## ONNX CI Pipelines * CI pipelines matrix: |   | When it runs | Config | Test | -- | -- | -- | -- | [Linux-CI](/.azure-pipelines/Linux-CI.yml) | Every PR | | | [Windows-CI](/.azure-pipelines/Windows-CI.yml) | Every PR  | | | [Mac-CI](/.azure-pipelines/MacOS-CI.yml) | Every PR  | | | [Windows_No_Exception CI](/.github/workflows/win_no_exception_ci.yml) | Every PR  | | | [Lint / Lint Python](/.github/workflows/lint.yaml) | Every PR || | [Lint / Enforce style](/.github/workflows/lint.yaml) | Every PR || | [WindowsRelease](/.github/workflows/release_win.yml) | | | | [LinuxRelease_aarch64](/.github/workflows/release_linux_aarch64.yml) |   | | | [LinuxRelease_x86_64](/.github/workflows/release_linux_x86_64.yml) | | | | [MacRelease](/.github/workflows/release_win.yml) | | | [Weekly CI with latest onnx.checker](/.github/workflows/weekly_mac_ci.yml) | weekly(6) || | * (1) When the release CIs will run: * After a PR has been merged into main/rel-* branch * Run weekly (Sunday midnight) and release Python wheel to [onnx-weekly](https://test.pypi.org/project/onnx-weekly/) package on TestPyPI. * Any PR targeting rel-* branch * To manually run them, add a PR label "run release CIs" (only maintainers have permission). * (2) Minimum supported versions are listed [here](/requirements.txt). * (3) [Test](/onnx/test/test_with_ort.py) ONNX Python wheel with `onnxruntime.InferenceSession` from latest ONNXRuntime. Please note that ONNX Runtime does not support Windows-x86 thus its verification is skipped. * (4) TEST_HUB=1 will test [onnx.hub](/onnx/test/hub_test.py) by using this API to download an ONNX model from onnx/models. This test is restricted to only 1 pipeline for saving quota usage. * (5) Although the build environment is macos-11, use MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.12 and -p [macosx_10_12_x86_64](https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/2e048660ffa8243596aaf3338e60c7c0575458f2/.github/workflows/release_mac.yml#L74) to force the wheel to support 10.12+. * (6): * The ONNX Model Zoo test will run weekly (Sunday midnight) * To manually trigger it, add a PR label "test ONNX Model Zoo" (only maintainers have permission). Please note that it will need a lot of download bandwidth from [onnx/models](https://github.com/onnx/models) so use it with caution. * (7) Some old deprecated models (opset-1) are [skipped](/workflow_scripts/config.py).