module sql.file_text_binary_columns

Inheritance diagram of pyensae.sql.file_text_binary_columns

Short summary

module pyensae.sql.file_text_binary_columns

contains a class which iterations on rows of a text file structured as a table.

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This class opens a text file as if it were a binary file. It can deal with null characters. The file is interpreted …

Static Methods


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Stores a list of dictionaries into a file (add a header).


Does a fusion between several files with the same columns (different order is allowed).



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Returns the header.


Closes the file and remove all information related to the format, next time it is opened, the format will be checked …



Opens the file and find out if there is a header, what are the columns, what are their type.


Sorts a text file, even a big one, one or several columns gives the order.


contains a class which iterations on rows of a text file structured as a table.

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class pyensae.sql.file_text_binary_columns.TextFileColumns(filename, errors=None, fLOG=<function noLOG>, force_header=False, changes=None, force_noheader=False, regex=None, filter=None, fields=None, keep_text_when_bad_type=False, break_at=-1, strip_space=True, force_sep=None, nb_line_guess=100, mistake=3, encoding='utf-8', strict_separator=False)

Bases: TextFile

This class opens a text file as if it were a binary file. It can deal with null characters. The file is interpreted as a TSV file or file containing columns. The separator is found automatically. The columns are assumed to be in the first line but it is not mandatory. It walks along a file through an iterator, every line is automatically converted into a dictionary { column : value }. If the class was able to guess what type is which column, the conversion will automatically take place.

f = TextFileColumns(filename)
        # filename is a file
        # the separator is unknown --> the class automatically determines it
        # as well as the columns and their type
for d in f:
    print(d)       # d is a dictionary




there is a header even if not detected


there is no header even if detected


replace the columns name


impose a regular expression to interpret a line instead of the automatically built one


it is a function which takes a dictionary and returns a boolean which tells if the line must considered or not


name of the columns (if there is no header)

Spaces and non-ascii characters cannot be used to name a column. This name must be a named group for a regular expression.

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  • filename – filename

  • errors – see str (errors = …)

  • fLOG – LOG function, see fLOG

  • force_header – defines the first line as columns header whatever is it relevant or not

  • changes – to change the column name, gives the correspondence, example: { “query”:”query___” }, it can be a list if there is no header and you want to name any column

  • force_noheader – there is no header at all

  • regex – specify a different regular expression (only if changes is a list) if it is a dictionary, the class will replace the default by the one associated in regex for this field

  • filter – None if there is no filter, otherwise it is a function which takes a dictionary and returns a boolean which tells if the line must considered or not

  • fields – when the header is not here, these fields will name the columns

  • keep_text_when_bad_type – keep the value when the conversion type does not word

  • break_at – if != -1, stop when this limit is reached

  • strip_space – remove space around columns if True

  • force_sep – if != None, impose a column separator

  • nb_line_guess – number of lines used to guess types

  • mistake – not more than mistake conversion in numbers are allowed

  • encoding – encoding

  • strict_separator – strict number of columns, it assumes there is no separator in the content of every column

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__init__(filename, errors=None, fLOG=<function noLOG>, force_header=False, changes=None, force_noheader=False, regex=None, filter=None, fields=None, keep_text_when_bad_type=False, break_at=-1, strip_space=True, force_sep=None, nb_line_guess=100, mistake=3, encoding='utf-8', strict_separator=False)
  • filename – filename

  • errors – see str (errors = …)

  • fLOG

    LOG function, see fLOG

  • force_header – defines the first line as columns header whatever is it relevant or not

  • changes – to change the column name, gives the correspondence, example: { “query”:”query___” }, it can be a list if there is no header and you want to name any column

  • force_noheader – there is no header at all

  • regex – specify a different regular expression (only if changes is a list) if it is a dictionary, the class will replace the default by the one associated in regex for this field

  • filter – None if there is no filter, otherwise it is a function which takes a dictionary and returns a boolean which tells if the line must considered or not

  • fields – when the header is not here, these fields will name the columns

  • keep_text_when_bad_type – keep the value when the conversion type does not word

  • break_at – if != -1, stop when this limit is reached

  • strip_space – remove space around columns if True

  • force_sep – if != None, impose a column separator

  • nb_line_guess – number of lines used to guess types

  • mistake – not more than mistake conversion in numbers are allowed

  • encoding – encoding

  • strict_separator – strict number of columns, it assumes there is no separator in the content of every column

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a dictionary { column_name: value }

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Returns the header.

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static _store(output, la, encoding='utf-8')

Stores a list of dictionaries into a file (add a header).

  • output – filename

  • la – list of dictionary key:value

  • encoding – encoding


format is utf-8

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Closes the file and remove all information related to the format, next time it is opened, the format will be checked again.

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static fusion(key, files, output, force_header=False, encoding='utf-8', fLOG=<function noLOG>)

Does a fusion between several files with the same columns (different order is allowed).

  • key – columns to be compared

  • files – list of files

  • output – output file

  • force_header – impose the first line as a header

  • encoding – encoding

  • fLOG – logging function


We assume all files are sorted depending on columns in key

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the columns

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Opens the file and find out if there is a header, what are the columns, what are their type… any information about which format was found is logged.

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sort(output, key, maxmemory=268435456, folder=None, fLOG=<function noLOG>)

Sorts a text file, even a big one, one or several columns gives the order.

  • output – output file result

  • key – lines sorted depending of these columns

  • maxmemory – a file is split into smaller files which contains not more than maxmemory lines

  • folder – the function needs to create temporary files, this folder will contain them before they get removed

  • fLOG – logging function



We assume this file is not opened.

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