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388 statements  

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3@brief Parse a file *.yml* and convert it into a set of actions. 


5import os 

6import re 

7from ..texthelper.templating import apply_template 

8from ..filehelper import read_content_ufs 

9from .yaml_helper_yaml import yaml_load 

10from .jenkins_helper import get_platform 



13_jenkins_split = "JENKINS_SPLIT" 



16def pickname(*args): 

17 """ 

18 Picks the first string non null in the list. 


20 @param l list of string 

21 @return string 

22 """ 

23 for s in args: 

24 s = s.strip() 

25 if s: 

26 return s 

27 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

28 f"Unable to find a non empty string in {args}") 



31def load_yaml(file_or_buffer, context=None, engine="jinja2", platform=None): 

32 """ 

33 Loads a :epkg:`yml` file (*.yml*). 


35 @param file_or_buffer string or physical file or url 

36 @param context variables to replace in the configuration 

37 @param engine see @see fn apply_template 

38 @param platform to join path differently based on the OS 

39 @return see `PyYAML <>`_ 

40 """ 

41 def replace(val, rep, into): 

42 if val is None: 

43 return val 

44 return val.replace(rep, into) 

45 content, source = read_content_ufs(file_or_buffer, add_source=True) 


47 def ospathjoinp(*args, **kwargs): 

48 p = kwargs.get('platform', platform) 

49 return ospathjoin(*args, platform=p) 


51 if context is None: 

52 context = dict(replace=replace, ospathjoin=ospathjoinp, 

53 pickname=pickname) 

54 else: 

55 fs = [("replace", replace), ("ospathjoin", ospathjoinp), 

56 ("pickname", pickname)] 

57 if any(_[0] not in context for _ in fs): 

58 context = context.copy() 

59 for k, f in fs: 

60 if k not in context: 

61 context[k] = f 

62 if not isinstance(context, dict): 

63 raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover 

64 f"context must be a dictionary not {type(context)}.") 

65 if "project_name" not in context: 

66 project_name = infer_project_name(file_or_buffer, source) 

67 else: 

68 project_name = context["project_name"] 

69 if project_name.endswith("__"): 

70 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

71 f"project_name is wrong, it cannot end by '__': '{project_name}'") 

72 if "project_name" not in context and project_name is not None: 

73 context["project_name"] = project_name 


75 if ("root_path" not in context or 

76 not context["root_path"].endswith(project_name)): 

77 context = context.copy() 

78 context["root_path"] = ospathjoin( 

79 context.get("root_path", ""), project_name, platform=platform) 


81 if "root_path" in context: 

82 if platform is None: 

83 platform = get_platform(platform) 

84 if platform.startswith("win"): 

85 addition = f"set current={context['root_path']}\\%NAME_JENKINS%" 

86 else: 

87 addition = f"export current={context['root_path']}/$NAME_JENKINS" 

88 content = f"automatedsetup:\n - {addition}\n{content}" 


90 content = apply_template(content, context, engine) 

91 try: 

92 return yaml_load(content), project_name 

93 except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover 

94 raise SyntaxError( 

95 f"Unable to parse content\n{content}") from e 



98def evaluate_condition(cond, variables=None): 

99 """ 

100 Evaluates a condition inserted in a :epkg:`yml` file. 


102 @param cond (str) condition 

103 @param variables (dict|None) dictionary 

104 @return boolean 


106 Example of a condition:: 


108 [ ${PYTHON} == "C:\\Python370_x64" ] 

109 """ 

110 if variables is not None: 

111 for k, v in variables.items(): 

112 rep = "${%s}" % k 

113 vv = f'"{v}"' 

114 # This fix should be done in another way and extracting strings 

115 # in the expression and check escape characters. 

116 cond = cond.replace('"C:\\Py', '"C:\\\\Py') 

117 cond = cond.replace(rep, vv) 

118 cond = cond.replace(rep.upper(), vv) 

119 cond = cond.strip() 

120 if cond.startswith("[") and cond.endswith("]"): 

121 e = eval(cond) 

122 return all(e) 

123 try: 

124 ev = eval(cond) 

125 return ev 

126 except SyntaxError as e: 

127 raise SyntaxError( 

128 f"Unable to interpret '{cond}'\nvariables: {variables}") from e 



131def interpret_instruction(inst, variables=None): 

132 """ 

133 Interprets an instruction with if statement. 


135 @param inst (str) instruction 

136 @param variables (dict|None) 

137 @return (str|None) 


139 Example of a statement:: 


141 - if [ ${PYTHON} == "C:\\\\Python391_x64" ] then python build_sphinx fi 


143 Another example:: 


145 - if [ ${VERSION} == "3.9" and ${DIST} == "std" ] 

146 then 

147 --CMD=$PYINT -u scikit-learn/;; 


149 fi 


151 In this second syntax, lines must end with ``;;``. 

152 If an instruction cannot be interpreted, it is left 

153 left unchanged as the function assumes it can only be solved 

154 in a bash script. 


156 Switch to ``;;`` instead of ``;`` as a instruction separator 

157 for conditional instructions. 

158 """ 

159 if isinstance(inst, list): 

160 res = [interpret_instruction(_, variables) for _ in inst] 

161 if any(res): 

162 return [_ for _ in res if _ is not None] 

163 return None 

164 if isinstance(inst, tuple): 

165 if len(inst) != 2 or inst[1] is None: 

166 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

167 f"Unable to interpret '{inst}'.") 

168 return (inst[0], interpret_instruction(inst[1], variables)) 

169 if isinstance(inst, dict): 

170 return inst 

171 if isinstance(inst, (int, float)): 

172 return inst 


174 inst = inst.replace("\n", " ") 

175 exp = re.compile("^ *if +(.*) +then +(.*)( +else +(.*))? +fi *$") 

176 find = 

177 if find: 

178 gr = find.groups() 

179 try: 

180 e = evaluate_condition(gr[0], variables) 

181 except SyntaxError: 

182 # We assume the condition is a linux condition. 

183 return inst 

184 g = gr[1] if e else gr[3] 

185 return None if g is None else interpret_instruction(g, variables) 


187 if inst.startswith('--'): 

188 # one format like --CMD=...; --NAME==...; 

189 exp = re.compile("--([a-zA-Z]+?)=(.+?);;") 

190 find = exp.findall(inst) 

191 if find: 

192 inst = {k.strip(): v.strip() for k, v in find} 

193 inst = {k: (None if not v or len(v) == 0 else v) 

194 for k, v in inst.items()} 

195 return inst 

196 return inst 

197 return inst 



200def enumerate_convert_yaml_into_instructions(obj, variables=None, add_environ=True): 

201 """ 

202 Converts a :epkg:`yml` file into sequences of instructions, 

203 conditions are interpreted. 


205 @param obj yaml objects (@see fn load_yaml) 

206 @param variables additional variables to be used 

207 @param add_environ add environment variables available, does not 

208 overwrite existing variables 

209 when the job is generated 

210 @return list of tuple(instructions, variables) 


212 The function expects the following list 

213 of steps in this order: 


215 * *automatedsetup*: added by this module 

216 * *language*: should be python 

217 * *python*: list of interpreters (multiplies jobs) 

218 * *virtualenv*: name of the virtual environment 

219 * *install*: list of installation steps in the virtual environment 

220 * *before_script*: list of steps to run 

221 * *script*: list of script to run (multiplies jobs) 

222 * *after_script*: list of steps to run 

223 * *documentation*: documentation to run after the 


225 Each step *multiplies jobs* creates a sequence of jobs and a :epkg:`Jenkins` job. 

226 """ 

227 if variables is None: 

228 def_variables = {} 

229 else: 

230 def_variables = variables.copy() 

231 if 'Python37' in def_variables and 'Python38' not in def_variables: 

232 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

233 f"Key 'Python38' is missing in {def_variables}.") 

234 if add_environ: 

235 for k, v in os.environ.items(): 

236 if k not in def_variables: 

237 def_variables[k] = v 

238 sequences = [] 

239 count = {} 

240 steps = ["automatedsetup", "language", "python", "virtualenv", "install", 

241 "before_script", "script", "after_script", 

242 "documentation"] 

243 for key in steps: 

244 value = obj.get(key, None) 

245 if key == "language": 

246 if value != "python": 

247 raise NotImplementedError( # pragma: no cover 

248 "language must be python") 

249 continue # pragma: no cover 

250 if value is not None: 

251 if key in {'python', 'script'} and not isinstance(value, list): 

252 value = [value] 

253 count[key] = len(value) 

254 sequences.append((key, value)) 


256 for k in obj: 

257 if k not in steps: 

258 raise ValueError( 

259 "Unexpected key '{0}' found in yaml file. Expect:\n{1}".format(k, "\n".join(steps))) 


261 # multiplications 

262 i_python = 0 

263 i_script = 0 

264 notstop = True 

265 while notstop: 

266 seq = [] 

267 add = True 

268 variables = def_variables.copy() 

269 for key, value in sequences: 

270 if key == "python": 

271 value = value[i_python] 

272 if isinstance(value, dict): 

273 if 'PATH' not in value: 

274 raise KeyError( # pragma: no cover 

275 f"The dictionary should include key 'path': {value}") 

276 for k, v in sorted(value.items()): 

277 if k != 'PATH': 

278 variables[k] = v 

279 seq.append(('INFO', (k, v))) 

280 value = value["PATH"] 

281 elif key == "script": 

282 value = interpret_instruction(value[i_script], variables) 

283 if isinstance(value, dict): 

284 for k, v in sorted(value.items()): 

285 if k not in ('CMD', 'CMDPY'): 

286 seq.append(('INFO', (k, v))) 

287 variables[k] = v 


289 i_script += 1 

290 if i_script >= count['script']: 

291 i_script = 0 

292 i_python += 1 

293 if i_python >= count['python']: 

294 notstop = False 

295 if value is not None and value != 'None': 

296 seq.append((key, value)) 

297 variables[key] = value 

298 else: 

299 add = False 

300 if add: 

301 r = interpret_instruction(seq, variables) 

302 if r is not None: 

303 yield r, variables 



306def ospathjoin(*args, **kwargs): 

307 """ 

308 Simple ``o.path.join`` for a specific platform. 


310 @param args list of paths 

311 @param kwargs additional parameters, among them, 

312 *platform* (win32 or ...) 

313 @return path 

314 """ 

315 def build_value(*args, **kwargs): 

316 platform = kwargs.get('platform', None) 

317 if platform is None: 

318 return os.path.join(*args) 

319 elif platform.startswith("win"): 

320 return "\\".join(args) 

321 return "/".join(args) 


323 value = build_value(*args, **kwargs) 

324 if value == "/$PYINT": 

325 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

326 f"Impossible values {args} - {kwargs}.") 

327 return value 



330def ospathdirname(lp, platform=None): 

331 """ 

332 Simple ``o.path.dirname`` for a specific platform. 


334 @param lp path 

335 @param platform platform 

336 @return path 

337 """ 

338 if platform is None: 

339 return os.path.dirname(lp) 

340 elif platform.startswith("win"): 

341 return "\\".join(lp.replace("/", "\\").split("\\")[:-1]) 

342 return "/".join(lp.replace("\\", "/").split("/")[:-1]) 



345def convert_sequence_into_batch_file(seq, variables=None, platform=None): 

346 """ 

347 Converts a sequence of instructions into a batch file. 


349 @param seq sequence of instructions 

350 @param variables list of variables 

351 @param platform ``get_platform(platform)`` if None 

352 @return (str) batch file or a list of batch file if the constant ``JENKINS_SPLIT`` 

353 was found in section install (this tweak is needed when the job has to be split 

354 for :epkg:`Jenkins`. 

355 """ 

356 global _jenkins_split 

357 if platform is None: 

358 platform = get_platform(platform) 


360 iswin = platform.startswith("win") 


362 if iswin: 

363 error_level = "if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%" 

364 else: 

365 error_level = "if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit $?; fi" 


367 interpreter = None 

368 venv_interpreter = None 

369 root_project = None 

370 anaconda = False 

371 conda = None 

372 echo = "@echo" if iswin else "echo" 


374 rowsset = [] 

375 if iswin: 

376 rowsset.append("@echo off") 

377 rowsset.append("set PATH0=%PATH%") 


379 def add_path_win(rows, interpreter, platform, root_project): 

380 path_inter = ospathdirname(interpreter, platform) 

381 if len(path_inter) == 0: 

382 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

383 "Unable to guess interpreter path from '{0}', platform={1}" 

384 "".format(interpreter, platform)) 

385 if iswin: 

386 rows.append(f"set PATH={path_inter};%PATH%") 

387 else: 

388 rows.append(f"export PATH={path_inter}:$PATH") 

389 if root_project is not None: 

390 if iswin: 

391 rows.append(f"set ROOTPROJECT={root_project}") 

392 else: 

393 rows.append(f"export ROOTPROJECT={root_project}") 


395 rows = [] 

396 splits = [rows] 

397 typstr = str 


399 for key, value in seq: 

400 if key == "automatedsetup": 

401 rows.append("") 

402 rows.append(echo + " AUTOMATEDSETUP") 

403 rows.append("\n".join(value)) 

404 rows.append("") 

405 elif key == "python": 

406 variables["YMLPYTHON"] = value 

407 if variables.get('DIST', None) == "conda": 

408 rows.append(echo + " conda") 

409 anaconda = True 

410 interpreter = ospathjoin( 

411 value, "python", platform=platform) 

412 venv_interpreter = value 

413 if platform.startswith("win"): 

414 conda = ospathjoin( 

415 value, "Scripts", "conda", platform=platform) 

416 else: 

417 conda = ospathjoin( 

418 value, "bin", "conda", platform=platform) 

419 else: 

420 if iswin: 

421 interpreter = ospathjoin( 

422 value, "python", platform=platform) 

423 else: 

424 interpreter = ospathjoin( 

425 value, "$PYINT", platform=platform) 

426 venv_interpreter = value 

427 rows.append(echo + " interpreter=" + interpreter) 


429 elif key == "virtualenv": 

430 if isinstance(value, list): 

431 if len(value) > 2: 

432 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

433 "Expecting one or two values for the path of the virtual environment" 

434 ":\n{0}".format(value)) 

435 d = value[0].copy() 

436 for i in range(1, len(value)): 

437 d.update(value[i]) 

438 value = d 

439 p = value["path"] if isinstance(value, dict) else value 

440 rows.append("") 

441 rows.append(echo + f" CREATE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT in {p}") 

442 if not anaconda: 

443 if iswin: 

444 rows.append('if not exist "{0}" mkdir "{0}"'.format(p)) 

445 else: 

446 rows.append('if [-f {0}]; then mkdir "{0}"; fi'.format(p)) 

447 if anaconda: 

448 pinter = ospathdirname(interpreter, platform=platform) 

449 rows.append( 

450 f'"{conda}" create -y -v -p "{p}" --clone "{pinter}" --offline --no-update-deps') 

451 interpreter = ospathjoin( 

452 p, "python", platform=platform) 

453 else: 

454 if iswin: 

455 rows.append("set KEEPPATH=%PATH%") 

456 rows.append(f"set PATH={venv_interpreter};%PATH%") 

457 else: 

458 rows.append("export KEEPPATH=$PATH") 

459 rows.append( 

460 f"export PATH={venv_interpreter}:$PATH") 

461 pat = '"{0}" -m virtualenv {1}' 

462 if isinstance(value, dict): 

463 system_site_packages = value.get( 

464 'system_site_packages', True) 

465 else: 

466 system_site_packages = True 

467 if system_site_packages: 

468 pat += " --system-site-packages" 

469 rows.append(pat.format(interpreter, p)) 

470 if iswin: 

471 rows.append("set PATH=%KEEPPATH%") 

472 interpreter = ospathjoin( 

473 p, "Scripts", "python", platform=platform) 

474 else: 

475 rows.append("export PATH=$KEEPPATH") 

476 interpreter = ospathjoin( 

477 p, "bin", "python", platform=platform) 

478 rows.append(error_level) 


480 elif key in {"install", "before_script", "script", "after_script", "documentation"}: 

481 if value is not None: 

482 if isinstance(value, dict): 

483 if "CMD" not in value and "CMDPY" not in value: 

484 raise KeyError( # pragma: no cover 

485 "A script defined by a dictionary must contain key " 

486 "'{0}' or '{1}' in \n{2}".format("CMD", 'CMDPY', value)) 

487 if "NAME" in value: 

488 if iswin: 

489 rows.append(f"set JOB_NAME={value['NAME']}") 

490 else: 

491 rows.append(f"export JOB_NAME={value['NAME']}") 

492 if "CMD" in value: 

493 value = value["CMD"] 

494 else: 

495 value = evaluate_condition( 

496 value["CMDPY"], variables=variables) 

497 elif isinstance(value, list): 

498 starter = list(rows) 

499 elif isinstance(value, typstr): 

500 pass 

501 else: 

502 raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover 

503 f"value must of type list, dict, not '{type(value)}'\n{value}") 


505 rows.append("") 

506 rows.append(echo + " " + key.upper()) 

507 add_path_win(rows, interpreter, platform, root_project) 

508 if not isinstance(value, list): 

509 value = [value, error_level] 

510 else: 

511 keep = value 

512 value = [] 

513 for v in keep: 

514 if v.startswith(_jenkins_split): 

515 if "-" in v: 

516 nbrem = v.split("-")[-1] 

517 try: 

518 nbrem = int(nbrem) 

519 except ValueError: # pragma: no cover 

520 raise ValueError( 

521 f"Unable to interpret '{v}'") 

522 else: 

523 nbrem = 0 

524 rows.extend(value) 

525 value = [] 

526 st = list(starter) 

527 if nbrem > 0: 

528 st = st[:-nbrem] 

529 splits.append(st) 

530 rows = splits[-1] 

531 add_path_win(rows, interpreter, 

532 platform, root_project) 

533 else: 

534 value.append(v) 

535 value.append(error_level) 

536 rows.extend(value) 

537 elif key == 'INFO': 

538 vs = f'"{value[1]}"' if isinstance( 

539 value[1], str) and " " in value[1] else value[1] 

540 if iswin: 

541 rowsset.append(f"SET {value[0]}={vs}") 

542 else: 

543 rowsset.append(f"export {value[0]}={vs}") 

544 else: 

545 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

546 f"unexpected key '{key}'") 


548 splits = [rowsset + _ for _ in splits] 

549 allres = [] 

550 for rows in splits: 

551 try: 

552 res = "\n".join(rows) 

553 except TypeError as e: # pragma: no cover 

554 raise TypeError("Unexpected type\n{0}".format( 

555 "\n".join([str((type(_), _)) for _ in rows]))) from e 

556 if _jenkins_split in res: 

557 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

558 "Constant '{0}' is present in the generated script. " 

559 "It can only be added to the install section." 

560 "".format(_jenkins_split)) 

561 allres.append(res) 

562 return allres if len(allres) > 1 else allres[0] 



565def infer_project_name(file_or_buffer, source): 

566 """ 

567 Infers a project name based on :epkg:`yml` file. 


569 @param file_or_buffer file name 

570 @param source second output of @see fn read_content_ufs 

571 @return name 


573 The function can infer a name for *source* in ``{'r', 'u'}``. 

574 For *source* equal to ``'s'``, it returns ``'unknown_string'``. 

575 """ 

576 if source == "r": 

577 fold = os.path.dirname(file_or_buffer) 

578 last = os.path.split(fold)[-1] 

579 elif source == "u": 

580 spl = file_or_buffer.split('/') 

581 pos = -2 

582 name = None 

583 while len(spl) > -pos: 

584 name = spl[pos] 

585 if name in {'master', 'main'}: 

586 pos -= 1 

587 elif 'github' in name: 

588 break 

589 else: 

590 break 

591 if name is None: 

592 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

593 f"Unable to infer project name for '{file_or_buffer}'") 

594 return name 

595 elif source == "s": 

596 return "unknown_string" 

597 else: 

598 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

599 f"Unexpected value for add_source: '{source}' for '{file_or_buffer}'") 

600 return last 



603def enumerate_processed_yml(file_or_buffer, context=None, engine="jinja2", platform=None, 

604 server=None, git_repo=None, add_environ=True, overwrite=False, 

605 build_location=None, branch='master', **kwargs): 

606 """ 

607 Submits or enumerates jobs based on the content of a :epkg:`yml` file. 


609 @param file_or_buffer filename or string 

610 @param context variables to replace in the configuration 

611 @param engine see @see fn apply_template 

612 @param server see @see cl JenkinsExt 

613 @param platform plaform where the job will be executed 

614 @param git_repo git repository (if *server* is not None) 

615 @param add_environ add environment variable before interpreting the job 

616 @param overwrite overwrite the job if it already exists in Jenkins 

617 @param build_location location for the build 

618 @param branch default branch 

619 @param kwargs see @see me create_job_template 

620 @return enumerator for *(job, name, variables)* 


622 Example of a :epkg:`yml` file 

623 ` 

624 <>`_. 

625 A subfolder was added to the project location. 

626 A scheduler can be defined as well by adding ``SCHEDULER:'* * * * *'``. 

627 """ 

628 typstr = str 

629 fLOG = kwargs.get('fLOG', None) 

630 project_name = None if context is None else context.get( 

631 "project_name", None) 

632 obj, project_name = load_yaml( 

633 file_or_buffer, context=context, platform=platform) 

634 platform_set = platform or get_platform(platform) 

635 for seq, var in enumerate_convert_yaml_into_instructions(obj, variables=context, add_environ=add_environ): 

636 conv = convert_sequence_into_batch_file( 

637 seq, variables=var, platform=platform) 


639 # we extract a suffix from the command line 

640 if server is not None: 

641 name = "_".join([project_name, var.get('NAME', ''), 

642 typstr(var.get("VERSION", '')).replace(".", ""), 

643 var.get('DIST', '')]) 


645 if platform_set.startswith("win"): 

646 if isinstance(conv, list): 

647 conv = ["SET NAME_JENKINS=" + 

648 name + "\n" + _ for _ in conv] 

649 else: 

650 conv = "SET NAME_JENKINS=" + name + "\n" + conv 

651 else: 

652 if isinstance(conv, list): 

653 conv = ["export NAME_JENKINS=" + 

654 name + "\n" + _ for _ in conv] 

655 conv.append("export $(cat ~/.profile)") 

656 else: 

657 conv = ("export NAME_JENKINS=" + name + 

658 "\nexport $(cat ~/.profile)\n" + conv) 


660 import jenkins 

661 try: 

662 j = server.get_job_config(name) if not server._mock else None 

663 except jenkins.NotFoundException: # pragma: no cover 

664 j = None 

665 except jenkins.JenkinsException as e: # pragma: no cover 

666 from .jenkins_exceptions import JenkinsExtException 

667 raise JenkinsExtException( 

668 f"Unable to retrieve job config for name='{name}'.") from e 


670 update_job = False 

671 if j is not None: 

672 if kwargs.get('update', True): 

673 update_job = True 

674 else: 

675 if fLOG is not None: # pragma: no cover 

676 fLOG("[jenkins] delete job", name) 

677 server.delete_job(name) 


679 if git_repo is not None and project_name not in git_repo: 

680 git_repo += project_name 


682 # set up location 

683 if build_location is None: 

684 loc = None 

685 else: 

686 loc = ospathjoin(build_location, project_name, 

687 name, platform=platform) 


689 if overwrite or j is None: 

690 timeout = var.get("TIMEOUT", None) 

691 scheduler = var.get("SCHEDULER", None) 

692 clean_repo = var.get("CLEAN", True) in { # pylint: disable=W0130 

693 True, 1, "True", "true", "1"} 

694 if timeout is not None: 

695 kwargs["timeout"] = timeout 

696 if scheduler is not None: 

697 if "FIXED" in scheduler: 

698 scheduler = scheduler.replace("FIXED", "").strip() 

699 adjuster_scheduler = False 

700 elif "STARTUP" in scheduler: 

701 adjuster_scheduler = False 

702 elif 'fixed' in scheduler.lower(): 

703 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

704 "Scheduler should contain 'FIXED' in upper case.") 

705 elif 'startup' in scheduler.lower(): 

706 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

707 "Scheduler should contain 'STARTUP' in upper case.") 

708 else: 

709 adjuster_scheduler = True 

710 kwargs["scheduler"] = scheduler 

711 kwargs["adjuster_scheduler"] = adjuster_scheduler 

712 yield server.create_job_template(name, script=conv, git_repo=git_repo, 

713 update=update_job, location=loc, 

714 clean_repo=clean_repo, branch=branch, 

715 **kwargs), name, var 

716 else: 

717 yield conv, None, var