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3@brief Profiling helpers 


5from collections import deque, OrderedDict 

6from io import StringIO 

7import json 

8import math 

9import os 

10import site 

11import cProfile 

12from pstats import Stats 



15 from pstarts import SortKey 

16except ImportError: # pragma: no cover 

17 # Python < 3.7 


19 class SortKey: 

20 LINE = 'line' 

21 CUMULATIVE = 'cumulative' 

22 TIME = 'time' 



25class ProfileNode: 

26 """ 

27 Graph structure to represent a profiling. 


29 :param filename: filename 

30 :param line: line number 

31 :param func_name: function name 

32 :param nc1: number of calls 1 

33 :param nc2: number of calls 2 

34 :param tin: time spent in the function 

35 :param tout: time spent in the function and in the sub functions 

36 """ 


38 def __init__(self, filename, line, func_name, nc1, nc2, tin, tall): 

39 if "method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler'" in func_name: 

40 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

41 f"Function not allowed in the profiling: {func_name!r}.") 

42 self.filename = filename 

43 self.line = line 

44 self.func_name = func_name 

45 self.nc1 = nc1 

46 self.nc2 = nc2 

47 self.tin = tin 

48 self.tall = tall 

49 self.called_by = [] 

50 self.calls_to = [] 

51 self.calls_to_elements = [] 


53 def add_called_by(self, pnode): 

54 "This function is called by these lines." 

55 self.called_by.append(pnode) 


57 def add_calls_to(self, pnode, time_elements): 

58 "This function calls this node." 

59 self.calls_to.append(pnode) 

60 self.calls_to_elements.append(time_elements) 


62 @staticmethod 

63 def _key(filename, line, fct): 

64 key = "%s:%d:%s" % (filename, line, fct) 

65 return key 


67 @property 

68 def key(self): 

69 "Returns `file:line`." 

70 return ProfileNode._key(self.filename, self.line, 

71 self.func_name) 


73 def get_root(self): 

74 "Returns the root of the graph." 

75 done = set() 


77 def _get_root(node, stor=None): 

78 if stor is not None: 

79 stor.append(node) 

80 if len(node.called_by) == 0: 

81 return node 

82 if len(node.called_by) == 1: 

83 return _get_root(node.called_by[0], stor=stor) 

84 res = None 

85 for ct in node.called_by: 

86 k = id(node), id(ct) 

87 if k in done: 

88 continue 

89 res = ct 

90 break 

91 if res is None: 

92 # All paths have been explored and no entry point was found. 

93 # Choosing the most consuming function. 

94 return None 

95 done.add((id(node), id(res))) 

96 return _get_root(res, stor=stor) 


98 root = _get_root(self) 

99 if root is None: 

100 candidates = [] 

101 _get_root(self, stor=candidates) 

102 tall = [(n.tall, n) for n in candidates] 

103 tall.sort() 

104 root = tall[-1][-1] 

105 return root 


107 def __repr__(self): 

108 "usual" 

109 return "%s(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r, %r, %r) # %d-%d" % ( 

110 self.__class__.__name__, 

111 self.filename, self.line, self.func_name, 

112 self.nc1, self.nc2, self.tin, self.tall, 

113 len(self.called_by), len(self.calls_to)) 


115 def __iter__(self): 

116 "Returns all nodes in the graph." 

117 done = set() 

118 stack = deque() 

119 stack.append(self) 

120 while len(stack) > 0: 

121 node = stack.popleft() 

122 if node.key in done: 

123 continue 

124 yield node 

125 done.add(node.key) 

126 stack.extend(node.calls_to) 


128 _modules_ = { 

129 '~', '', '', '', 

130 '<frozen importlib._bootstrap>', '', 

131 '', '', '', '', 

132 '', '', '', '', 

133 '', '', '', '', 

134 '', '', '', '', 

135 '', '', ''} 


137 @staticmethod 

138 def filter_node_(node, info=None): 

139 """ 

140 Filters out node to be displayed by default. 


142 :param node: node 

143 :param info: if the node is called by a function, 

144 this dictionary can be used to overwrite the attributes 

145 held by the node 

146 :return: boolean (True to keep, False to forget) 

147 """ 

148 if node.filename in ProfileNode._modules_: 

149 if info is None: 

150 if (node.nc1 <= 10 and node.nc2 <= 10 and 

151 node.tall <= 1e-4): 

152 return False 

153 else: 

154 if (info['nc1'] <= 10 and info['nc2'] <= 10 and 

155 info['tall'] <= 1e-4): 

156 return False 


158 return True 


160 def as_dict(self, filter_node=None, sort_key=SortKey.LINE): 

161 """ 

162 Renders the results of a profiling interpreted with 

163 function @fn profile2graph. It can then be loaded with 

164 a dataframe. 


166 :param filter_node: display only the nodes for which 

167 this function returns True, if None, the default function 

168 removes built-in function with small impact 

169 :param sort_key: sort sub nodes by... 

170 :return: rows 

171 """ 

172 def sort_key_line(dr): 

173 if isinstance(dr, tuple): 

174 return (dr[0].filename, dr[0].line) 

175 return (dr.filename, dr.line) 


177 def sort_key_tin(dr): 

178 if isinstance(dr, tuple): 

179 return -dr[1][2] 

180 return -dr.tin 


182 def sort_key_tall(dr): 

183 if isinstance(dr, tuple): 

184 return -dr[1][3] 

185 return -dr.tall 


187 if sort_key == SortKey.LINE: 

188 sortk = sort_key_line 

189 elif sort_key == SortKey.CUMULATIVE: 

190 sortk = sort_key_tall 

191 elif sort_key == SortKey.TIME: 

192 sortk = sort_key_tin 

193 else: 

194 raise NotImplementedError( 

195 f"Unable to sort subcalls with this key {sort_key!r}.") 


197 def depth_first(node, roots_keys, indent=0): 

198 text = {'fct': node.func_name, 'where': node.key, 

199 'nc1': node.nc1, 'nc2': node.nc2, 'tin': node.tin, 

200 'tall': node.tall, 'indent': indent, 

201 'ncalls': len(node.calls_to), 'debug': 'A'} 

202 yield text 

203 for n, nel in sorted(zip(node.calls_to, 

204 node.calls_to_elements), 

205 key=sortk): 

206 if n.key in roots_keys: 

207 text = {'fct': n.func_name, 'where': n.key, 

208 'nc1': nel[0], 'nc2': nel[1], 'tin': nel[2], 

209 'tall': nel[3], 'indent': indent + 1, 

210 'ncalls': len(n.calls_to), 'more': '+', 

211 'debug': 'B'} 

212 if (filter_node is not None and 

213 not filter_node(n, info=text)): 

214 continue 

215 yield text 

216 else: 

217 if filter_node is not None and not filter_node(n): 

218 continue 

219 for t in depth_first(n, roots_keys, indent + 1): 

220 yield t 


222 if filter_node is None: 

223 filter_node = ProfileNode.filter_node_ 

224 nodes = list(self) 

225 roots = [node for node in nodes if len(node.called_by) != 1] 

226 roots_key = {r.key: r for r in roots} 

227 rows = [] 

228 for root in sorted(roots, key=sortk): 

229 if filter_node is not None and not filter_node(root): 

230 continue 

231 rows.extend(depth_first(root, roots_key)) 

232 return rows 


234 def to_text(self, filter_node=None, sort_key=SortKey.LINE, 

235 fct_width=60): 

236 """ 

237 Prints the profiling to text. 


239 :param filter_node: display only the nodes for which 

240 this function returns True, if None, the default function 

241 removes built-in function with small impact 

242 :param sort_key: sort sub nodes by... 

243 :return: rows 

244 """ 

245 def align_text(text, size): 

246 if size <= 0: 

247 return text 

248 if len(text) <= size: 

249 return text + " " * (size - len(text)) 

250 h = size // 2 - 1 

251 return text[:h] + "..." + text[-h + 1:] 


253 dicts = self.as_dict(filter_node=filter_node, sort_key=sort_key) 

254 max_nc = max(max(_['nc1'] for _ in dicts), 

255 max(_['nc2'] for _ in dicts)) 

256 dg = int(math.log(max_nc) / math.log(10) + 1.5) 

257 line_format = ("{indent}{fct} -- {nc1: %dd} {nc2: %dd} -- {tin:1.5f} {tall:1.5f}" 

258 " -- {name} ({fct2})" % (dg, dg)) 

259 text = [] 

260 for row in dicts: 

261 line = line_format.format( 

262 indent=" " * (row['indent'] * 4), 

263 fct=align_text(row['fct'], fct_width - row['indent'] * 4), 

264 nc1=row['nc1'], nc2=row['nc2'], tin=row['tin'], 

265 tall=row['tall'], name=row['where'], 

266 fct2=row['fct']) 

267 if row.get('more', '') == '+': 

268 line += " +++" 

269 text.append(line) 

270 return "\n".join(text) 


272 def to_json(self, filter_node=None, sort_key=SortKey.LINE, as_str=True, 

273 **kwargs): 

274 """ 

275 Renders the results of a profiling interpreted with 

276 function @fn profile2graph as :epkg:`JSON`. 


278 :param filter_node: display only the nodes for which 

279 this function returns True, if None, the default function 

280 removes built-in function with small impact 

281 :param sort_key: sort sub nodes by... 

282 :param as_str: converts the json into a string 

283 :param kwargs: see :func:`json.dumps` 

284 :return: rows 


286 See notebook :ref:`profilingrst` to see how to use 

287 the json output. 

288 """ 

289 def sort_key_line(dr): 

290 if isinstance(dr, tuple): 

291 return (dr[0].filename, dr[0].line) 

292 return (dr.filename, dr.line) 


294 def sort_key_tin(dr): 

295 if isinstance(dr, tuple): 

296 return -dr[1][2] 

297 return -dr.tin 


299 def sort_key_tall(dr): 

300 if isinstance(dr, tuple): 

301 return -dr[1][3] 

302 return -dr.tall 


304 if sort_key == SortKey.LINE: 

305 sortk = sort_key_line 

306 elif sort_key == SortKey.CUMULATIVE: 

307 sortk = sort_key_tall 

308 elif sort_key == SortKey.TIME: 

309 sortk = sort_key_tin 

310 else: 

311 raise NotImplementedError( 

312 f"Unable to sort subcalls with this key {sort_key!r}.") 


314 def walk(node, roots_keys, indent=0): 

315 item = {'details': { 

316 'fct': node.func_name, 'where': node.key, 

317 'nc1': node.nc1, 'nc2': node.nc2, 'tin': node.tin, 

318 'tall': node.tall, 'indent': indent, 

319 'ncalls': len(node.calls_to)}} 


321 child = OrderedDict() 

322 for n, nel in sorted(zip(node.calls_to, 

323 node.calls_to_elements), 

324 key=sortk): 

325 key = (nel[0], f"{nel[3]:1.5f}:{n.func_name}") 

326 if n.key in roots_keys: 

327 details = {'fct': n.func_name, 'where': n.key, 

328 'nc1': nel[0], 'nc2': nel[1], 'tin': nel[2], 

329 'tall': nel[3], 'indent': indent, 

330 'ncalls': len(node.calls_to)} 

331 if (filter_node is not None and 

332 not filter_node(n, info=details)): 

333 continue 

334 child[key] = {'details': details} 

335 else: 

336 if filter_node is not None and not filter_node(n): 

337 continue 

338 child[key] = walk(n, roots_key, indent + 1) 


340 if len(child) > 0: 

341 mx = max(_[0] for _ in child) 

342 dg = int(math.log(mx) / math.log(10) + 1.5) 

343 form = f"%-{dg}d-%s" 

344 child = OrderedDict((form % k, v) for k, v in child.items()) 

345 item['calls'] = child 

346 return item 


348 if filter_node is None: 

349 filter_node = ProfileNode.filter_node_ 

350 nodes = list(self) 

351 roots = [node for node in nodes if len(node.called_by) != 1] 

352 roots_key = {r.key: r for r in roots} 

353 rows = OrderedDict() 

354 for root in sorted(roots, key=sortk): 

355 if filter_node is not None and not filter_node(root): 

356 continue 

357 key = (root.nc1, f"{root.tall:1.5f}:::{root.func_name}") 

358 rows[key] = walk(root, roots_key) 

359 mx = max(_[0] for _ in rows) 

360 dg = int(math.log(mx) / math.log(10) + 1.5) 

361 form = f"%-{dg}d-%s" 

362 rows = OrderedDict((form % k, v) for k, v in rows.items()) 

363 if as_str: 

364 return json.dumps({'profile': rows}, **kwargs) 

365 return {'profile': rows} 



368def _process_pstats(ps, clean_text=None, verbose=False, fLOG=None): 

369 """ 

370 Converts class `Stats < 

371 profile.html#pstats.Stats>`_ into something 

372 readable for a dataframe. 


374 :param ps: instance of type :func:`pstats.Stats` 

375 :param clean_text: function to clean function names 

376 :param verbose: change verbosity 

377 :param fLOG: logging function 

378 :return: list of rows 

379 """ 

380 if clean_text is None: 

381 clean_text = lambda x: x 


383 def add_rows(rows, d): 

384 tt1, tt2 = 0, 0 

385 for k, v in d.items(): 

386 stin = 0 

387 stall = 0 

388 if verbose and fLOG is not None: 

389 fLOG("[pstats] %s=%r" % ( 

390 (clean_text(k[0].replace("\\", "/")), ) + k[1:], 

391 v)) 

392 if len(v) < 5: 

393 continue 

394 row = { 

395 'file': "%s:%d" % (clean_text(k[0].replace("\\", "/")), k[1]), 

396 'fct': k[2], 

397 'ncalls1': v[0], 

398 'ncalls2': v[1], 

399 'tin': v[2], 

400 'tall': v[3] 

401 } 

402 stin += v[2] 

403 stall += v[3] 

404 if len(v) == 5: 

405 t1, t2 = add_rows(rows, v[-1]) 

406 stin += t1 

407 stall += t2 

408 row['cum_tin'] = stin 

409 row['cum_tall'] = stall 

410 rows.append(row) 

411 tt1 += stin 

412 tt2 += stall 

413 return tt1, tt2 


415 rows = [] 

416 add_rows(rows, ps.stats) 

417 return rows 



420def profile2df(ps, as_df=True, clean_text=None, verbose=False, fLOG=None): 

421 """ 

422 Converts profiling statistics into a Dataframe. 


424 :param ps: an instance of `pstats 

425 <>`_ 

426 :param as_df: returns the results as a dataframe (True) 

427 or a list of dictionaries (False) 

428 :param clean_text: function to clean function names 

429 :param verbose: verbosity 

430 :param fLOG: logging function 

431 :return: a DataFrame 


433 :: 


435 import pstats 

436 from pyquickhelper.pycode.profiling import profile2df 


438 ps = pstats.Stats('') 

439 df = profile2df(pd) 

440 print(df) 

441 """ 

442 rows = _process_pstats(ps, clean_text, verbose=verbose, fLOG=fLOG) 

443 if not as_df: 

444 return rows 


446 import pandas 

447 df = pandas.DataFrame(rows) 

448 df = df[['fct', 'file', 'ncalls1', 'ncalls2', 'tin', 'cum_tin', 

449 'tall', 'cum_tall']] 

450 df = df.groupby(['fct', 'file'], as_index=False).sum().sort_values( 

451 'cum_tall', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) 

452 return df.copy() 



455def profile(fct, sort='cumulative', rootrem=None, as_df=False, 

456 pyinst_format=None, return_results=False, **kwargs): 

457 """ 

458 Profiles the execution of a function. 


460 :param fct: function to profile 

461 :param sort: see `sort_stats < 

462 profile.html#pstats.Stats.sort_stats>`_ 

463 :param rootrem: root to remove in filenames 

464 :param as_df: return the results as a dataframe and not text 

465 :param pyinst_format: format for :epkg:`pyinstrument`, if not empty, 

466 the function uses this module or raises an exception if not 

467 installed, the options are *text*, *textu* (text with colors), 

468 *json*, *html* 

469 :param return_results: if True, return results as well 

470 (in the first position) 

471 :param kwargs: additional parameters used to create the profiler 

472 :return: raw results, statistics text dump (or dataframe is *as_df* is True) 


474 .. plot:: 


476 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

477 from pyquickhelper.pycode.profiling import profile 

478 from pyquickhelper.texthelper import compare_module_version 


480 def fctm(): 

481 return compare_module_version('0.20.4', '0.22.dev0') 


483 pr, df = profile(lambda: [fctm() for i in range(0, 1000)], as_df=True) 

484 ax = df[['namefct', 'cum_tall']].head(n=15).set_index( 

485 'namefct').plot(kind='bar', figsize=(8, 3), rot=30) 

486 ax.set_title("example of a graph") 

487 for la in ax.get_xticklabels(): 

488 la.set_horizontalalignment('right'); 


490 """ 

491 if pyinst_format is None: 

492 pr = cProfile.Profile(**kwargs) 

493 pr.enable() 

494 fct_res = fct() 

495 pr.disable() 

496 s = StringIO() 

497 ps = Stats(pr, stream=s).sort_stats(sort) 

498 ps.print_stats() 

499 res = s.getvalue() 

500 try: 

501 pack = site.getsitepackages() 

502 except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover 

503 import numpy 

504 pack = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath( 

505 os.path.join(os.path.dirname(numpy.__file__), ".."))) 

506 pack = [pack] 

507 pack_ = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(pack[-1], '..')) 


509 def clean_text(res): 

510 res = res.replace(pack[-1], "site-packages") 

511 res = res.replace(pack_, "lib") 

512 if rootrem is not None: 

513 if isinstance(rootrem, str): 

514 res = res.replace(rootrem, '') 

515 else: 

516 for sub in rootrem: 

517 if isinstance(sub, str): 

518 res = res.replace(sub, '') 

519 elif isinstance(sub, tuple) and len(sub) == 2: 

520 res = res.replace(sub[0], sub[1]) 

521 else: 

522 raise TypeError( # pragma: no cover 

523 "rootrem must contains strings or tuple not {0}" 

524 ".".format(rootrem)) 

525 return res 


527 if as_df: 


529 def better_name(row): 

530 if len(row['fct']) > 15: 

531 return f"{row['file'].split(':')[-1]}-{row['fct']}" 

532 name = row['file'].replace("\\", "/") 

533 return f"{name.split('/')[-1]}-{row['fct']}" 


535 rows = _process_pstats(ps, clean_text) 

536 import pandas 

537 df = pandas.DataFrame(rows) 

538 df = df[['fct', 'file', 'ncalls1', 'ncalls2', 'tin', 'cum_tin', 

539 'tall', 'cum_tall']] 

540 df['namefct'] = df.apply(lambda row: better_name(row), axis=1) 

541 df = df.groupby(['namefct', 'file'], as_index=False).sum().sort_values( 

542 'cum_tall', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) 

543 if return_results: 

544 return fct_res, ps, df 

545 return ps, df 

546 else: 

547 res = clean_text(res) 

548 if return_results: 

549 return fct_res, ps, res 

550 return ps, res 

551 if as_df: 

552 raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 

553 "as_df is not a compatible option with pyinst_format.") 


555 try: 

556 from pyinstrument import Profiler 

557 except ImportError as e: # pragma: no cover 

558 raise ImportError("pyinstrument is not installed.") from e 


560 profiler = Profiler(**kwargs) 

561 profiler.start() 

562 fct_res = fct() 

563 profiler.stop() 


565 if pyinst_format == "text": 

566 if return_results: 

567 return fct_res, profiler, profiler.output_text( 

568 unicode=False, color=False) 

569 return profiler, profiler.output_text(unicode=False, color=False) 

570 if pyinst_format == "textu": 

571 if return_results: 

572 return fct_res, profiler, profiler.output_text( 

573 unicode=True, color=True) 

574 return profiler, profiler.output_text(unicode=True, color=True) 

575 if pyinst_format == "json": 

576 from pyinstrument.renderers import JSONRenderer 

577 if return_results: 

578 return fct_res, profiler, profiler.output( 

579 JSONRenderer()) 

580 return profiler, profiler.output(JSONRenderer()) 

581 if pyinst_format == "html": 

582 if return_results: 

583 return fct_res, profiler, profiler.output_html() 

584 return profiler, profiler.output_html() 

585 raise ValueError(f"Unknown format '{pyinst_format}'.") 



588def profile2graph(ps, clean_text=None, verbose=False, fLOG=None): 

589 """ 

590 Converts profiling statistics into a graphs. 


592 :param ps: an instance of `pstats 

593 <>`_ 

594 :param clean_text: function to clean function names 

595 :param verbose: verbosity 

596 :param fLOG: logging function 

597 :return: an instance of class @see cl ProfileNode 


599 .. exref:: 

600 :title: Hierarchical display for a profiling 


602 :epkg:`pyinstrument` has a nice display to show 

603 time spent and call stack at the same time. This function 

604 tries to replicate that display based on the results produced 

605 by module :mod:`cProfile`. Here is an example. 


607 .. runpython:: 

608 :showcode: 


610 import time 

611 from pyquickhelper.pycode.profiling import profile, profile2graph 



614 def fct0(t): 

615 time.sleep(t) 



618 def fct1(t): 

619 time.sleep(t) 



622 def fct2(): 

623 fct1(0.1) 

624 fct1(0.01) 



627 def fct3(): 

628 fct0(0.2) 

629 fct1(0.5) 



632 def fct4(): 

633 fct2() 

634 fct3() 



637 ps = profile(fct4)[0] 

638 root, nodes = profile2graph(ps, clean_text=lambda x: x.split('/')[-1]) 

639 text = root.to_text() 

640 print(text) 

641 """ 

642 if clean_text is None: 

643 clean_text = lambda x: x 


645 nodes = {} 

646 for k, v in ps.stats.items(): 

647 if verbose and fLOG is not None: 

648 fLOG(f"[pstats] {k}={v!r}") 

649 if len(v) < 5: 

650 continue 

651 if k[0] == '~' and len(v) == 0: 

652 # raw function never called by another 

653 continue 

654 if "method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler'" in k[2]: 

655 continue 

656 node = ProfileNode( 

657 filename=clean_text(k[0].replace("\\", "/")), 

658 line=k[1], func_name=k[2], 

659 nc1=v[0], nc2=v[1], tin=v[2], tall=v[3]) 

660 if node.key in nodes: 

661 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

662 f"Key {node.key!r} is already present, node={node!r}.") 

663 nodes[node.key] = node 


665 for k, v in ps.stats.items(): 

666 if "method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler'" in k[2]: 

667 continue 

668 filename = clean_text(k[0].replace("\\", "/")) 

669 ks = ProfileNode._key(filename, k[1], k[2]) 

670 node = nodes[ks] 

671 sublist = v[4] 

672 for f, vv in sublist.items(): 

673 if "method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler'" in f[2]: 

674 continue 

675 name = clean_text(f[0].replace("\\", "/")) 

676 key = ProfileNode._key(name, f[1], f[2]) 

677 if key not in nodes: 

678 raise RuntimeError( # pragma: no cover 

679 "Unable to find key %r into\n%s" % ( 

680 key, "\n".join(sorted(nodes)))) 

681 if k[0] == '~' and len(v) == 0: 

682 continue 

683 child = nodes[key] 

684 node.add_called_by(child) 

685 child.add_calls_to(node, vv) 


687 for k, v in nodes.items(): 

688 root = v.get_root() 

689 break 


691 return root, nodes