:orphan: |rss_image| :ref:`<== ` **install - 2/2** :ref:`Blog ` :ref:`installation (12) ` :ref:`python (3) ` .. |rss_image| image:: feed-icon-16x16.png :target: ../_downloads/rss.xml :alt: RSS ---- .. _ap-cat-install-1: install - 2/2 +++++++++++++ .. blogpostagg:: :title: Warning with Mako :date: 2015-09-19 :keywords: Mako,warning,issue :categories: install,module,issue :rawfile: 2015/2015-09-19_mako.rst The installation of `Mako `_ generates the following error:: ... .. blogpostagg:: :title: I tried to build pywin32 for Python 3.5 :date: 2015-09-17 :keywords: build,pywin32,Visual Studio 2015 :categories: install,module,windows :rawfile: 2015/2015-09-17_pywin32_py35.rst So I installed `Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 `_, `Windows SDK `_. I think some files changed positions so I played a little bit. I created folder ``C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\custom`` where I copied ``Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um`` into ``custom\include`` and ``Windows Kits\8.1\Lib\winv6.3\um\x64`` into ``custom\lib``. I modified the file ``setup.py`` from pywin32 and I tried to build (``python setup.py build``). I ended up with this error:: ... .. blogpostagg:: :title: Install Theano on Linux :date: 2015-09-12 :keywords: install,theano,tdm-g++ :categories: install,module,windows :rawfile: 2015/2015-09-12_install_theano.rst The module `theano `_ involves some C++ and requires a compiler. For Windows, I recommend to read section `Installation of Theano on Windows `_. It requires `tdm-gcc `_. .. blogpostagg:: :title: Build xgboost for Python 3.4 :date: 2015-09-12 :keywords: install,xgboost,vcomp110.dll,OpenMP :categories: install,module,windows :rawfile: 2015/2015-09-12_build_xgboost.rst This is a process I followed to build `xgboost `_ 0.4 (which I also described at `Building xgboost on Windows for Python `_). This is also what you should follow to get missing dependency such as ``vcomp110.dll`` (which comes from `OpenMP in Visual C++ `_). The following process is only available for Python 3.4 64 bit: ... .. blogpostagg:: :title: Building wheel for CVXcanon on Windows :date: 2015-09-12 :keywords: install,wheel,CVxcanon :categories: install,module,windows :rawfile: 2015/2015-09-19_CVXcanon.rst I tried to run the command ``python setup.py bdist_wheel`` but it failed with the following error message:: ... .. blogpostagg:: :title: Install Python 3.4 with packages for a Data Scientist on Linux :date: 2015-08-30 :keywords: install,linux,ubuntu,azure :categories: install,module,linux :rawfile: 2015/2015-08-30_install_linux.rst I tested the python installation on Linux from scratch (= without Anaconda). I used a distribution `Ubuntu 14.0 `_ through `Azure `_. I did everything from the command line. I started by updating `apt-get `_ (required for `kivy `_):: ... ---- |rss_image| :ref:`<== ` **install - 2/2** :ref:`2019-11 (2) ` :ref:`2019-12 (1) ` :ref:`2020-02 (1) ` :ref:`2020-09 (1) ` :ref:`2021-01 (5) `