module filehelper.encryption

Inheritance diagram of pyquickhelper.filehelper.encryption

Short summary

module pyquickhelper.filehelper.encryption

Encryption functionalities.

Inspired from AES encryption of files in Python with PyCrypto

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truncated documentation


raised if an issue happen during encryption



truncated documentation


Takes the output of open_input_output() and closes streams and return expected values.


Decrypts a file using AES (CBC mode) with the given key. The function relies on module pycrypto, cryptography, …


Encrypts a file using AES (CBC mode) with the given key. The function relies on module pycrypto, cryptography, …


Returns an encryptor with method encrypt and decrypt.


Converts filename and out_filename as streams.


Encryption functionalities.

Inspired from AES encryption of files in Python with PyCrypto

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exception pyquickhelper.filehelper.encryption.EncryptionError[source]

Bases: Exception

raised if an issue happen during encryption

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pyquickhelper.filehelper.encryption.close_input_output(in_size, in_close, in_stream, out_close, out_return, out_stream)[source]

Takes the output of open_input_output and closes streams and return expected values.

  • in_size – size of input

  • in_close – should it close the input stream

  • in_stream – input stream

  • out_close – should it closes the output stream

  • out_return – should it returns something

  • out_stream – output stream


None or content of output stream

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pyquickhelper.filehelper.encryption.decrypt_stream(key, filename, out_filename=None, chunksize=24576, algo='AES')[source]

Decrypts a file using AES (CBC mode) with the given key. The function relies on module pycrypto, cryptography, algoritm AES, Fernet.

  • key – The encryption key - a string that must be either 16, 24 or 32 bytes long. Longer keys are more secure. If the data to encrypt is in bytes, the key must be given in bytes too.

  • filename – bytes or Name of the input file

  • out_filename – if None, the returns bytes

  • chunksize – Sets the size of the chunk which the function uses to read and encrypt the file. Larger chunk sizes can be faster for some files and machines. chunksize must be divisible by 16.

  • algo – AES (pycryptodomex) of or fernet (cryptography)


filename or bytes

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pyquickhelper.filehelper.encryption.encrypt_stream(key, filename, out_filename=None, chunksize=262144, algo='AES')[source]

Encrypts a file using AES (CBC mode) with the given key. The function relies on module pycrypto, cryptography, algoritm AES, Fernet.

  • key – The encryption key - a string that must be either 16, 24 or 32 bytes long. Longer keys are more secure. If the data to encrypt is in bytes, the key must be given in bytes too.

  • filename – bytes or Name of the input file

  • out_filename – if None, the returns bytes

  • chunksize – Sets the size of the chunk which the function uses to read and encrypt the file. Larger chunk sizes can be faster for some files and machines. chunksize must be divisible by 16.

  • algo – AES (PyCryptodomex) of or fernet (cryptography)


filename or bytes

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pyquickhelper.filehelper.encryption.get_encryptor(key, algo='AES', chunksize=16777216, **params)[source]

Returns an encryptor with method encrypt and decrypt.

  • key – key

  • algo – AES or fernet

  • chunksize – Fernet does not allow streaming

  • params – additional parameters


encryptor, origsize

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pyquickhelper.filehelper.encryption.open_input_output(filename, out_filename=None)[source]

Converts filename and out_filename as streams.

  • filename – bytes or filename or BytesIO

  • out_filename – BytesIO or filename or None


in_size, in_close, in_stream, out_close, out_return, out_stream

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