


truncated documentation


module python3_module_template Module python3_module_template. Empty module, template for others. source on GitHub


module python3_module_template.subproject2.exclude_from_code_coverage This file is excluded from the code coverage while running unit test. See to see how to configurate this option. source on GitHub


module python3_module_template.subproject.myexample This the documentation of this module (myexampleb). source on GitHub


module python3_module_template.subproject2.myexample2 This the documentation of this module (myexample2). To make a reference to a blog post, just read 2016-06-11 Make a reference to a blog post. The following documentation comes from a directive runpython which outputs documentation on the standard output:: .. runpython:: :showcode: for l in range(0,10): print(” line”, l) Which gives: .. runpython:: :showcode: for l in range(0,10): print(” line”, l) And without the input code: .. runpython:: for l in range(0,10): print(” line”, l) You can also add option rst:: .. runpython:: :rst: for l in range(0,10): print(”line”, “*” +str(l)+”*”) print(‘’) Which displays interpreted RST: .. runpython:: :rst: for l in range(0,10): print(”line”, “*” +str(l)+”*”) print(‘’) It can be run in a separate process with option :process: (click on source): .. runpython:: :process: import python3_module_template import os print(os.path.split(python3_module_template.__file__)[-1]) source on GitHub


module python3_module_template.subproject.myexampleb This the documentation of this module (myexampleb). source on GitHub