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3@brief Manipulate :epkg:`RSS` streams. 


5import os 

6from ..rss.rss_helper import enumerate_rss_merge, to_rss, to_html 



9def compile_rss_blogs(links, url, description, 

10 template=None, title="BLOG", 

11 author="AUTHOR", keywords="blog,python", 

12 out_html="index.html", out_rss="rssfile.xml", 

13 validate=None, fLOG=print): 

14 """ 

15 Compiles multiple blogs in one single blog. Uses 

16 :epkg:`RSS` files. 


18 :param links: list of urls of blogs to merge 

19 :param url: publishing url 

20 :param description: description of the aggregation 

21 :param title: title of the aggregation 

22 :param author: author of the aggregation 

23 :param keywords: keywords for the blog post 

24 :param template: change the template for the blog aggregation 

25 :param out_html: output :epkg:`HTML` 

26 :param out_rss: output :epkg:`RSS` 

27 :param validate: None or a function to validate a blog post, 

28 ``validate(blog: BlogPost) -> bool`` 

29 :param fLOG: logging function 

30 """ 

31 collect = [] 

32 for i, blog in enumerate( 

33 enumerate_rss_merge( 

34 links, title=title, min_size=None)): 

35 fLOG("[compile_rss_blogs] reading blog {0}: {1} - '{2}'".format( 

36 i, blog.pubDate, 

37 if validate in (None, '') or validate(blog): 

38 collect.append(blog) 


40 fLOG("[compile_rss_blogs] create '{0}'".format(out_rss)) 

41 rss = to_rss(collect, url, description) 

42 with open(out_rss, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: 

43 f.write(rss) 


45 fLOG("[compile_rss_blogs] create '{0}'".format(out_html)) 

46 html = to_html(collect, template=template, title=title, 

47 author=author, keywords=keywords, 

48 header=description, rssfile=os.path.split(out_rss)[-1]) 

49 with open(out_html, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: 

50 f.write(html)