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2015-08-30 Le coup de fil aléatoire

Bonjour, je souhaiterais joindre Miss A ?

Désolé, ce n'est pas elle.

Excusez-moi, je vérifie les contacts dans une base de données, vous êtes bien au 06.XX.XX.XX.XX ?



Et vous êtes ?

Euh... Tu ne chercherais pas à remplir ta base de données plutôt que de la vérifier ?


2015-08-24 Open the notebook with a different browser

I was looking for an easy to launch the notebook server with a different browser than the default one. I created a batch file (for Windows but easily adaptable to Linux):

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Python34_x64;C:\Python34_x64\Scripts
set PYTHONPATH=<extra_path>;%PYTHONPATH%
set BROWSER="C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
jupyter-notebook --notebook-dir=<your_folder_for_notebooks> --port=XXXX

The notebook opens on Chrome with the following url http://localhost:XXXX.

2015-08-23 Building xgboost on Windows for Python

I'm unlucky. The day I decide to deal with xgboost on Windows, a couple of hours later, I see a commit which does that. xgboost is now on pipy even if the version for Python 3 is not ready yet (Missing parentheses in call to 'print').


2015-08-19 Smart Cities, IoT

IoT signife Internet Of Things ou plus simplement les objets connectés. Les objets qui nous entourent enregistrent des données et en retour nous permettent de mieux interagir avec notre environnement. On peut tenter d'apprivoiser ces données sans porter atteinte à notre vie privée au travers d'une utilisation plus collective. C'est dans cet esprit que se développe le concept de Smart Cities ou ville intelligente. A Paris, les données velib sont ouvertes et permettent quelques analyses assez précises : Busy areas in Paris. Mais ce n'est pas la seule : The Top 10 Smart Cities On The Planet, The Top 10 Smartest Cities in North America, How 12 cities are charting a course to being truly "smart". Les objets connectés ont même leur journal : The #IoTOlympiad Daily. Et la communauté européenne s'y intéresse depuis 2011 : Smart Cities and Communities, The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities. Quelques histoires plus précises sur la ville de Rio : Big Events And Big Data Are Redefining Rio, Tomorrow's cities: Rio de Janeiro's bid to become a smart city.

Un petit intermède technique : An Introduction to Deep Learning and it’s role for IoT/ future cities, Mapping Smart City Standards.

Maintenant, souhaite-t-on vivre dans une ville connectée, voire incroyablement connectée ? Cela veut implicitement dire que chacun de nos gestes sera épié par un capteur mais pas nécessairement que ce capteur saura nous identifier. Quelques éléments de réflexion : Tomorrow's cities: How big data is changing the world" Tomorrow's cities: Do you want to live in a smart city? Smart Cities and Economic Development: What to Consider

2015-08-17 Github, Gitlab, Gogs

I use GitHub for my open source project and GitLab at my school. But I prefer GitHub interface so maybe I'll try to switch to gogs. See Gogs, an alternative to Gitlab, it seems quite efficient and works on all plaforms even if it does not implement all features yet.

2015-08-14 IPython becomes Jupyter

It was announced on their blog but the module IPython was split in many modules. Here is the list I needed to install while upgrading to Jupyter 4.0.


With Anaconda, you get all these updates by typing: conda install jupyter.

2015-08-02 Which version of R to install for bigmemory?

While trying to install a package for R on Windows, I realized not all of them are available for the latest version. The package bigmemory does not seem to exist on Windows (click on the link). However after a couple of web searches, you can find that the instruction might work:

install.packages("bigmemory", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")

But it does not work on the latest version, only R-3.1. That's what this page indicates: R Development Page (click on this link).

Xavier Dupré