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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 



4@brief Modules for Orange 


6from ..installhelper.module_install import ModuleInstall 



9def orange_set(): 

10 """ 

11 modules implemented for Orange, it requires the modules in set *ml* 

12 """ 

13 mod = [ 

14 ModuleInstall( 

15 "pdfminer3k", "pip", 

16 purpose="PDF parser and analyzer"), 

17 ModuleInstall( 

18 "docx2txt", "pip", 

19 purpose="A pure python-based utility to extract text and images from docx files."), 

20 ModuleInstall( 

21 "odfpy", "pip", 

22 purpose="Python API and tools to manipulate OpenDocument files"), 

23 ModuleInstall( 

24 "setuptools-git", "pip", mname="setuptools_git", 

25 purpose="This is a plugin for setuptools that enables git integration. Once installed, Setuptools " + 

26 "can be told to include in a package distribution all the files tracked by git. " + 

27 "This is an alternative to explicit inclusion specifications with MANIFEST.in."), 

28 ModuleInstall( 

29 "scikit-fusion", "pip", mname="skfusion", 

30 purpose="A Python module for data fusion built on top of factorized models."), 

31 ModuleInstall( 

32 "AnyQt", "pip", 

33 purpose="PyQt4/PyQt5 compatibility layer."), 

34 ModuleInstall("hyperframe", "pip", 

35 purpose="HTTP/2 framing layer for Python"), 

36 ModuleInstall("hpack", "pip", 

37 purpose="Pure-Python HPACK header compression"), 

38 ModuleInstall("h2", "pip", 

39 purpose="HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol implementation"), 

40 ModuleInstall("hyper", "pip", 

41 purpose="HTTP/2 Client for Python"), 

42 ModuleInstall("serverfiles", "pip", 

43 purpose="An utility that accesses files on a HTTP server and stores them locally for reuse."), 

44 ModuleInstall( 

45 "orange3", "pip", mname="Orange", 

46 usage="ORANGE", purpose="Orange is a component-based data mining software. It includes a range of " + 

47 "data visualization, exploration, " + 

48 "preprocessing and modeling techniques. It can be used through a nice and intuitive user interface or, for more advanced users, " + 

49 "as a module for the Python programming language."), 

50 ModuleInstall("ufal.udpipe", "pip", purpose="for orange3-text"), 

51 ModuleInstall( 

52 "orange3-text", "pip", mname="orangecontrib.text", usage="ORANGE", 

53 purpose="Orange3 Text extends Orange3, a data mining software package, with common functionality for text mining. " + 

54 "It provides access to publicly available data, like NY Times, Twitter and PubMed. Further, " + 

55 "it provides tools for preprocessing, " + 

56 "constructing vector spaces (like bag-of-words, topic modeling and word2vec) and visualizations like word cloud end geo map. " + 

57 "All features can be combined with powerful data mining techniques from the Orange data mining framework."), 

58 ModuleInstall( 

59 "orange3-associate", "pip", mname="orangecontrib.associate", usage="ORANGE", 

60 purpose="This module implements FP-growth [1] frequent pattern mining algorithm with bucketing " + 

61 "optimization [2] for conditional databases of few items."), 

62 # has a dependency on Orange (Python 2) 

63 # ModuleInstall( 

64 # "orange3-datafusion", "pip", mname="orangecontrib.datafusion", usage="ORANGE", 

65 # purpose="This is a data fusion add-on for [Orange3](http://orange.biolab.si). Add-on wraps scikit-fusion, " + 

66 # "a Python library for data fusion, and implements a set of widgets for loading of the data, definition of data fusion schema, " + 

67 # "collective matrix factorization and exploration of latent factors."), 

68 # ModuleInstall( 

69 # "orange3-network", "github", "biolab", mname="orangecontrib.network", custom=["build", "install"], usage="ORANGE", 

70 # purpose="Orange Network is an add-on for Orange data mining software 

71 # package. It provides network visualization and analysis tools."), 

72 ModuleInstall( 

73 "Orange3-Network", "pip", mname="orangecontrib.network", usage="ORANGE", 

74 purpose="Orange Network is an add-on for Orange data mining software package. It provides " + 

75 "network visualization and analysis tools."), 

76 ModuleInstall( 

77 "CacheControl", "pip", mname="cachecontrol", 

78 purpose="httplib2 caching for requests"), 

79 ModuleInstall( 

80 "Orange3-ImageAnalytics", "pip", mname="orangecontrib.imageanalytics", usage="ORANGE", 

81 purpose="Orange3 add-on for image data mining."), 

82 # weird 

83 # ModuleInstall( 

84 # "orange3-prototypes", "pip", mname="orangecontrib.prototypes", usage="ORANGE", 

85 # purpose="Prototype Orange widgets. Only for the brave."), 

86 # weird 

87 # ModuleInstall( 

88 # "orange3-spark", "pip", mname="orangecontrib.spark", usage="ORANGE", 

89 # purpose="A set of widgets for Orange data mining suite to work with 

90 # Apache Spark ML API."), 

91 ] 

92 # 

93 return [_ for _ in mod if _ is not None]