module helpgen.utils_sphinx_config

Short summary

module pyquickhelper.helpgen.utils_sphinx_config

Check various settings.

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truncated documentation




Overwrites function getsitepackages which does not work for a virtual environment.


Tries to local an image in the module for help generation in a folder _doc.


Retrieves a name or a url of the image if it is not found in the local folder or a subfolder.


Check various settings.

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pyquickhelper.helpgen.utils_sphinx_config.NbImage(*name, repository=None, force_github=False, width=None, branch='master', row_height=200, background=(255, 255, 255))[source]

Retrieves a name or a url of the image if it is not found in the local folder or a subfolder.

  • name – image name (name.png) (or multiple names)

  • force_github – force the system to retrieve the image from GitHub

  • repository – repository, see below

  • width – to modify the width

  • branch – branch

  • row_height – row height if there are multiple images

  • background – background color (only if there multiple images)


an Image object

We assume the image is retrieved from a notebook. This function will display an image even though the notebook is not run from the sources. IPython must be installed.

if repository is None, then the function will use the variable module.__github__ to guess the location of the image. The function is able to retrieve an image in a subfolder. Displays a better message if __github__ was not found.

See notebook Image and Images.

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pyquickhelper.helpgen.utils_sphinx_config._NbImage(url, width=None)[source]
pyquickhelper.helpgen.utils_sphinx_config._NbImage_path(name, repository=None, force_github=False, branch='master')[source]

Overwrites function getsitepackages which does not work for a virtual environment.


site-package somewhere

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Tries to local an image in the module for help generation in a folder _doc.


image_name – path


local file

When a notebook is taken out from the sources, the image using NbImage cannot be displayed because the function cannot guess from which project it was taken. The function was entering an infinite loop. The function can deal with subfolder and not only the folder which contains the notebook.

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