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2Tools to help benchmarking. 


4from timeit import Timer 

5import numpy 



8def measure_time(stmt, context, repeat=10, number=50, div_by_number=False): 

9 """ 

10 Measures a statement and returns the results as a dictionary. 


12 :param stmt: string 

13 :param context: variable to know in a dictionary 

14 :param repeat: average over *repeat* experiment 

15 :param number: number of executions in one row 

16 :param div_by_number: divide by the number of executions 

17 :return: dictionary 


19 .. runpython:: 

20 :showcode: 


22 from onnxcustom.utils import measure_time 

23 from math import cos 


25 res = measure_time("cos(x)", context=dict(cos=cos, x=5.)) 

26 print(res) 


28 See `Timer.repeat <https://docs.python.org/3/library/ 

29 timeit.html?timeit.Timer.repeat>`_ 

30 for a better understanding of parameter *repeat* and *number*. 

31 The function returns a duration corresponding to 

32 *number* times the execution of the main statement. 

33 """ 

34 tim = Timer(stmt, globals=context) 

35 res = numpy.array(tim.repeat(repeat=repeat, number=number)) 

36 if div_by_number: 

37 res /= number 

38 mean = numpy.mean(res) 

39 dev = numpy.mean(res ** 2) 

40 dev = (dev - mean**2) ** 0.5 

41 mes = dict(average=mean, deviation=dev, min_exec=numpy.min(res), 

42 max_exec=numpy.max(res), repeat=repeat, number=number) 

43 return mes