.. _l-HISTORY: ======= History ======= current - 2022-05-21 - 0.00Mb ============================= * :issue:`71`: Moves Cartopy, GDAL, fiona, Shapely to the small set. (2022-05-21) 1.4.1956 - 2022-05-21 - 2.39Mb ============================== 1.4.1949 - 2021-11-11 - 1.94Mb ============================== * :issue:`70`: Add onnxruntime_training and its extension (2021-11-11) 1.4.1936 - 2021-10-12 - 1.98Mb ============================== * :issue:`69`: Fixes for pip==21.3. (2021-10-12) 1.4.1870 - 2021-01-01 - 1.98Mb ============================== * :issue:`68`: Exception HTTPTooManyRequests when checking package versions (2020-08-29) * :issue:`67`: filter out some warnings when installing a package (2020-04-25) * :issue:`66`: remove smopy, not maintained anymore (2019-06-05) * :issue:`65`: upgrade dependencies to pip >=10 (2019-03-17) * :issue:`63`: add ONNX modules (2019-02-02) * :issue:`60`: standalone installation on linux (2019-02-02) * :issue:`62`: simplify sets of modules to install (2018-11-10) * :issue:`61`: fix import issue for pip 0.18.1 (2018-10-06) * :issue:`33`: add code to remove unneeded packages such as gdata (2018-07-31) * :issue:`59`: install pythonnet from wheel and not from pip (2018-07-27) * :issue:`58`: fix issue with pylzma on Python 3.7 (2018-07-24) * :issue:`56`: fix bug in c:\Python37-x64\lib\site-packages\win32ctypes\core\cffi\_advapi32.py (2018-07-23) * :issue:`55`: move circleci to python 3.7 (2018-07-23) * :issue:`54`: remove basemap (deprecated) (2018-07-22) * :issue:`53`: remove arctic, bitarray (2018-07-06) * :issue:`52`: remove fastcluster (2018-07-06) * :issue:`51`: fix issue with torch (2018-07-06) * :issue:`50`: rename climate into climate_toolbox (2018-07-06) * :issue:`49`: remove blaze, odo, not maintained (2018-07-06) * :issue:`48`: add missing modules for keras (2018-07-06) * :issue:`47`: add traceback2 (2018-07-06) * :issue:`46`: add pyecharts (2018-07-06) * :issue:`45`: filter out warnings added by pip 10 (2018-06-16) * :issue:`44`: rename tensorboard (2018-05-02) * :issue:`43`: fix param - no longer require C compilation (2018-05-02) * :issue:`42`: add options --no-warn-script-location by default for pip >= 10.0 (2018-04-19) * :issue:`41`: update for pip 10 (2018-04-14) * :issue:`40`: add module absl-py (tensorflow), backcall (ipython) (2018-04-03) * :issue:`39`: add ipyscales (2018-03-31) * :issue:`38`: add module asteval (lmfit), ipydatawidgets (pythreejs) (2018-03-31) * :issue:`37`: add module packaging (2018-03-30) * :issue:`35`: add python to PATH when testing datascientist distribution (2018-01-05) * :issue:`34`: enable pip+git (2017-09-24) * :issue:`21`: fix ete3 (2017-09-17) * :issue:`32`: add Python 3.6.2 (2017-09-16) * :issue:`22`: fix pypdf and branch trunk (2017-08-29) * :issue:`30`: compile dlib for python 3.6 (2017-08-05) * :issue:`27`: fix guidata (2017-08-05) * :issue:`29`: build dlib on Windows (2017-07-19) * :issue:`20`: refresh pystruct, polylearn, dlib, pythonnet (2017-03-22) * :issue:`19`: add a test to check the installation of a portable version with many modules (2017-03-16) * :issue:`18`: compile fastcache (2017-03-16) * :issue:`13`: add tensorflow (if it compiles on Windows) (2017-02-25) * :issue:`16`: add blog about rpy2 issue (2016-08-25) * :issue:`14`: wheel for module param (2016-08-25) * :issue:`11`: switch to https to communicate with pypi (2016-06-18) * :issue:`10`: switch from http to https to communicate with pypi (2016-06-18)