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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 



4@brief Contains helpers for the main function @see fn generate_help_sphinx. 



7import os 

8import sys 

9import datetime 

10import shutil 

11import subprocess 

12import re 


14from ..loghelper import run_cmd, RunCmdException, fLOG 

15from ..loghelper.run_cmd import parse_exception_message 

16from ..loghelper.pyrepo_helper import SourceRepository 

17from ..pandashelper.tblformat import df2rst 

18from ..filehelper import explore_folder_iterfile 

19from .utils_sphinx_doc_helpers import HelpGenException 

20from .post_process import post_process_latex_output 

21from .process_notebooks import find_pdflatex 



24template_examples = """ 


26List of programs 



29.. toctree:: 

30 :maxdepth: 2 


32.. autosummary:: __init__.py 

33 :toctree: %s/ 

34 :template: modules.rst 


36Another list 






42def setup_environment_for_help(fLOG=fLOG): 

43 """ 

44 Modifies environment variables to be able to use external tools 

45 such as :epkg:`Inkscape`. 

46 """ 

47 if sys.platform.startswith("win"): 

48 prog = os.environ["ProgramFiles"] 

49 inkscape = os.path.join(prog, "Inkscape") 

50 if not os.path.exists(inkscape): 

51 raise FileNotFoundError( 

52 "Inkscape is not installed, expected at: {0}".format(inkscape)) 

53 path = os.environ["PATH"] 

54 if inkscape not in path: 

55 fLOG("SETUP: add path to %path%", inkscape) 

56 os.environ["PATH"] = path + ";" + inkscape 

57 else: 

58 pass 



61def get_executables_path(): 

62 """ 

63 Returns the paths to :epkg:`Python`, 

64 :epkg:`Python` Scripts. 


66 @return a list of paths 

67 """ 

68 res = [os.path.split(sys.executable)[0]] 

69 res.extend([os.path.join(res[-1], "Scripts"), 

70 os.path.join(res[-1], "bin")]) 

71 return res 



74def my_date_conversion(sdate): 

75 """ 

76 Converts a date into a datetime. 


78 @param sdate string 

79 @return date 

80 """ 

81 first = sdate.split(" ")[0] 

82 trois = first.replace(".", "-").replace("/", "-").split("-") 

83 return datetime.datetime(int(trois[0]), int(trois[1]), int(trois[2])) 



86def produce_code_graph_changes(df): 

87 """ 

88 Returns the code for a graph which counts the number 

89 of changes per week over the last year. 


91 @param df dataframe (has a column date with format ``YYYY-MM-DD``) 

92 @return graph 


94 The call to :epkg:`datetime.datetime.strptime` 

95 introduced exceptions:: 


97 File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2212, in _find_and_load_unlocked 

98 File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 321, in _call_with_frames_removed 

99 File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2254, in _gcd_import 

100 File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2237, in _find_and_load 

101 File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2224, in _find_and_load_unlocked 


103 when generating the documentation for another project. The reason 

104 is still unclear. It was replaced by a custom function. 

105 """ 

106 def year_week(x): 

107 dt = datetime.datetime(x.year, x.month, x.day) 

108 return dt.isocalendar()[:2] 


110 def to_str(x): 

111 year, week = year_week(x) 

112 return "%d-w%02d" % (year, week) 


114 df = df.copy() 

115 df["dt"] = df.apply(lambda r: my_date_conversion(r["date"]), axis=1) 

116 df = df[["dt"]] 

117 now = datetime.datetime.now() 

118 last = now - datetime.timedelta(365) 

119 df = df[df.dt >= last] 

120 df["week"] = df['dt'].apply(to_str) 

121 df["commits"] = 1 


123 val = [] 

124 for alldays in range(0, 365): 

125 a = now - datetime.timedelta(alldays) 

126 val.append({"dt": a, "week": to_str(a), "commits": 0}) 


128 # we move pandas here because it imports matplotlib 

129 # which is not always wise when you need to modify the backend 

130 import pandas 

131 df = pandas.concat([df, pandas.DataFrame(val)], sort=True) 


133 gr = df[["week", "commits"]].groupby("week", as_index=False).sum() 

134 xl = list(gr["week"]) 

135 x = list(range(len(xl))) 

136 y = list(gr["commits"]) 


138 typstr = str 


140 code = """ 

141 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

142 x = __X__ 

143 y = __Y__ 

144 xl = __XL__ 

145 plt.close('all') 

146 plt.style.use('ggplot') 

147 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(10, 4)) 

148 ax.bar(x, y) 

149 tig = ax.get_xticks() 

150 labs = [] 

151 for t in tig: 

152 if t in x: 

153 labs.append(xl[x.index(t)]) 

154 else: 

155 labs.append("") 

156 ax.set_xticklabels(labs) 

157 ax.grid(True) 

158 ax.set_title("commits") 

159 plt.show() 

160 """.replace(" ", "") \ 

161 .replace("__X__", typstr(x)) \ 

162 .replace("__XL__", typstr(xl)) \ 

163 .replace("__Y__", typstr(y)) 


165 return code 



168def generate_changes_repo(chan, source, exception_if_empty=True, 

169 filter_commit=lambda c: c.strip() != "documentation", 

170 fLOG=fLOG, modify_commit=None): 

171 """ 

172 Generates a :epkg:`RST` tables containing the changes stored 

173 by a :epkg:`SVN` or :epkg:`GIT` repository, 

174 the outcome is stored in a file. 

175 The log comment must start with ``*`` to be taken into account. 


177 @param chan filename to write (or None if you don't need to) 

178 @param source source folder to get changes for 

179 @param exception_if_empty raises an exception if empty 

180 @param filter_commit function which accepts a commit to show on the documentation (based on the comment) 

181 @param fLOG logging function 

182 @param modify_commit function which rewrite the commit text (see below) 

183 @return string (rst tables with the changes) 


185 :epkg:`pandas` is not imported in the function itself but at the beginning of the module. It 

186 seemed to cause soe weird exceptions when generating the documentation for another module:: 


188 File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2212, in _find_and_load_unlocked 

189 File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 321, in _call_with_frames_removed 

190 File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2254, in _gcd_import 

191 File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2237, in _find_and_load 

192 File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2224, in _find_and_load_unlocked 


194 Doing that helps. The cause still remains obscure. 

195 If not None, function *modify_commit* is called the following way (see below). 

196 *nbch* is the commit number. *date* can be returned as a datetime or a string. 


198 :: 


200 nbch, date, author, comment = modify_commit(nbch, date, author, comment) 

201 """ 

202 # builds the changes files 

203 try: 

204 src = SourceRepository(commandline=True) 

205 logs = src.log(path=source) 

206 except Exception as eee: 

207 if exception_if_empty: 

208 fLOG("[sphinxerror]-9 unable to retrieve log from " + source) 

209 raise HelpGenException( 

210 "unable to retrieve log in " + source + "\n" + str(eee)) from eee 

211 logs = [("none", 0, datetime.datetime.now(), "-")] 

212 fLOG("[sphinxerror]-8", eee) 


214 if len(logs) == 0: 

215 fLOG("[sphinxerror]-7 unable to retrieve log from " + source) 

216 if exception_if_empty: 

217 raise HelpGenException("retrieved logs are empty in " + source) 

218 else: 

219 fLOG("info, retrieved ", len(logs), " commits") 


221 rows = [] 

222 rows.append( 

223 """\n.. _l-changes:\n\n\nChanges\n=======\n\n__CODEGRAPH__\n\nList of recent changes:\n""") 


225 typstr = str 


227 values = [] 

228 for i, row in enumerate(logs): 

229 n = len(logs) - i 

230 author, nbch, date, comment = row[:4] 

231 last = row[-1] 

232 if last.startswith("http"): 

233 nbch = "`%s <%s>`_" % (typstr(nbch), last) 


235 if filter_commit(comment): 

236 if modify_commit is not None: 

237 nbch, date, author, comment = modify_commit( 

238 nbch, date, author, comment) 

239 if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): 

240 ds = "%04d-%02d-%02d" % (date.year, date.month, date.day) 

241 else: 

242 ds = date 

243 if isinstance(nbch, int): 

244 values.append( 

245 ["%d" % n, "%04d" % nbch, "%s" % ds, author, comment.strip("*")]) 

246 else: 

247 values.append( 

248 ["%d" % n, "%s" % nbch, "%s" % ds, author, comment.strip("*")]) 


250 if len(values) == 0 and exception_if_empty: 

251 raise HelpGenException( 

252 "Logs were not empty but there was no comment starting with '*' from '{0}'\n".format(source) + 

253 "\n".join([typstr(_) for _ in logs])) 


255 if len(values) > 0: 

256 import pandas 

257 tbl = pandas.DataFrame( 

258 columns=["#", "change number", "date", "author", "comment"], data=values) 

259 rows.append( 

260 "\n\n" + df2rst(tbl, list_table=True) + "\n\n") 


262 final = "\n".join(rows) 


264 if len(values) > 0: 

265 code = produce_code_graph_changes(tbl) 

266 code = code.split("\n") 

267 code = [" " + _ for _ in code] 

268 code = "\n".join(code) 

269 code = ".. plot::\n" + code + "\n" 

270 final = final.replace("__CODEGRAPH__", code) 


272 if chan is not None: 

273 with open(chan, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: 

274 f.write(final) 

275 return final 



278def compile_latex_output_final(root, latex_path, doall, afile=None, latex_book=False, fLOG=fLOG, 

279 custom_latex_processing=None, remove_unicode=False): 

280 """ 

281 Compiles the :epkg:`latex` documents. 


283 @param root root 

284 @param latex_path path to the compiler 

285 @param doall do more transformation of the latex file before compiling it 

286 @param afile process a specific file 

287 @param latex_book do some customized transformation for a book 

288 @param fLOG logging function 

289 @param custom_latex_processing function which does some post processing of the full latex file 

290 @param remove_unicode remove unicode characters before compiling it 


292 .. faqreq: 

293 :title: The PDF is corrupted, SVG are not there 


295 :epkg:`SVG` graphs are not well processed by the latex compilation. 

296 It usually goes through the following instruction: 


298 :: 


300 \\sphinxincludegraphics{{seance4_projection_population_correction_51_0}.svg} 


302 And produces the following error: 


304 :: 


306 ! LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics extension: .svg. 


308 This function does not stop if the latex compilation but if the PDF 

309 is corrupted, the log should be checked to see the errors. 

310 """ 

311 latex_exe = find_pdflatex(latex_path) 

312 processed = 0 

313 tried = [] 

314 for subfolder in ['latex', 'elatex']: 

315 build = os.path.join(root, "_doc", "sphinxdoc", "build", subfolder) 

316 if not os.path.exists(build): 

317 build = root 

318 tried.append(build) 

319 for tex in os.listdir(build): 

320 if tex.endswith(".tex") and (afile is None or afile in tex): 

321 processed += 1 

322 file = os.path.join(build, tex) 

323 if doall: 

324 # -interaction=batchmode 

325 c = '"{0}" "{1}" -max-print-line=900 -buf-size=10000000 -output-directory="{2}"'.format( 

326 latex_exe, file, build) 

327 else: 

328 c = '"{0}" "{1}" -max-print-line=900 -buf-size=10000000 -interaction=nonstopmode -output-directory="{2}"'.format( 

329 latex_exe, file, build) 

330 fLOG("[compile_latex_output_final] LATEX compilation (c)", c) 

331 post_process_latex_output(file, doall, latex_book=latex_book, fLOG=fLOG, 

332 custom_latex_processing=custom_latex_processing, 

333 remove_unicode=remove_unicode) 

334 if sys.platform.startswith("win"): 

335 change_path = None 

336 else: 

337 # On Linux the parameter --output-directory is sometimes ignored. 

338 # And it only works from the current directory. 

339 change_path = os.path.split(file)[0] 

340 try: 

341 out, err = run_cmd(c, wait=True, log_error=False, catch_exit=True, communicate=False, 

342 tell_if_no_output=120, fLOG=fLOG, prefix_log="[latex] ", change_path=change_path) 

343 except Exception as e: 

344 # An exception is raised when the return code is an error. We 

345 # check that PDF file was written. 

346 out, err = parse_exception_message(e) 

347 if err is not None and len(err) == 0 and out is not None and "Output written" in out: 

348 # The output was produced. We ignore the return code. 

349 fLOG("WARNINGS: Latex compilation had warnings:", c) 

350 else: 

351 raise OSError( 

352 "Unable to execute\n{0}".format(c)) from e 


354 if len(err) > 0 and "Output written on " not in out: 

355 raise HelpGenException( 

356 "CMD:\n{0}\n[sphinxerror]-6\n{1}\n---OUT:---\n{2}".format(c, err, out)) 


358 # second compilation 

359 fLOG("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") 

360 fLOG("~~~~ LATEX compilation (d)", c) 

361 fLOG("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") 

362 try: 

363 out, err = run_cmd( 

364 c, wait=True, log_error=False, communicate=False, fLOG=fLOG, 

365 tell_if_no_output=600, prefix_log="[latex] ", change_path=change_path) 

366 except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, RunCmdException): 

367 fLOG("[sphinxerror]-5 LATEX ERROR: check the logs") 

368 err = "" 

369 out = "" 

370 fLOG("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") 

371 fLOG("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") 

372 if len(err) > 0 and "Output written on " not in out: 

373 raise HelpGenException(err) 

374 if processed == 0: 

375 raise FileNotFoundError("Unable to find any latex file in folders\n{0}".format( 

376 "\n".join(tried))) 



379def replace_placeholder_by_recent_blogpost(all_tocs, plist, placeholder, nb_post=5, fLOG=fLOG): 

380 """ 

381 Replaces a place holder by a list of blog post. 


383 @param all_tocs list of files to look into 

384 @param plist list of blog post 

385 @param placeholder place holder to replace 

386 @param nb_post number of blog post to display 

387 @param fLOG logging function 

388 """ 

389 def make_link(post): 

390 name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(post.FileName)[-1])[0] 

391 s = """<a href="{{ pathto('',1) }}/blog/%s/%s.html">%s - %s</a>""" % ( 

392 post.Year, name, post.Date, post.Title) 

393 return s 


395 end = min(nb_post, len(plist)) 

396 for toc in all_tocs: 

397 with open(toc, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: 

398 content = f.read() 

399 if placeholder in content: 

400 fLOG(" *** update", toc) 

401 links = [make_link(post) for post in plist[:end]] 

402 content = content.replace(placeholder, "\n<br />".join(links)) 

403 with open(toc, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: 

404 f.write(content) 



407_pattern_images = ".*(([.]png)|([.]gif])|([.]jpeg])|([.]jpg])|([.]svg]))$" 



410def enumerate_copy_images_for_slides(src, dest, pattern=_pattern_images): 

411 """ 

412 Copies images, initial intent was for slides, 

413 once converted into html, link to images are relative to 

414 the folder which contains them, we copy the images from 

415 ``_images`` to ``_downloads``. 


417 @param src sources 

418 @param dest destination 

419 @param pattern see @see fn explore_folder_iterfile 

420 @return enumerator of copied files 

421 """ 

422 iter = explore_folder_iterfile(src, pattern=pattern) 

423 for img in iter: 

424 d = os.path.join(dest, os.path.split(img)[-1]) 

425 if os.path.exists(d): 

426 os.remove(d) 

427 shutil.copy(img, dest) 

428 yield d 



431def format_history(src, dest, format="basic"): 

432 """ 

433 Formats history based on module 

434 `releases <https://github.com/bitprophet/releases>`_. 


436 @param src source history (file) 

437 @param dest destination (file) 


439 Parameter *format* was added. :epkg:`Sphinx` 

440 extension *release* no longer used but the 

441 formatting is still available. 

442 """ 

443 with open(src, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: 

444 lines = f.readlines() 


446 new_lines = [] 

447 if format == "release": 

448 tag = None 

449 for i in range(0, len(lines)): 

450 line = lines[i].rstrip("\r\t\n ") 

451 if line.startswith("===") and i > 0: 

452 rel = lines[i - 1].rstrip("\r\t\n ") 

453 if "." in rel: 

454 del new_lines[-1] 

455 res = "* :release:`{0}`".format(rel) 

456 res = res.replace("(", "<").replace(")", ">") 

457 if new_lines[-1].startswith("==="): 

458 new_lines.append("") 

459 new_lines.append(res) 

460 tag = None 

461 else: 

462 new_lines.append(line) 

463 elif len(line) > 0: 

464 if line.startswith("**"): 

465 ll = line.lower().strip("*") 

466 if ll in ('bug', 'bugfix', 'bugfixes'): 

467 tag = "bug" 

468 elif ll in ('features', 'feature'): 

469 tag = "feature" 

470 elif ll in ('support', 'support'): 

471 tag = "support" 

472 else: 

473 raise ValueError( 

474 "Line {0}, unable to infer tag from '{1}'".format(i, line)) 

475 else: 

476 nline = line.lstrip("* ") 

477 if nline.startswith("`"): 

478 if tag is None: 

479 tag = 'issue' 

480 res = "* :{0}:{1}".format(tag, nline) 

481 if new_lines[-1].startswith("==="): 

482 new_lines.append("") 

483 new_lines.append(res) 

484 elif nline.startswith("#"): 

485 if tag is None: 

486 tag = 'issue' 

487 spl = nline.split(':') 

488 nb, doc = spl[0], ':'.join(spl[1:]) 

489 res = "* :{0}:`{1}`: {2}".format( 

490 tag, nb.strip("#"), doc.strip(' ')) 

491 if new_lines[-1].startswith("==="): 

492 new_lines.append("") 

493 new_lines.append(res) 

494 else: 

495 new_lines.append(line) 

496 if line.startswith(".. _"): 

497 new_lines.append("") 

498 elif format == "basic": 

499 reg = re.compile( 

500 "(.*?)((`([0-9]+)`:)|([#]([0-9]+):))(.*?)[(]([-0-9]{10})[)]") 

501 for line in lines: 

502 match = reg.search(line) 

503 if match: 

504 gr = match.groups() 

505 issue = gr[3] 

506 if issue is None or len(issue) == 0: 

507 issue = gr[5] 

508 desc = gr[6].strip() 

509 date = gr[7].strip() 

510 new_line = "{0}:issue:`{1}`: {2} ({3})".format( 

511 gr[0], issue, desc, date) 

512 new_lines.append(new_line) 

513 else: 

514 new_lines.append(line.strip("\n\r")) 

515 else: 

516 raise ValueError("Unexpected value for format '{0}'".format(format)) 


518 with open(dest, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: 

519 f.write("\n".join(new_lines))