Source code for onnxmltools.utils.tests_helper

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import pickle
import os
import warnings
import numpy
from onnx.defs import onnx_opset_version
from onnxconverter_common.onnx_ex import DEFAULT_OPSET_NUMBER
from ..convert.common.data_types import FloatTensorType
from .utils_backend import compare_backend, extract_options, evaluate_condition, is_backend_enabled

TARGET_OPSET = min(DEFAULT_OPSET_NUMBER, onnx_opset_version())

[docs]def dump_data_and_model(data, model, onnx=None, basename="model", folder=None, inputs=None, backend="onnxruntime", context=None, allow_failure=None, verbose=False): """ Saves data with pickle, saves the model with pickle and *onnx*, runs and saves the predictions for the given model. This function is used to test a backend (runtime) for *onnx*. :param data: any kind of data :param model: any model :param onnx: *onnx* model or *None* to use *onnxmltools* to convert it only if the model accepts one float vector :param basemodel: three files are writen ``<basename>.data.pkl``, ``<basename>.model.pkl``, ``<basename>.model.onnx`` :param folder: files are written in this folder, it is created if it does not exist, if *folder* is None, it looks first in environment variable ``ONNXTESTDUMP``, otherwise, it is placed into ``'tests'``. :param inputs: standard type or specific one if specified, only used is parameter *onnx* is None :param backend: backend used to compare expected output and runtime output. Two options are currently supported: None for no test, `'onnxruntime'` to use module *onnxruntime*. :param context: used if the model contains a custom operator :param allow_failure: None to raise an exception if comparison fails for the backends, otherwise a string which is then evaluated to check whether or not the test can fail, example: ``"StrictVersion(onnx.__version__) < StrictVersion('1.3.0')"`` :param verbose: prints more information when it fails :return: the created files Some convention for the name, *Bin* for a binary classifier, *Mcl* for a multiclass classifier, *Reg* for a regressor, *MRg* for a multi-regressor. The name can contain some flags. Expected outputs refer to the outputs computed with the original library, computed outputs refer to the outputs computed with a ONNX runtime. * ``-CannotLoad``: the model can be converted but the runtime cannot load it * ``-Dec3``: compares expected and computed outputs up to 3 decimals (5 by default) * ``-Dec4``: compares expected and computed outputs up to 4 decimals (5 by default) * ``-NoProb``: The original models computed probabilites for two classes *size=(N, 2)* but the runtime produces a vector of size *N*, the test will compare the second column to the column * ``-OneOff``: the ONNX runtime cannot computed the prediction for several inputs, it must be called for each of them and computed output. * ``-Out0``: only compares the first output on both sides * ``-Reshape``: merges all outputs into one single vector and resizes it before comparing * ``-SkipDim1``: before comparing expected and computed output, arrays with a shape like *(2, 1, 2)* becomes *(2, 2)* If the *backend* is not None, the function either raises an exception if the comparison between the expected outputs and the backend outputs fails or it saves the backend output and adds it to the results. """ runtime_test = dict(model=model, data=data) if folder is None: folder = os.environ.get('ONNXTESTDUMP', 'tests/temp') if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) if hasattr(model, "predict"): import lightgbm import xgboost if isinstance(model, lightgbm.Booster): # LightGBM Booster model_dict = model.dump_model() if model_dict['objective'].startswith('binary'): score = model.predict(data) if len(score.shape) < 2 or score.shape[1] == 1: score = score.ravel() score = numpy.vstack([1-score, score]).T prediction = [score[:, 1] > 0.5, score] elif model_dict['objective'].startswith('multiclass'): score = model.predict(data) prediction = [score.argmax(axis=1), score] else: prediction = [model.predict(data)] elif isinstance(model, xgboost.Booster): # XGBoost Booster from ..convert.xgboost._parse import _get_attributes from xgboost import DMatrix datax = DMatrix(data) model_dict = _get_attributes(model) if model_dict['objective'].startswith('binary'): score = model.predict(datax) prediction = [score > 0.5, numpy.vstack([1-score, score]).T] elif model_dict['objective'].startswith('multi:softprob'): score = model.predict(datax) prediction = [score.argmax(axis=1), score] elif model_dict['objective'].startswith('multi:softmax'): score = model.predict(datax, output_margin=True) prediction = [score.argmax(axis=1), score] else: prediction = [model.predict(datax)] elif hasattr(model, "predict_proba"): # Classifier prediction = [model.predict(data), model.predict_proba(data)] elif hasattr(model, "predict_with_probabilities"): # Classifier that returns all in one go prediction = model.predict_with_probabilities(data) elif hasattr(model, "decision_function"): # Classifier without probabilities prediction = [model.predict(data), model.decision_function(data)] elif hasattr(model, "layers"): # Keras if len(model.input_names) != 1: raise NotImplemented("Only neural network with one input are supported") prediction = [model.predict(data)] else: # Regressor prediction = [model.predict(data)] elif hasattr(model, "transform"): prediction = model.transform(data) else: raise TypeError("Model has not predict or transform method: {0}".format(type(model))) runtime_test['expected'] = prediction names = [] dest = os.path.join(folder, basename + ".expected.pkl") names.append(dest) with open(dest, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(prediction, f) dest = os.path.join(folder, basename + ".data.pkl") names.append(dest) with open(dest, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(data, f) dest = os.path.join(folder, basename + ".model.pkl") names.append(dest) with open(dest, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(model, f) if onnx is None: array = numpy.array(data) if inputs is None: inputs = [('input', FloatTensorType(list(array.shape)))] onnx, _ = convert_model(model, basename, inputs) dest = os.path.join(folder, basename + ".model.onnx") names.append(dest) with open(dest, "wb") as f: f.write(onnx.SerializeToString()) runtime_test["onnx"] = dest # backend if backend is not None: if not isinstance(backend, list): backend = [backend] for b in backend: if not is_backend_enabled(b): continue if isinstance(allow_failure, str): allow = evaluate_condition(b, allow_failure) else: allow = allow_failure if allow is None: output = compare_backend(b, runtime_test, options=extract_options(basename), context=context, verbose=verbose) else: try: output = compare_backend(b, runtime_test, options=extract_options(basename), context=context, verbose=verbose) except AssertionError as e: if isinstance(allow, bool) and allow: warnings.warn("Issue with '{0}' due to {1}".format(basename, e)) continue else: raise e if output is not None: dest = os.path.join(folder, basename + ".backend.{0}.pkl".format(b)) names.append(dest) with open(dest, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(output, f) return names
def convert_model(model, name, input_types, without_onnx_ml=False, **kwargs): """ Runs the appropriate conversion method. :param model: model :return: *onnx* model """ from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator if model.__class__.__name__.startswith("LGBM"): from onnxmltools.convert import convert_lightgbm model, prefix = convert_lightgbm(model, name, input_types, without_onnx_ml=without_onnx_ml, **kwargs), "LightGbm" elif model.__class__.__name__.startswith("XGB"): from onnxmltools.convert import convert_xgboost model, prefix = convert_xgboost(model, name, input_types, **kwargs), "XGB" elif model.__class__.__name__ == 'Booster': import lightgbm if isinstance(model, lightgbm.Booster): from onnxmltools.convert import convert_lightgbm model, prefix = convert_lightgbm(model, name, input_types, without_onnx_ml=without_onnx_ml, **kwargs), "LightGbm" else: raise RuntimeError("Unable to convert model of type '{0}'.".format(type(model))) elif model.__class__.__name__.startswith("CatBoost"): from onnxmltools.convert import convert_catboost model, prefix = convert_catboost(model, name, input_types, **kwargs), "CatBoost" elif isinstance(model, BaseEstimator): from onnxmltools.convert import convert_sklearn model, prefix = convert_sklearn(model, name, input_types, **kwargs), "Sklearn" else: from onnxmltools.convert import convert_coreml model, prefix = convert_coreml(model, name, input_types, **kwargs), "Cml" if model is None: raise RuntimeError("Unable to convert model of type '{0}'.".format(type(model))) return model, prefix def dump_one_class_classification(model, suffix="", folder=None, allow_failure=None): """ Trains and dumps a model for a One Class outlier problem. The function trains a model and calls :func:`dump_data_and_model`. :param model: any model following *scikit-learn* API :param suffix: added to filenames :param folder: where to save the file :param allow_failure: None to raise an exception if comparison fails for the backends, otherwise a string which is then evaluated to check whether or not the test can fail, example: ``"StrictVersion(onnx.__version__) < StrictVersion('1.3.0')"`` :return: output of :func:`dump_data_and_model` Every created filename will follow the pattern: ``<folder>/<prefix><task><classifier-name><suffix>.<data|expected|model|onnx>.<pkl|onnx>``. """ X = [[0., 1.], [1., 1.], [2., 0.]] X = numpy.array(X, dtype=numpy.float32) y = [1, 1, 1], y) model_onnx, prefix = convert_model(model, 'one_class', [('input', FloatTensorType([None, 2]))], target_opset=TARGET_OPSET) return dump_data_and_model(X, model, model_onnx, folder=folder, allow_failure=allow_failure, basename=prefix + "One" + model.__class__.__name__ + suffix) def dump_binary_classification(model, suffix="", folder=None, allow_failure=None, verbose=False): """ Trains and dumps a model for a binary classification problem. :param model: any model following *scikit-learn* API :param suffix: added to filenames :param folder: where to save the file :param allow_failure: None to raise an exception if comparison fails for the backends, otherwise a string which is then evaluated to check whether or not the test can fail, example: ``"StrictVersion(onnx.__version__) < StrictVersion('1.3.0')"`` :param verbose: prints more information when it fails :return: output of :func:`dump_data_and_model` Every created filename will follow the pattern: ``<folder>/<prefix><task><classifier-name><suffix>.<data|expected|model|onnx>.<pkl|onnx>``. """ X = [[0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 0]] X = numpy.array(X, dtype=numpy.float32) y = [0, 1, 0], y) model_onnx, prefix = convert_model(model, 'tree-based binary classifier', [('input', FloatTensorType([None, 2]))], target_opset=TARGET_OPSET) dump_data_and_model(X, model, model_onnx, folder=folder, allow_failure=allow_failure, basename=prefix + "Bin" + model.__class__.__name__ + suffix, verbose=verbose) def dump_multiple_classification(model, suffix="", folder=None, allow_failure=None): """ Trains and dumps a model for a binary classification problem. :param model: any model following *scikit-learn* API :param suffix: added to filenames :param folder: where to save the file :param allow_failure: None to raise an exception if comparison fails for the backends, otherwise a string which is then evaluated to check whether or not the test can fail, example: ``"StrictVersion(onnx.__version__) < StrictVersion('1.3.0')"`` :return: output of :func:`dump_data_and_model` Every created filename will follow the pattern: ``<folder>/<prefix><task><classifier-name><suffix>.<data|expected|model|onnx>.<pkl|onnx>``. """ X = [[0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 0], [0.5, 0.5], [1.1, 1.1], [2.1, 0.1]] X = numpy.array(X, dtype=numpy.float32) y = [0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2], y) model_onnx, prefix = convert_model(model, 'tree-based multi-output regressor', [('input', FloatTensorType([None, 2]))], target_opset=TARGET_OPSET) dump_data_and_model(X, model, model_onnx, folder=folder, allow_failure=allow_failure, basename=prefix + "Mcl" + model.__class__.__name__ + suffix) def dump_multiple_regression(model, suffix="", folder=None, allow_failure=None): """ Trains and dumps a model for a multi regression problem. :param model: any model following *scikit-learn* API :param suffix: added to filenames :param folder: where to save the file :param allow_failure: None to raise an exception if comparison fails for the backends, otherwise a string which is then evaluated to check whether or not the test can fail, example: ``"StrictVersion(onnx.__version__) < StrictVersion('1.3.0')"`` :return: output of :func:`dump_data_and_model` Every created filename will follow the pattern: ``<folder>/<prefix><task><classifier-name><suffix>.<data|expected|model|onnx>.<pkl|onnx>``. """ X = [[0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 0]] X = numpy.array(X, dtype=numpy.float32) y = numpy.array([[100, 50], [100, 49], [100, 99]], dtype=numpy.float32), y) model_onnx, prefix = convert_model(model, 'tree-based multi-output regressor', [('input', FloatTensorType([None, 2]))], target_opset=TARGET_OPSET) dump_data_and_model(X, model, model_onnx, folder=folder, allow_failure=allow_failure, basename=prefix + "MRg" + model.__class__.__name__ + suffix) def dump_single_regression(model, suffix="", folder=None, allow_failure=None): """ Trains and dumps a model for a regression problem. :param model: any model following *scikit-learn* API :param prefix: library name :param suffix: added to filenames :param folder: where to save the file :param allow_failure: None to raise an exception if comparison fails for the backends, otherwise a string which is then evaluated to check whether or not the test can fail, example: ``"StrictVersion(onnx.__version__) < StrictVersion('1.3.0')"`` :return: output of :func:`dump_data_and_model` Every created filename will follow the pattern: ``<folder>/<prefix><task><classifier-name><suffix>.<data|expected|model|onnx>.<pkl|onnx>``. """ X = [[0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 0]] X = numpy.array(X, dtype=numpy.float32) y = numpy.array([100, -10, 50], dtype=numpy.float32), y) model_onnx, prefix = convert_model(model, 'tree-based regressor', [('input', FloatTensorType([None, 2]))], target_opset=TARGET_OPSET) dump_data_and_model(X, model, model_onnx, folder=folder, allow_failure=allow_failure, basename=prefix + "Reg" + model.__class__.__name__ + suffix) def make_report_backend(folder): """ Looks into a folder for dumped files after the unit tests. """ res = {} files = os.listdir(folder) for name in files: if name.endswith(".expected.pkl"): model = name.split(".")[0] if model not in res: res[model] = {} res[model]["_tested"] = True elif '.backend.' in name: bk = name.split(".backend.")[-1].split(".")[0] model = name.split(".")[0] if model not in res: res[model] = {} res[model][bk] = True def dict_update(d, u): d.update(u) return d aslist = [dict_update(dict(_model=k), v) for k, v in res.items()] return aslist