:orphan: .. _l-mainblog: Blog Gallery ============ .. tocdelay:: 2021-01-15 - Install pythonnet on debian is difficult <2021/2021-01-15_pythonnet> 2021-01-11 - Build Tensorflow from source <2021/2021-01-11_tf> 2021-01-11 - AttributeError: module 'nbconvert.exporters' has no attribute 'WebPDFExporter' <2021/2021-01-11_nbconvert> 2021-01-09 - Install Python 3.9 and many packages on Linux Debian 10 <2021/2021-01-09_debian> 2021-01-06 - Cannot load library libcairo-2.dll <2021/2021-01-06_cairo> 2020-09-30 - Issue with setuptools and pip <2020/2020-09-30_setuptools> 2020-02-02 - Automated jobs on jenkins <2020/2020-02-02_local_env> 2019-12-31 - Installation of Python 3.8 <2019/2019-12-31_38> 2019-11-11 - Nbconvert requires recent version of latex <2019/2019-11-11_texlive> 2019-11-11 - Installation of nginx <2019/2019-11-11_nginx> 2019-09-21 - Installation of proj <2019/2019-09-21_proj> 2019-09-19 - lighttpd - serve static content - setup <2019/2019-09-19_lighttpd> 2019-08-25 - Installation of pyproj on debian <2019/2019-08-25_pyproj> 2019-01-13 - Install FTP server on debian <2019/2019-01-13_ftp_linux> 2018-12-29 - Install Python 3.7 and many packages on Linux Debian 9 <2018/2018-12-29_python37_2> 2018-12-14 - Real time communication <2018/2018-12-14_aiortc> 2018-08-23 - Build protobuf and onnx for Windows <2018/2018-08-23_protobuf> 2018-08-19 - Install Python 3.7 and many packages on Linux Debian 9 <2018/2018-08-19_python37> 2018-07-29 - opencv, cannot find DLL <2018/2018-07-29_opencv> 2018-07-05 - pyecharts + echarts <2018/2018-07-05_pyecharts> 2018-05-20 - Build pythonnet <2018/2018-05-20_pythonnet> 2018-04-16 - Build onnx for Windows <2018/2018-04-16_onnx> 2018-03-01 - m2r as a replacement of recommonmark <2018/2018-03-01_m2r> 2018-02-21 - Install spacy on Windows <2018/2018-02-21_spacy> 2018-01-17 - Build cvxopt on Windows, cvxopt 1.1.9 not compatible with numpy 1.14 <2018/2018-01-17_cvxopt> 2017-11-29 - Python 3.6 and Visual Studio 2017 <2017/2017-11-29_vs2017> 2017-11-11 - ete3 and PyQt5 <2017/2017-11-11_ete3> 2017-11-08 - Install pytorch on Windows <2017/2017-11-08_torch_windows> 2017-11-08 - Create a wheel with an installed package <2017/2017-11-08_setup_site_package> 2017-11-04 - A few interesting modules <2017/2017-11-04_modules> 2017-11-01 - Issue with scipy 1.0 and statsmodels 0.8 <2017/2017-11-01_statsmodels> 2017-10-26 - Last release of basemap. <2017/2017-10-26_basemap> 2017-10-26 - build protobuf on windows <2017/2017-10-26_protobuf> 2017-10-07 - Last release of Theano. <2017/2017-10-07_theano> 2017-09-23 - Standalone distribution of Python <2017/2017-09-24_standalone> 2017-09-16 - ete3 and pyqt5 <2017/2017-09-16_ete3> 2017-09-02 - mpld3 is no longer maintained. <2017/2017-09-02_mpld3> 2017-08-31 - Issue with keyrings.alt <2017/2017-08-31_gdata> 2017-08-17 - Theano and Mingw <2017/2017-08-17_theano> 2017-08-09 - Issue with PyQt <2017/2017-08-09_qt> 2017-07-17 - A couple of interesting modules for IOT <2017/2017-07-17_iotmodule> 2017-07-10 - Building dlib for Python 3.6 and boost_python on Windows <2017/2017-07-10_dlib> 2017-07-02 - Module sphinxcontrib.blockdiag <2017/2017-07-02_blockdiag> 2017-06-07 - Package update and new bugs <2017/2017-06-07_matplotlib> 2017-04-18 - Get Visual Studio Community Edition 2015 <2017/2017-04-18_vs2015> 2017-04-16 - Skip Pillow 4.1.0 for Windows <2017/2017-04-16_pillow> 2017-02-15 - TensorFlow for Windows <2017/2017-02-15_tf> 2017-02-12 - Standalone Python Distribution <2017/2017-02-12_grammar> 2017-01-14 - GPU and pycuda or pyopencl on Windows <2017/2017-01-14_cuda> 2017-01-03 - Build pypiwin32 on Windows <2017/2017-01-03_pypiwin32> 2017-01-03 - Building pycrypto on Windows <2017/2017-01-03_pycrypto> 2017-01-02 - Python + Excel <2017/2017-01-02_python_excel> 2016-12-08 - How to fix: HttpHostx64.exe has stopped working <2016/2016-12-08_vshub> 2016-12-07 - pytablewriter <2016/2016-12-07_pytablewriter> 2016-12-06 - prince and MCA <2016/2016-12-06_prince> 2016-12-04 - pivottablejs <2016/2016-12-04-pivottablejs> 2016-12-04 - cvxopt <2016/2016-12-04-cvxopt> 2016-10-29 - yapf, code formatter <2016/2016-10-29-yapf> 2016-10-29 - Jupyter Notebook Extensions <2016/2016-10-29-nbextensions> 2016-10-26 - geopandas <2016/2016-10-26-geopandas> 2016-09-08 - Build dlib on Windows <2016/2016-09-08-dlib> 2016-08-31 - Build wendelin.core on Windows <2016/2016-08-31_wendelin_core> 2016-08-25 - Build rpy2 on Windows <2016/2016-08-25_rpy2> 2016-08-16 - Build param on Windows <2016/2016-08-16_param> 2016-08-09 - Build xgboost on Windows (again) <2016/2016-08-09_xgboost_again> 2016-08-04 - Virtual environment and Anaconda <2016/2016-08-04_anaconda> 2016-07-07 - Build winrandom on Windows <2016/2016-07-07_winrandom> 2016-06-18 - version_information <2016/2016-06-18_version_information> 2016-04-04 - Build xgboost 0.4a30 for Python 3.4 and 3.5 <2016/2016-04-04_build_xgboost_04a30> 2016-03-19 - Nice extensions to scikit-learn <2016/2016-03-19_new_modules> 2016-03-12 - Module xray was renamed into xarray <2016/2016-03-12_xray_xarray> 2016-03-12 - Discontinued module with Python 3.5 <2016/2016-03-12_python35_setup> 2016-02-27 - Why setup.py bdist_wheel does not work? <2016/2016-02-27_setup_bdist_wheel> 2016-02-27 - Pycrypto, pycryptodome, paramiko to open a SSH connection <2016/2016-02-27_pycrypto_paramiko> 2016-02-18 - Anaconda and MKL <2016/2016-02-18_mkl_anaconda> 2016-01-05 - Directly import from Github <2016/2016-01-05_import_from_github> 2016-01-03 - pythonnet for Python 3.5 <2016/2016-01-03_pythonnet> 2015-12-21 - PyCrypto and pycryptodome <2015/2015-12-21_pycrypto> 2015-12-13 - Install a package on Anaconda <2015/2015-12-13_conda> 2015-12-05 - Wordcloud to draw clouds of words <2015/2015-12-05_wordcloud> 2015-12-05 - A few interested modules not included in this one <2015/2015-12-05_interesting_modules> 2015-11-25 - Pycrypto on Python 3.5 <2015/2015-11-25_pycrypto> 2015-11-12 - Build xgboost for Python 3.5 <2015/2015-11-12_build_xgboost_35> 2015-11-01 - Issue with Scipy on Windows and Python 3.5 <2015/2015-11-09_issue_sklearn> 2015-11-01 - Install Anaconda through SSH connection <2015/2015-11-01_anaconda_ssh> 2015-10-28 - Issues with Python 3.5 <2015/2015-10-28_python35> 2015-10-19 - Natural Sort <2015/2015-10-19_natsort> 2015-10-01 - Cannot import DLL <2015/2015-10-11_import_dll> 2015-09-21 - import cvxopt fails <2015/2015-09-21_cvxopt> 2015-09-20 - Install cvxpy on Windows <2015/2015-09-20_cvxpy> 2015-09-19 - Warning with Mako <2015/2015-09-19_mako> 2015-09-17 - I tried to build pywin32 for Python 3.5 <2015/2015-09-17_pywin32_py35> 2015-09-12 - Install Theano on Linux <2015/2015-09-12_install_theano> 2015-09-12 - Build xgboost for Python 3.4 <2015/2015-09-12_build_xgboost> 2015-09-12 - Building wheel for CVXcanon on Windows <2015/2015-09-19_CVXcanon> 2015-08-30 - Install Python 3.4 with packages for a Data Scientist on Linux <2015/2015-08-30_install_linux> 2015-08-23 - Build module xgboost <2015/2015-08-23_xgboost> 2015-08-17 - Issue with module goslate 1.5 <2015/2015-08-17_goslate> 2015-08-17 - Issue with module babel <2015/2015-08-17_babel13> 2015-08-17 - Install a shortcut with setup.py <2015/2015-08-17_entrypoints> 2015-07-14 - Modules futures, concurrent <2015/2015-07-14-futures> 2015-06-06 - New modules after a year of teachings <2015/2015-06-06-ensae_teachings> .. toctree:: :hidden: blog 0 <2021/2021-01-15_pythonnet> blog 1 <2021/2021-01-11_tf> blog 2 <2021/2021-01-11_nbconvert> blog 3 <2021/2021-01-09_debian> blog 4 <2021/2021-01-06_cairo> blog 5 <2020/2020-09-30_setuptools> blog 6 <2020/2020-02-02_local_env> blog 7 <2019/2019-12-31_38> blog 8 <2019/2019-11-11_texlive> blog 9 <2019/2019-11-11_nginx> blog 10 <2019/2019-09-21_proj> blog 11 <2019/2019-09-19_lighttpd> blog 12 <2019/2019-08-25_pyproj> blog 13 <2019/2019-01-13_ftp_linux> blog 14 <2018/2018-12-29_python37_2> blog 15 <2018/2018-12-14_aiortc> blog 16 <2018/2018-08-23_protobuf> blog 17 <2018/2018-08-19_python37> blog 18 <2018/2018-07-29_opencv> blog 19 <2018/2018-07-05_pyecharts> blog 20 <2018/2018-05-20_pythonnet> blog 21 <2018/2018-04-16_onnx> blog 22 <2018/2018-03-01_m2r> blog 23 <2018/2018-02-21_spacy> blog 24 <2018/2018-01-17_cvxopt> blog 25 <2017/2017-11-29_vs2017> blog 26 <2017/2017-11-11_ete3> blog 27 <2017/2017-11-08_torch_windows> blog 28 <2017/2017-11-08_setup_site_package> blog 29 <2017/2017-11-04_modules> blog 30 <2017/2017-11-01_statsmodels> blog 31 <2017/2017-10-26_basemap> blog 32 <2017/2017-10-26_protobuf> blog 33 <2017/2017-10-07_theano> blog 34 <2017/2017-09-24_standalone> blog 35 <2017/2017-09-16_ete3> blog 36 <2017/2017-09-02_mpld3> blog 37 <2017/2017-08-31_gdata> blog 38 <2017/2017-08-17_theano> blog 39 <2017/2017-08-09_qt> blog 40 <2017/2017-07-17_iotmodule> blog 41 <2017/2017-07-10_dlib> blog 42 <2017/2017-07-02_blockdiag> blog 43 <2017/2017-06-07_matplotlib> blog 44 <2017/2017-04-18_vs2015> blog 45 <2017/2017-04-16_pillow> blog 46 <2017/2017-02-15_tf> blog 47 <2017/2017-02-12_grammar> blog 48 <2017/2017-01-14_cuda> blog 49 <2017/2017-01-03_pypiwin32> blog 50 <2017/2017-01-03_pycrypto> blog 51 <2017/2017-01-02_python_excel> blog 52 <2016/2016-12-08_vshub> blog 53 <2016/2016-12-07_pytablewriter> blog 54 <2016/2016-12-06_prince> blog 55 <2016/2016-12-04-pivottablejs> blog 56 <2016/2016-12-04-cvxopt> blog 57 <2016/2016-10-29-yapf> blog 58 <2016/2016-10-29-nbextensions> blog 59 <2016/2016-10-26-geopandas> blog 60 <2016/2016-09-08-dlib> blog 61 <2016/2016-08-31_wendelin_core> blog 62 <2016/2016-08-25_rpy2> blog 63 <2016/2016-08-16_param> blog 64 <2016/2016-08-09_xgboost_again> blog 65 <2016/2016-08-04_anaconda> blog 66 <2016/2016-07-07_winrandom> blog 67 <2016/2016-06-18_version_information> blog 68 <2016/2016-04-04_build_xgboost_04a30> blog 69 <2016/2016-03-19_new_modules> blog 70 <2016/2016-03-12_xray_xarray> blog 71 <2016/2016-03-12_python35_setup> blog 72 <2016/2016-02-27_setup_bdist_wheel> blog 73 <2016/2016-02-27_pycrypto_paramiko> blog 74 <2016/2016-02-18_mkl_anaconda> blog 75 <2016/2016-01-05_import_from_github> blog 76 <2016/2016-01-03_pythonnet> blog 77 <2015/2015-12-21_pycrypto> blog 78 <2015/2015-12-13_conda> blog 79 <2015/2015-12-05_wordcloud> blog 80 <2015/2015-12-05_interesting_modules> blog 81 <2015/2015-11-25_pycrypto> blog 82 <2015/2015-11-12_build_xgboost_35> blog 83 <2015/2015-11-09_issue_sklearn> blog 84 <2015/2015-11-01_anaconda_ssh> blog 85 <2015/2015-10-28_python35> blog 86 <2015/2015-10-19_natsort> blog 87 <2015/2015-10-11_import_dll> blog 88 <2015/2015-09-21_cvxopt> blog 89 <2015/2015-09-20_cvxpy> blog 90 <2015/2015-09-19_mako> blog 91 <2015/2015-09-17_pywin32_py35> blog 92 <2015/2015-09-12_install_theano> blog 93 <2015/2015-09-12_build_xgboost> blog 94 <2015/2015-09-19_CVXcanon> blog 95 <2015/2015-08-30_install_linux> blog 96 <2015/2015-08-23_xgboost> blog 97 <2015/2015-08-17_goslate> blog 98 <2015/2015-08-17_babel13> blog 99 <2015/2015-08-17_entrypoints> blog 100 <2015/2015-07-14-futures> blog 101 <2015/2015-06-06-ensae_teachings> .. only:: html .. toctree:: :hidden: 0 <2021/2021-01-15_pythonnet> 1 <2021/2021-01-11_tf> 2 <2021/2021-01-11_nbconvert> 3 <2021/2021-01-09_debian> 4 <2021/2021-01-06_cairo> 5 <2020/2020-09-30_setuptools> 6 <2020/2020-02-02_local_env> 7 <2019/2019-12-31_38> 8 <2019/2019-11-11_texlive> 9 <2019/2019-11-11_nginx> 10 <2019/2019-09-21_proj> 11 <2019/2019-09-19_lighttpd> 12 <2019/2019-08-25_pyproj> 13 <2019/2019-01-13_ftp_linux> 14 <2018/2018-12-29_python37_2> 15 <2018/2018-12-14_aiortc> 16 <2018/2018-08-23_protobuf> 17 <2018/2018-08-19_python37> 18 <2018/2018-07-29_opencv> 19 <2018/2018-07-05_pyecharts> 20 <2018/2018-05-20_pythonnet> 21 <2018/2018-04-16_onnx> 22 <2018/2018-03-01_m2r> 23 <2018/2018-02-21_spacy> 24 <2018/2018-01-17_cvxopt> 25 <2017/2017-11-29_vs2017> 26 <2017/2017-11-11_ete3> 27 <2017/2017-11-08_torch_windows> 28 <2017/2017-11-08_setup_site_package> 29 <2017/2017-11-04_modules> 30 <2017/2017-11-01_statsmodels> 31 <2017/2017-10-26_basemap> 32 <2017/2017-10-26_protobuf> 33 <2017/2017-10-07_theano> 34 <2017/2017-09-24_standalone> 35 <2017/2017-09-16_ete3> 36 <2017/2017-09-02_mpld3> 37 <2017/2017-08-31_gdata> 38 <2017/2017-08-17_theano> 39 <2017/2017-08-09_qt> 40 <2017/2017-07-17_iotmodule> 41 <2017/2017-07-10_dlib> 42 <2017/2017-07-02_blockdiag> 43 <2017/2017-06-07_matplotlib> 44 <2017/2017-04-18_vs2015> 45 <2017/2017-04-16_pillow> 46 <2017/2017-02-15_tf> 47 <2017/2017-02-12_grammar> 48 <2017/2017-01-14_cuda> 49 <2017/2017-01-03_pypiwin32> 50 <2017/2017-01-03_pycrypto> 51 <2017/2017-01-02_python_excel> 52 <2016/2016-12-08_vshub> 53 <2016/2016-12-07_pytablewriter> 54 <2016/2016-12-06_prince> 55 <2016/2016-12-04-pivottablejs> 56 <2016/2016-12-04-cvxopt> 57 <2016/2016-10-29-yapf> 58 <2016/2016-10-29-nbextensions> 59 <2016/2016-10-26-geopandas> 60 <2016/2016-09-08-dlib> 61 <2016/2016-08-31_wendelin_core> 62 <2016/2016-08-25_rpy2> 63 <2016/2016-08-16_param> 64 <2016/2016-08-09_xgboost_again> 65 <2016/2016-08-04_anaconda> 66 <2016/2016-07-07_winrandom> 67 <2016/2016-06-18_version_information> 68 <2016/2016-04-04_build_xgboost_04a30> 69 <2016/2016-03-19_new_modules> 70 <2016/2016-03-12_xray_xarray> 71 <2016/2016-03-12_python35_setup> 72 <2016/2016-02-27_setup_bdist_wheel> 73 <2016/2016-02-27_pycrypto_paramiko> 74 <2016/2016-02-18_mkl_anaconda> 75 <2016/2016-01-05_import_from_github> 76 <2016/2016-01-03_pythonnet> 77 <2015/2015-12-21_pycrypto> 78 <2015/2015-12-13_conda> 79 <2015/2015-12-05_wordcloud> 80 <2015/2015-12-05_interesting_modules> 81 <2015/2015-11-25_pycrypto> 82 <2015/2015-11-12_build_xgboost_35> 83 <2015/2015-11-09_issue_sklearn> 84 <2015/2015-11-01_anaconda_ssh> 85 <2015/2015-10-28_python35> 86 <2015/2015-10-19_natsort> 87 <2015/2015-10-11_import_dll> 88 <2015/2015-09-21_cvxopt> 89 <2015/2015-09-20_cvxpy> 90 <2015/2015-09-19_mako> 91 <2015/2015-09-17_pywin32_py35> 92 <2015/2015-09-12_install_theano> 93 <2015/2015-09-12_build_xgboost> 94 <2015/2015-09-19_CVXcanon> 95 <2015/2015-08-30_install_linux> 96 <2015/2015-08-23_xgboost> 97 <2015/2015-08-17_goslate> 98 <2015/2015-08-17_babel13> 99 <2015/2015-08-17_entrypoints> 100 <2015/2015-07-14-futures> 101 <2015/2015-06-06-ensae_teachings> blog 0 blog 1 blog 2 blog 3 blog 4 blog 5 blog 6 blog 7 blog 8 blog 9 blog 10 blog 11 blog 12 blog 13 blog 14 blog 15 blog 16 blog 17 blog 18 blog 19 blog 20 blog 21 blog 22 blog 23 blog 24 blog 25 blog 26 blog 27 blog 28 blog 29 blog 30 blog 31 blog 32 blog 33 blog 34 blog 35 blog 36 blog 37 blog 38 blog 39 blog 40 blog 41 blog 42 blog 43 blog 44 blog 45 blog 46 blog 47 blog 48 blog 49 blog 50 blog 51 blog 52 blog 53 blog 54 blog 55 blog 56 blog 57 blog 58 blog 59 blog 60 blog 61 blog 62 blog 63 blog 64 blog 65 blog 66 blog 67 blog 68 blog 69 blog 70 blog 71 blog 72 blog 73 blog 74 blog 75 blog 76 blog 77 blog 78 blog 79 blog 80 blog 81 blog 82 blog 83 blog 84 blog 85 blog 86 blog 87 .. image:: feed-icon-16x16.png :download:`download rss ` :ref:`blog list `, :ref:`blog main page `