # creates different inputs to avoid caching in any ways Xs = [] for r in range(repeat): x = numpy.empty((n, nfeat)) x[:, :] = rand(n, nfeat)[:, :] Xs.append(x.astype(numpy.float32)) for name, fct in fcts[method].items(): if name == 'skl': # measures the baseline with config_context(assume_finite=True): st = time() repeated = 0 for X in Xs: p1 = fct(X) repeated += 1 if time() - st >= 1: break # stops if longer than a second end = time() obs["time_skl"] = (end - st) / repeated else: st = time() r2 = 0 for X in Xs: p2 = fct(X) r2 += 1 if r2 >= repeated: break end = time() obs["time_" + name] = (end - st) / r2 # final res.append(obs) if verbose and (len(res) % 1 == 0 or n >= 10000): print("bench", len(res), ":", obs) # checks that both produce the same outputs if n <= 10000: if len(p1.shape) == 1 and len(p2.shape) == 2: p2 = p2.ravel() try: assert_almost_equal( p1.ravel(), p2.ravel(), decimal=5) except AssertionError as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) return res .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 178-180 Graphs ++++++ .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 180-241 .. code-block:: default def plot_rf_models(dfr): def autolabel(ax, rects): for rect in rects: height = rect.get_height() ax.annotate(f'{height:1.1f}x', xy=(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2, height), xytext=(0, 3), # 3 points vertical offset textcoords="offset points", ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=8) engines = [_.split('_')[-1] for _ in dfr.columns if _.startswith("time_")] engines = [_ for _ in engines if _ != 'skl'] for engine in engines: dfr[f"speedup_{engine}"] = dfr["time_skl"] / dfr[f"time_{engine}"] print(dfr.tail().T) ncols = 2 fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(engines), ncols, figsize=( 14, 4 * len(engines)), sharey=True) row = 0 for row, engine in enumerate(engines): pos = 0 name = f"LinearRegression - {engine}" for nf in sorted(set(dfr.nfeat)): for n_jobs in sorted(set(dfr.n_jobs)): sub = dfr[(dfr.nfeat == nf) & (dfr.n_jobs == n_jobs)] ax = axs[row, pos] labels = sub.n_obs means = sub[f"speedup_{engine}"] x = numpy.arange(len(labels)) width = 0.90 rects1 = ax.bar(x, means, width, label='Speedup') if pos == 0: # ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylim([0.1, max(dfr[f"speedup_{engine}"])]) if pos == 0: ax.set_ylabel('Speedup') ax.set_title('%s\n%d features\n%d jobs' % (name, nf, n_jobs)) if row == len(engines) - 1: ax.set_xlabel('batch size') ax.set_xticks(x) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) autolabel(ax, rects1) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(8) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.label.set_fontsize(8) pos += 1 fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 242-244 Run benchs ++++++++++ .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 244-269 .. code-block:: default @ignore_warnings(category=FutureWarning) def run_bench(repeat=200, verbose=False): n_obs = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000] methods = ['predict'] n_features = [10, 50] n_jobss = [cpu_count()] start = time() results = bench(n_obs, n_features, n_jobss, methods, repeat=repeat, verbose=verbose) end = time() results_df = pandas.DataFrame(results) print("Total time = %0.3f sec cpu=%d\n" % (end - start, cpu_count())) # plot the results return results_df name = "plot_linear_regression" df = run_bench(verbose=True) # df.to_csv("%s.csv" % name, index=False) # df.to_excel("%s.xlsx" % name, index=False) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none somewhere/workspace/onnxcustom/onnxcustom_UT_39_std/_doc/examples/plot_benchmark_inference.py:110: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast X_train = numpy.empty((ntrain, nfeat)).astype(numpy.float32) bench 1 : {'n_obs': 1, 'nfeat': 10, 'method': 'predict', 'n_jobs': 8, 'time_skl': 0.00014727494039107114, 'time_ort': 4.714031470939517e-05, 'time_numpy': 0.00017335977521724998, 'time_ort-bind': 8.465053513646126e-05} bench 2 : {'n_obs': 10, 'nfeat': 10, 'method': 'predict', 'n_jobs': 8, 'time_skl': 0.00014802228484768422, 'time_ort': 4.3403309537097815e-05, 'time_numpy': 0.0001723297848366201, 'time_ort-bind': 8.037597523070872e-05} bench 3 : {'n_obs': 100, 'nfeat': 10, 'method': 'predict', 'n_jobs': 8, 'time_skl': 0.00014994021505117415, 'time_ort': 4.842480004299432e-05, 'time_numpy': 0.0001739592698868364, 'time_ort-bind': 8.561287017073482e-05} bench 4 : {'n_obs': 1000, 'nfeat': 10, 'method': 'predict', 'n_jobs': 8, 'time_skl': 0.00016795482486486435, 'time_ort': 0.00010173700517043471, 'time_numpy': 0.0001904038997599855, 'time_ort-bind': 0.0001394052745308727} bench 5 : {'n_obs': 10000, 'nfeat': 10, 'method': 'predict', 'n_jobs': 8, 'time_skl': 0.00024241416540462523, 'time_ort': 0.0005774804297834635, 'time_numpy': 0.0004475092148641124, 'time_ort-bind': 0.0006537431053584441} somewhere/workspace/onnxcustom/onnxcustom_UT_39_std/_doc/examples/plot_benchmark_inference.py:110: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in cast X_train = numpy.empty((ntrain, nfeat)).astype(numpy.float32) bench 6 : {'n_obs': 1, 'nfeat': 50, 'method': 'predict', 'n_jobs': 8, 'time_skl': 0.0002696786349406466, 'time_ort': 8.701475511770696e-05, 'time_numpy': 0.00017341562488581985, 'time_ort-bind': 8.145981468260288e-05} bench 7 : {'n_obs': 10, 'nfeat': 50, 'method': 'predict', 'n_jobs': 8, 'time_skl': 0.00015068760490976273, 'time_ort': 4.558282962534577e-05, 'time_numpy': 0.0001746026100590825, 'time_ort-bind': 8.327689545694738e-05} bench 8 : {'n_obs': 100, 'nfeat': 50, 'method': 'predict', 'n_jobs': 8, 'time_skl': 0.00015511580975726246, 'time_ort': 6.745906546711921e-05, 'time_numpy': 0.00017876612022519112, 'time_ort-bind': 0.00010468032502103597} bench 9 : {'n_obs': 1000, 'nfeat': 50, 'method': 'predict', 'n_jobs': 8, 'time_skl': 0.00019505485019180924, 'time_ort': 0.00029141116479877385, 'time_numpy': 0.0002046256046742201, 'time_ort-bind': 0.0003304108651354909} bench 10 : {'n_obs': 10000, 'nfeat': 50, 'method': 'predict', 'n_jobs': 8, 'time_skl': 0.00044694092008285225, 'time_ort': 0.0009776719298679381, 'time_numpy': 0.0008014900353737176, 'time_ort-bind': 0.0009818153851665556} Total time = 5.836 sec cpu=8 .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 270-272 Results +++++++ .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 272-275 .. code-block:: default df .. raw:: html
n_obs nfeat method n_jobs time_skl time_ort time_numpy time_ort-bind
0 1 10 predict 8 0.000147 0.000047 0.000173 0.000085
1 10 10 predict 8 0.000148 0.000043 0.000172 0.000080
2 100 10 predict 8 0.000150 0.000048 0.000174 0.000086
3 1000 10 predict 8 0.000168 0.000102 0.000190 0.000139
4 10000 10 predict 8 0.000242 0.000577 0.000448 0.000654
5 1 50 predict 8 0.000270 0.000087 0.000173 0.000081
6 10 50 predict 8 0.000151 0.000046 0.000175 0.000083
7 100 50 predict 8 0.000155 0.000067 0.000179 0.000105
8 1000 50 predict 8 0.000195 0.000291 0.000205 0.000330
9 10000 50 predict 8 0.000447 0.000978 0.000801 0.000982

.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 276-278 Graph +++++ .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 278-282 .. code-block:: default fig, ax = plot_rf_models(df) fig.savefig(f"{name}.png") # plt.show() .. image-sg:: /gyexamples/images/sphx_glr_plot_benchmark_inference_001.png :alt: LinearRegression - ort 10 features 8 jobs, LinearRegression - ort 50 features 8 jobs, LinearRegression - numpy 10 features 8 jobs, LinearRegression - numpy 50 features 8 jobs, LinearRegression - ort-bind 10 features 8 jobs, LinearRegression - ort-bind 50 features 8 jobs :srcset: /gyexamples/images/sphx_glr_plot_benchmark_inference_001.png :class: sphx-glr-single-img .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none 5 6 7 8 9 n_obs 1 10 100 1000 10000 nfeat 50 50 50 50 50 method predict predict predict predict predict n_jobs 8 8 8 8 8 time_skl 0.00027 0.000151 0.000155 0.000195 0.000447 time_ort 0.000087 0.000046 0.000067 0.000291 0.000978 time_numpy 0.000173 0.000175 0.000179 0.000205 0.000801 time_ort-bind 0.000081 0.000083 0.000105 0.00033 0.000982 speedup_ort 3.099229 3.305798 2.299406 0.669346 0.457148 speedup_numpy 1.5551 0.863032 0.867703 0.953228 0.557638 speedup_ort-bind 3.310573 1.809477 1.481805 0.59034 0.455219 somewhere/workspace/onnxcustom/onnxcustom_UT_39_std/_doc/examples/plot_benchmark_inference.py:232: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The label function was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.1 and will be removed in 3.8. Use Tick.label1 instead. tick.label.set_fontsize(8) somewhere/workspace/onnxcustom/onnxcustom_UT_39_std/_doc/examples/plot_benchmark_inference.py:234: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The label function was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.1 and will be removed in 3.8. Use Tick.label1 instead. tick.label.set_fontsize(8) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-timing **Total running time of the script:** ( 0 minutes 8.569 seconds) .. _sphx_glr_download_gyexamples_plot_benchmark_inference.py: .. only:: html .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python :download:`Download Python source code: plot_benchmark_inference.py ` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: plot_benchmark_inference.ipynb ` .. only:: html .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_