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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 



4@brief Dummy datasets. 


6from pandas import DataFrame 

7from ..df import StreamingDataFrame 



10def dummy_streaming_dataframe(n, chunksize=10, asfloat=False, **cols): 

11 """ 

12 Returns a dummy streaming dataframe 

13 mostly for unit test purposes. 


15 :param n: number of rows 

16 :param chunksize: chunk size 

17 :param asfloat: use random float and not random int 

18 :param cols: additional columns 

19 :return: a @see cl StreamingDataFrame 

20 """ 

21 if asfloat: 

22 df = DataFrame(dict(cfloat=[_ + 0.1 for _ in range(0, n)], cstr=[ 

23 "s{0}".format(i) for i in range(0, n)])) 

24 else: 

25 df = DataFrame(dict(cint=list(range(0, n)), cstr=[ 

26 "s{0}".format(i) for i in range(0, n)])) 

27 for k, v in cols.items(): 

28 df[k] = v 

29 return StreamingDataFrame.read_df(df, chunksize=chunksize)