Source code for td3a_cpp_deep.fcts.piecewise_linear

Piecewise linear functions.
import torch
from torch.autograd import Function
from .piecewise_linear_c import (

[docs]class PiecewiseLinearFunction(Function): """ Implements a function similar to a piecewise linear function. It multiplies by different coefficient on negative and positive number. It takes a tensor of shape (N, 1). """ @staticmethod def forward(ctx, x, alpha_neg, alpha_pos): sign = (x >= 0).to(torch.float32) weight = (sign * alpha_pos + (- sign + 1) * alpha_neg) ctx.save_for_backward(x, sign, weight) output = x * weight return output @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): x, sign, weight = ctx.saved_tensors grad_x = weight grad_alpha_neg = ( x * grad_output * (- sign + 1)).sum(dim=0, keepdim=True) grad_alpha_pos = ( x * grad_output * sign).sum(dim=0, keepdim=True) return grad_x, grad_alpha_neg, grad_alpha_pos
[docs]class PiecewiseLinearFunctionC(Function): """ Same function as :class:`PiecewiseLinearFunction <td3a_cpp_deep.fcts.piecewise_linear.PiecewiseLinearFunction>` but the implementation of forward and backward functions are done in C. See :func:`piecewise_linear_forward <td3a_cpp_deep.fcts.piecewise_linear_c.piecewise_linear_forward>` and :func:`piecewise_linear_backward <td3a_cpp_deep.fcts.piecewise_linear_c.piecewise_linear_backward>`. It follows the tutorial :epkg:`Custom C++ and Cuda Extensions`. """ @staticmethod def forward(ctx, x, alpha_neg, alpha_pos): outputs = piecewise_linear_forward(x, alpha_neg, alpha_pos) ctx.save_for_backward(*outputs[1:]) return outputs[0] @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): x, sign, weight = ctx.saved_tensors weight, grad_alpha_neg, grad_alpha_pos = piecewise_linear_backward( grad_output, x, sign, weight) return weight, grad_alpha_neg, grad_alpha_pos
class PiecewiseLinearFunctionCBetter(Function): """ Same function as :class:`PiecewiseLinearFunctionC <td3a_cpp_deep.fcts.piecewise_linear.PiecewiseLinearFunctionC>`, the implementation of forward and backward are is reducing the memory allocations. """ @staticmethod def forward(ctx, x, alpha_neg, alpha_pos): outputs = piecewise_linear_forward_better(x, alpha_neg, alpha_pos) ctx.save_for_backward(*outputs[1:]) return outputs[0] @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): x, sign, weight = ctx.saved_tensors weight, grad_alpha_neg, grad_alpha_pos = ( piecewise_linear_backward_better(grad_output, x, sign, weight)) return weight, grad_alpha_neg, grad_alpha_pos