

  1. Add missing values in one column.

  2. Builds a Antlr4 grammar

  3. Compute the average returns and correlation matrix

  4. Convert R into Python

  5. Cross join with a pandas dataframe

  6. Display an inline map with folium in a notebook

  7. Download data for a practical lesson

  8. Download data from a website

  9. Draw a grammar graph for a small code

  10. Loads French departments polygons

  11. Retrieve stock prices from the Yahoo source

  12. graph of a financial series

Add missing values in one column.


import pandas
from pyensae.mlhelper import add_missing_indices
df = pandas.DataFrame([{"x": 3, "y": 4, "z": 1}, {"x": 5, "y": 6, "z": 2}])
df2 = add_missing_indices(df, "x", [3, 4, 5, 6])


       x  y  z
    0  3  4  1
    4  3  6  2
    1  4  4  1
    5  4  6  2
    2  5  4  1
    6  5  6  2
    3  6  4  1
    7  6  6  2


import pandas
from pyensae.mlhelper import add_missing_indices
df = pandas.DataFrame([{"x": 3, "y": 4, "z": 1}, {"x": 5, "y": 6, "z": 2}])
df2 = add_missing_indices(df, "x", values=["y"], all_values=[3, 4, 5, 6])


       x    y  z
    0  3  4.0  1
    4  3  NaN  2
    1  4  NaN  1
    5  4  NaN  2
    2  5  NaN  1
    6  5  6.0  2
    3  6  NaN  1
    7  6  NaN  2

(original entry : missing.py:docstring of pyensae.mlhelper.missing.add_missing_indices, line 10)

Builds a Antlr4 grammar

See grammars-v4


(original entry : antlr_grammar_build.py:docstring of pyensae.languages.antlr_grammar_build.build_grammar, line 14)

Compute the average returns and correlation matrix

import pyensae, pandas
from pyensae.finance import StockPrices
from pyensae.datasource import download_data

# download the CAC 40 composition from my website (for Yahoo)
download_data('cac40_2013_11_11.txt', website='xd')

# download all the prices (if not already done) and store them into files
actions = pandas.read_csv("cac40_2013_11_11.txt", sep="\t")

# we remove stocks with not enough historical data
stocks = { k:StockPrices(tick = k) for k,v in actions.values }
dates = StockPrices.available_dates(stocks.values())
stocks = {k:v for k,v in stocks.items() if len(v.missing(dates)) <= 10}
print("nb left", len(stocks))

# we remove dates with missing prices
dates = StockPrices.available_dates(stocks.values())
ok = dates[dates["missing"] == 0]
print("all dates before", len(dates), " after:" , len(ok))
for k in stocks:
    stocks[k] = stocks[k].keep_dates(ok)

# we compute correlation matrix and returns
ret, cor = StockPrices.covariance(stocks.values(), cov = False, ret = True)

(original entry : astock.py:docstring of pyensae.finance.astock.StockPrices, line 52)

Convert R into Python


rscript = '''

from pyensae.languages.rconverter import r2python
print(r2python(rscript, pep8=True))


    ANTLR runtime and generated code versions disagree: 4.13.0!=4.10.1
    ANTLR runtime and generated code versions disagree: 4.13.0!=4.10.1
    /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/autopep8.py:1726: PendingDeprecationWarning: lib2to3 package is deprecated and may not be able to parse Python 3.10+
      from lib2to3 import pgen2
    from python2r_helper import make_tuple
    def nb(y=1930):
        debut = 1816
        MatDFemale = matrix(D . Female, nrow=111)
        colnames(MatDFemale) .set(range((debut + 0), 198))
        cly = range((y - debut + 1), 111)
        deces = diag(MatDFemale[:, cly[set(cly) & set(range(1, 199))]])
        return make_tuple(B . Female[B . Year == y], deces)

(original entry : rconverter.py:docstring of pyensae.languages.rconverter.r2python, line 14)

Cross join with a pandas dataframe


import pandas
from pyensae.mlhelper import df_crossjoin
df = pandas.DataFrame([{"x": 3, "y": 4}, {"x": 5, "y": 6}])
jj = df_crossjoin(df, df.copy())



A dataframe cannot be joined on itself, the second one musrt be copied.

(original entry : joins.py:docstring of pyensae.mlhelper.joins.df_crossjoin, line 11)

Display an inline map with folium in a notebook

import folium
map_osm = folium.Map(location=[48.85, 2.34])
from pyensae.notebook_helper import folium_html_map
map_osm.polygon_marker(location=[48.824338, 2.302641], popup='ENSAE',
                    fill_color='#132b5e', num_sides=3, radius=10)

With folium version 0.2, this becomes easier:

import folium
map_osm = folium.Map(location=[48.85, 2.34])
from pyensae.notebook_helper import folium_html_map
map_osm.polygon_marker(location=[48.824338, 2.302641], popup='ENSAE',
                    fill_color='#132b5e', num_sides=3, radius=10)

(original entry : folium_helper.py:docstring of pyensae.notebookhelper.folium_helper.folium_html_map, line 14)

Download data for a practical lesson

from pyensae.datasource import download_data
download_data('voeux.zip', website='xd')

(original entry : http_retrieve.py:docstring of pyensae.datasource.http_retrieve.download_data, line 33)

Download data from a website

download_data("facebook.tar.gz", website="http://snap.stanford.edu/data/")

(original entry : http_retrieve.py:docstring of pyensae.datasource.http_retrieve.download_data, line 41)

Draw a grammar graph for a small code

from pyensae.languages import get_parser_lexer, parse_code, get_tree_graph
from pyensae.graph_helper import run_dot

code = '''
namespace hello
    public static class world
        public static double function(double x, doubly y)
            return x+y ;

clparser, cllexer = get_parser_lexer("C#")
parser = parse_code(code, clparser, cllexer)
tree = parser.compilation_unit()
st = get_tree_graph(tree, parser)
dot = st.to_dot()

with open(name, "w") as f:
img = os.path.join(temp, "graph.png")
run_dot(name, img)

(original entry : tree_graph_listener.py:docstring of pyensae.languages.tree_graph_listener.TreeGraphListener, line 4)

Loads French departments polygons

Simple example to retrieve French departements.


from pyensae.datasource import load_french_departements
df = load_french_departements()


    /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/shapefile.py:1302: ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.FileIO name='./GEOFLA_2-1_DEPARTEMENT_SHP_LAMB93_FXX_2015-12-01.7z' mode='rb' closefd=True>
      record.points = list(izip(*(iter(flat),) * 2))
    ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
                                                                0                                                  1
    geometry    POLYGON ((3.023296506544766 47.86102220986016,...  POLYGON ((4.361587131774929 46.138458636221074...
    CODE_DEPT                                                  89                                                 69
    CODE_REG                                                   27                                                 84
    CODE_CHF                                                  024                                                381
    ID_GEOFLA                            DEPARTEM0000000000000004                           DEPARTEM0000000000000028
    NOM_CHF                                               AUXERRE                                               LYON
    NOM_DEPT                                                YONNE                                              RHONE
    NOM_REG                               BOURGOGNE-FRANCHE-COMTE                               AUVERGNE-RHONE-ALPES
    X_CENTROID                                             748211                                             832095
    X_CHF_LIEU                                             742447                                             842221
    Y_CENTROID                                            6750855                                            6530600
    Y_CHF_LIEU                                            6744261                                            6520526

(original entry : geodata.py:docstring of pyensae.datasource.geodata.load_french_departements, line 6)

Retrieve stock prices from the Yahoo source

from pyensae.finance import StockPrices
prices = StockPrices(tick="NASDAQ:MSFT")

(original entry : astock.py:docstring of pyensae.finance.astock.StockPrices, line 4)

graph of a financial series

from pyensae.finance import StockPrices
stocks = [ StockPrices("NASDAQ:MSFT", folder = cache),
           StockPrices("NASDAQ:GOOGL", folder = cache),
           StockPrices("NASDAQ:AAPL", folder = cache)]
fig, ax, plt = StockPrices.draw(stocks)
fig, ax, plt = StockPrices.draw(stocks, begin="2010-01-01", figsize=(16,8))

You can also chain the graphs and add a series on a second graph:

from pyensae.finance import StockPrices
stock = StockPrices("NASDAQ:MSFT", folder = cache)
stock2 = StockPrices "NASDAQ:GOOGL", folder = cache)
fig, ax, plt = stock.plot(figsize=(16,8))
fig, ax, plt = stock2.plot(existing=(fig,ax), axis=2)

(original entry : astock.py:docstring of pyensae.finance.astock.StockPrices.draw, line 24)




  1. Export the results of a SQL query into a flat file

  2. Import a flat file into a SQLite database

  3. import a DataFrame into a SQL table

  4. run a select command on a table

Export the results of a SQL query into a flat file

from pyensae.sql.database_main import Database
dbfile = "filename.db3"
filetxt = "fileview.txt"
sql = "..."
db = Database(dbfile)
db.export_view_into_flat_file (sql, fileview, header = True)

(original entry : database_import_export.py:docstring of pyensae.sql.database_import_export.DatabaseImportExport.export_table_into_flat_file, line 13)

Import a flat file into a SQLite database

from pyensae import import_flatfile_into_database
dbf = "database.db3"
file = "textfile.txt"
import_flatfile_into_database(dbf, file)

On Windows, SQLiteSpy is a free tool very useful to run SQL queries against a sqlite3 database.

(original entry : database_helper.py:docstring of pyensae.sql.database_helper.import_flatfile_into_database, line 16)

import a DataFrame into a SQL table

values = [  {"name":"A", "age":10, "score":34.5 },
            {"name":"B", "age":20, "score":-34.5 }, ]
df  = pandas.DataFrame(values)
dbf = "something.db3"
db  = Database.fill_sql_table(df, dbf, "mytable")

This example could be replaced by:

values = [  {"name":"A", "age":10, "score":34.5 },
            {"name":"B", "age":20, "score":-34.5 }, ]
df  = pandas.DataFrame(values)
dbf = "something.db3"
db  = Database(dbf)
db.import_dataframe(df, "mytable)

(original entry : database_main.py:docstring of pyensae.sql.database_main.Database.fill_sql_table, line 16)

run a select command on a table

t = Database (file)
cur = t.execute ("SELECT * FROM table1 ;")
for f in cur :
cur.close ()

(original entry : database_core.py:docstring of pyensae.sql.database_core.DatabaseCore.execute, line 7)